Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 192 Sad

Yinxue pulled out her hand, turned around gently, the snow-white long skirt on her body turned blood red, and at the same time, the surface of the long skirt exuded black, and said to Lin Lan in front of her with charming eyes.

"It was my gaffe just now, I will send you two to meet right now."

Suddenly, Lin Lan grabbed Yinxue's hand, looked at Yinxue with a smile and said.


After finishing speaking, Lin Lan's right hand radiated purple light, Yinxue was stunned, her body began to retreat non-stop, and the woman's soul began to leave Yinxue's body gradually, accompanied by that tragic cry.

"Hoo hoo ․.."

Yinxue knelt on the ground, sweating profusely, looked at Lin Lan in front of her with angry eyes, took out the long sword made of bones from somewhere, and pointed at Lin Lan without hesitation. The direction of the gate is stabbed.

However, Lin Lan kept dodging "407" and retreated towards the rear. Suddenly, the bone knife became longer and pierced Lin Lan's chest directly. Stepping forward, the body leaned back, followed by the shattering of the bone knife.


Yinxue's tone was filled with anger, and she flew over Lin Lan, and the broken bone knife pierced Lin Lan's left shoulder as she smiled.

"Then I'll make your shoulder explode too! Let you enjoy the pain I once enjoyed!"

Lin Lan smiled contemptuously, grabbed Yinxue's face, and slammed her right hand towards the left, finally Yinxue was forced into the ground, and at the same time, the surrounding ground shattered, Cracks appeared.

Lin Lan stretched out his own right hand, and the golden light on his right hand was gradually spread by the darkness, Lin Lan said.

"Soul replacement."

Yinxue looked at Lin Lan in shock, followed by Yinxue's body gradually detaching from the woman's body, and the woman's soul appeared in front of Lin Lan's eyes, twitching crazily non-stop, her face full of dissatisfaction. Willing to leave Yinxue's body.

"Go away!"

Lin Lan widened Own's eyes, and the power of soul replacement became stronger. Finally, the woman's soul was thrown out by the forceful bullet, and Yinxue's soul felt the call, and returned to Own.

Yinxue's eyes widened, she held her neck with both hands, panting heavily, and then looked at Lin Lan who was at the side, froze in place, immediately with tears in her eyes, she hugged Lin Lan tightly Cried out loud.

"I almost died!"

Yinxue's tone was very aggrieved, and Lin Lan smiled helplessly when he heard it, and gently hugged Yinxue in front of him and smiled.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's safe now, I'll take you out, it's okay, don't be afraid.

Yinxue was picked up by Lin Lan, and finally sent Yinxue out. When Yinxue left the horror paradise, she found that Lin Lan did not come back with her, so she turned around and wanted to enter the paradise, but the entrance of the paradise was closed, and she There is no way to go back.

"Why did you come back again? Obviously you are completely safe after you leave."

The woman looked at Lin Lan with a questioning tone, Lin Lan took out a booth, sat in front of the woman, and said with a smile.

"If I can't beat you, I will definitely run, but compared to me, you can't even compare to that big man, after all, you are just a resentful soul.

Hearing this, the woman tightly clenched her own fist, froze suddenly, and immediately covered the scars on her face with her hair and the missing part of her shoulders with her clothes.

Lin Lan looked at the woman's various performances, smiled helplessly, stretched out his own right hand and pointed at the woman and asked.

"Are you a miserable person? Otherwise, why would an ordinary person turn into such a terrifying ghost after death?"


"Actually, you don't look that scary, it's just because you haven't met someone you love, but it's been so long, it also proves that you killed a lot of people, I can only kill you, not replace others forgive you."

There was an evil smile on the woman's face, and she stretched out her own hand to attack Lin Lan's heart, but Lin Lan took out the holy sword and cut off the woman's arm, and then the holy sword surface A golden light appeared, and Lin Lan chopped it down with a sword.

The woman's head disappeared, her body was covered in black, and finally dissipated into the air little by little, and the whole paradise gradually turned into ashes and disappeared, leaving only countless bones and a 1.5 meter machete.

Lin Lan sighed helplessly, looked at the exit behind him that was about to disappear, Lin Lan immediately stretched out his own right hand and said...

"There are definitely other things in it, otherwise, this thing won't last for so long. All in all, first conquer this world and wait for the future to come and explore it.

After speaking, Lin Lan's right hand emitted golden light, and the horror paradise was transformed into a Realm, which entered Lin Lan's body. Lin Lan also sighed deeply, and finally returned to the entrance of the paradise from the exit.

Everyone looked at Lin Lan with shocked eyes, and the woman came to Lin Lan nervously and asked.

"Did you kill that guy?"

"Of course I killed it, otherwise why would I come out safe and sound?"

The woman looked at Lin Lan in shock and then looked back at Senior Brother Own. The other two also looked at Lin Lan in shock.

"It's good that you're fine! I won't accept performances with unknown origins anymore! I'm sorry! I owe you a favor again!"

Yinxue hugged Lin Lan tightly, Lin Lan's face was slightly taken aback for a moment, and finally a smile leaked out, gently stroking Yinxue's head, and comforted her.

"I'm fine, why are you crying? Okay, okay."

Lin Lan dragged Yinxue towards home, when suddenly the woman asked.

"May I ask your honorable name?"

"What do you mean? Are you asking what my name is?"


"My name is Lin Lan, and I am a subordinate of Dragon City, so other information cannot be disclosed."

0.5 After finishing speaking, Lin Lan and Yinxue continued to walk forward, while the woman stood in place, took out the talisman in her arms, and threw it forward, saying secretly in her heart.

"Where are you Sacred, I must know everything about you, even at the cost of my life.


Lin Huanhuan jumped off the sofa at the Dragon City base, and excitedly hugged Lin Lan in front of him. Lin Lan picked Lin Huanhuan up, looked at Longcheng in front of him, and thanked Longcheng with a smile.

Longcheng looked at Lin Lan, stood up and took out the folder and said to Lin Lan.

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, go out with me and take Lin Huanhuan with you, do you understand?"

Lin Lan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said with a smile.

"Understood! Thank you Longcheng for busying us! Hehe!"

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