Lin Huanhuan suddenly got into Lin Lan's arms, and wept softly. Both Lin Lan and Yinxue had a little doubt on their faces, and then they looked at each other, and Lin Lan's hand gently patted Lin Huanhuan's. Back said.

"Huanhuan? What's the matter? Tell me? I'm not afraid of being expensive, so you can rest assured that I can buy it for you.

Lin Huanhuan hugged Lin Lan even harder, and the sound of crying had already reached Lin Lan's ears. Lin Lan didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only hold Lin Huanhuan in silence

"Hey! Huanhuan look at this!"

Yinxue held the doll in her hand and placed it in front of Huanhuan. Huanhuan looked at the doll, stretched out her hand, and grabbed the doll. Her eyes were full of longing, while Yinxue looked at the clerk behind her and said.

"Take them all away."

Yinxue said with a smile, while Lin Huanhuan said to Yinxue with a crying voice.

"Sister, Huanhuan doesn't want so much, Huanhuan wants to save money"

Lin Lan's hand lightly touched Lin Huanhuan's head, and said to Lin Huanhuan with a soft sigh.

"If you have money, I won't let you live a hard life, and if you suffer, you can only suffer by me alone.

The moment the doll was packed and walked out, cracks appeared on the ground in front of it, and the surrounding electric poles followed suit, sparks flashed in the air, and the surrounding buildings began to collapse

"what happened?"

Lin Lan looked forward in shock, stretched out his own hand to protect Yinxue, and hugged Lin Huanhuan tightly with the other hand.

"Lin Lan, do you still remember me?"

The man's voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, the black lightning quickly struck towards Chu Ye.

Chu Ye turned around abruptly, handed Lin Huanhuan to Yinxue, and stretched out his own hand, summoning the holy shield to block this attack, and said anxiously.

"Lin Huanhuan must be protected! I will be back soon!"

After finishing speaking, the holy shield was shattered with one blow, and a hole was forcibly opened in Lin Lan's chest, and Lin Lan spit out blood suddenly.

Seeing Lin Lan's embarrassment, Lin Huanhuan cried loudly and kept talking.

"Dad! Please! Don't die"!"

"Oh? Do you still have your own family?"

The man came to Lin Lan's side and said to Lin Lan in a provocative tone, but Lin Lan said with a slight smile.

"I really regret that I didn't check to see if you were completely dead. Otherwise, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened today."

After finishing speaking, Chu Ye's hand grabbed the man's hand, and the huge energy gathered all over his body, which exploded in an instant, and the two of them flew out, and finally both of them fell into the cave.

"Lin Lan! Do you think you can beat me now?"

"I'm going to fight you to prove that I can beat you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan distanced himself from the man, and at the same time, the wound on Lin Lan's chest began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. The man also smiled slightly, and the red lightning burst out from his body, and it exploded in front of Lin Lan in an instant. .

"Quick, what did this guy go through.

Lin Lan summoned the fragments of the holy shield to block this attack, but the own holy shield exploded again, and Lin Lan was directly blasted out, and the rock above was like a stream of water in an instant fall.

Lin Lan lay in the ruins of the valley, panting heavily and looking forward, the man also walked over step by step and said.

"You started to live a life of pampering and pampering, which also made you so weak. If this is the case, wouldn't it be a good thing for me to give you a relief?"

After finishing speaking, the man's hand quickly struck in Lin Lan's direction, but Lin Lan caught the attack, looked at the man with a smile and said.

"Relief, no, I still have people who need my protection, so I can't lose my own life yet.

After finishing speaking, the voice of Cila flashed, and the red lightning appeared on Lin Lan's body. In an instant, Lin Lan's fist appeared next to the man's left face, and the man froze. The whole crumbled.

The man smashed into the bottom of the valley together with Chu Ye, and was buried by the rock and soil at the bottom. The man suddenly opened his own eyes, looked at the motionless Lin Lan in front of him, laughed wildly, and slammed towards Lin Lan Attack.

"A dance of fire."

In an instant, the man's body was reduced to ashes, and Chu stood in the ruins and said calmly.

"You are not the main body, but this stop is enough to let your body crushed by the valley rest for a while.

In the distance, the man was running in the nutrient solution, panting heavily, and the saliva in his mouth kept dripping down.

"How do you know that I didn't come from the body!"

The man asked angrily, but his own voice could not reach Lin Lan's location, Lin Lan crawled out from the ruins, looking at the scratches on his body and the bones smashed by rocks, Lin Lan scratched his head with a smile Said.

~ This kind of embarrassment should wait until it recovers a little, otherwise, Lin Huanhuan might be sad. "

Lin Lan took out his mobile phone and dialed Yinxue's phone number.

"Hello? Lin Lan, how are you doing there?"

"I, of course it's okay, it's been resolved, where are you?"

"Well...I took Lin Huanhuan to buy Life supplies elsewhere, but Lin Huan kept making noises and said he wanted to see you.

Lin Lan smiled slightly and asked Yinxue to give Lin Huanhuan the phone. Lin Huanhuan answered the phone and asked worriedly.

"Dad! Are you okay!"

Lin Huanhuan cried loudly, and Lin Lan also smiled slightly, enduring the severe pain from his body and speaking.

"Of course Dad is fine. Go shopping with my sister obediently. Dad will be waiting for you at home later (okay) guys, okay?"


Lin Huanhuan's tone was a little weak, and she didn't say much. Lin Lan also hung up the phone and knelt on the ground.

"Tick tock..."

Lin Lan watched the blood on his body fall on the ground, panting heavily, suddenly, Liu Wenjiao appeared behind Lin Lan and said.

"It's so embarrassing, I'll treat you."

Liu Wenjiao put her hands on Lin Lan's body, Lin Lan's body was wrapped in green vines, Lin Lan's body gradually recovered, Lin Lan said helplessly.

"I'm sorry, I have caused you trouble again, oops, it hurts to death."

Liu Wenjiao didn't speak, and after treating Lin Lan's injury, it disappeared. Lin Lan looked at Liu Wenjiao completely different from before and wondered.

"What's the matter with this guy, why doesn't he want to talk to me more, let's go to the base tomorrow to have a look."

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