Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 182 Adoption

Lin Lan's face immediately turned rosy by Yinxue's words, and he kept backing away and stretched out his own hand.

"I said let's talk about it, don't touch me, okay?"

Yinxue covered her mouth and smirked, and patted Lin Lan on the head lightly.

"You guys are really cute.

After finishing speaking, Yinxue turned the car key and drove towards home.

"I've been very busy recently, so I don't have time to take care of you. If you're hungry and have no money, call me, and I'll transfer money to your account.

Lin Lan heard it, and hugged Yinxue suddenly and said loudly.

"Modern Living God of Wealth! My mother!"

Yinxue was frightened by Lin Lan's move, so she also said hastily.

"Driving, don't act like this."

Lin Lan pretended to wipe his eyes, sniffed, looked out the window and said.

"I've grown up so much, it's the first time someone treats me so well!"

Yinxue smiled and didn't continue to say more, but because of work, Yinxue had to put Lin Lan by the bridge and left in a hurry.

Lin Lan watched Yinxue drive away, couldn't help smiling slightly, and said with his hands on his hips.

"Anyway, when I go home, I just walk across this bridge and get home. It's great."

Lin Lan was walking on the bridge, and when 457 and Lin Lan reached the middle position, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Obviously this is the busiest traffic area, why is there no car during this time? What happened?"

Suddenly, there was a beeping sound under the bridge, and in an instant, Lin Lan fell suddenly.

Lin Lan was stunned, and looked to both sides in a daze.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Lan looked at the deep sea below, and suddenly, Yinxue appeared on the side of the road and jumped directly from above.

"Catch me! I got the word here! I'm sorry! I shouldn't be thinking about work!"

Lin Lan watched the ice bridge flying towards him, only to see a tentacle suddenly sprang out from the sea surface, smashing the ice surface directly.

Yinxue was also sent flying into the air, and Lin Lan looked at the monster below.

"Sister Yinxue, forget it, I can't let you fall into such a difficult subject."

Lin Lan stretched out his own hand, and a golden barrier appeared around the bridge at this moment, and everyone was blocked from the outside.

When Lin Lan fell into the deep sea, the monster inside did not do any harm to Lin Lan, but stared at Lin Lan instead.

Lin Lan found that he could (ceab) breathe freely in the river and looked at the monster in front of him suspiciously.

Seeing the monster's head gently rubbing against Lin Lan's face, Lin Lan's eyes widened.

"what happened?"

Lin Lan looked at the monster and suddenly found a thousand ministers.

Lin Lan put his hand on the thousand characters, and a golden light bloomed.

A voice came from the surroundings, and Lin Lan looked around with doubts in his eyes.

"This is a great gift from me, and you will be recognized by all creatures in the water.

I saw the monster gradually transforming into a human form, and he happily hugged Lin Lan in front of him.

Lin Lan felt this sticky feeling rubbing against own's body, and Lin Lan felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

Lin Lan looked at the girl who turned into a monster and immediately stretched out her own hand and pushed her away and asked.

"What the hell are you?"

"Hey? It's your pet."

When Lin Lan heard it, his face turned into embarrassment at this moment and asked.

"Then why did you send me down here?"

"This is how we can make a contract with you. However, master, do you want to take me with you? My real body is a small shark."

After finishing speaking, the woman turned into a gigantic shark, Lin Lan was completely stunned and asked.

"Can you become something smaller and cuter?"

Seeing the octopus crawling on top of Lin Lan's head, Lin Lan crawled out of the river with a look of helplessness and said.

"Master, can I do it?"

"Come on, don't torture me"

Lin Lan climbed up to the shore, and Yinxue was standing on the shore, watching Lin Lan walk up to the shore, soaked all over, and even asked with an octopus on top of his head.

"This, did you take it out from the bottom of the sea?"

"That's right."

Lin Lan held the octopus under his arm, walked forward step by step, and suddenly said to Yinxue.

"Go buy a fish tank with me, and I'll rub this thing again.

"Huh? You want an octopus? Or we'll eat it now."

The octopus spouted ink suddenly, which startled Yinxue.

"Can this thing understand speech?"

"Isn't this just nonsense, this thing is something with spirituality, so I brought it here."

After buying everything, Lin Lan looked at the fish tank on the table and covered his own face.

Because Yinxue helped Lin Lan all day, she was so tired that she fell asleep and went to the doctor.

Lin Lan looked at Yinxue with a smile, covered Yinxue with a quilt lightly, and then walked forward, gently touching the fish tank with his hand, and said secretly in his heart.

"Why does this thing follow me? I probably don't have any special charm."

Lin Lan just stared at the things in front of him, lost in thought, suddenly the octopus turned into a girl and hugged Lin Lan tightly.

Lin Lan thought it was nothing, but was shocked to find that the girl had a suction cup on her body.

The suction cup sucked Lin Lan's body, Lin Lan kept pushing his hand forward, and said in a tone full of disgust.

"Stick to death! Stop sucking me! Get out!"

Lin Lan's hand was hard, and the girl sucked Lin Lan hard.

"I am the lord of the ocean, if you make me change, I will have its characteristics, don't you know?"

"I know what a fart! How dare you let go! It's disgusting!"

"I rely on!"

Yinxue sat up and stared at the two with wide eyes.

"No! Sister Yinxue! Get it down for me! This is that octopus."


The girl suddenly looked at Yinxue and immediately turned into a shark.

"You can't steal my master from me!"

Lin Lan grabbed the shark's tail with his hand and swung it aside. The shark turned into a human again, cried loudly, and pointed to Lin Lan in front of him.

"Master is not a good person at all! Sister Guangguang lied to me!"

Hearing this, Lin Lan stretched out his own hand and said in a hurry.

"No no no! Me! I don't have one!"

Lin Lan immediately looked behind, while Yinxue stared at the girl.

"She's pretty. You don't think you're her master because of her beauty, do you?"

When Lin Lan heard it, he immediately waved his hands up and down and said.

"How can it be!"

Yinxue also laughed, patted Lin Lan on the shoulder and said.

"Of course I know, don't rush to explain, we all understand."

Yinxue's smile made Lin Lan feel Yinxue's malicious intentions. .

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