Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 2 True Zixia Divine Art

"This..." Lin Lan was dumbfounded, rolling his eyes around, wanting to see if other people noticed this sudden change.

But the others, including the staff member who handed the book to Lin Lan just now, did not have any abnormalities. It seemed that they did not notice the astonishing changes just now, and did not feel the great divine light.

This divine light is the same as the brilliance of his right thumb and index finger, only he can see it?

By the way... When I was writing the diary, there seemed to be a glimmer of light, right? Of course, it can't be compared with the movement this time. The light in the diary last time made Lin Lan wonder if it was an illusion of owning.

Regardless of these things... this cheat book should change like a notebook when the divine light enters, right?

Will it...become true?

Thinking about it, Lin Lan turned his attention to Zixia's magic skill again. His eyes gradually became hot, joyful, and filled with a trace of unbelievable fear!

Gently flipping through the first page, Lin Lan feels like being struck by lightning!

The words on the first page have changed! The first line is clearly: Zixia Qi, practice it...

Now it becomes: Qi, the beginning of all things!

And these fonts are all majestic, powerful and powerful! With a heavy force!

changed! Become more mysterious, deeper, and more Taoist!

Could it be... Could it be that it has become the real "Zixia Magic Art"?

The pupils shrank slightly, and Lin Lan's hands gradually trembled. He seemed to have found the correct way to open his right hand!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Lan glanced at the others, pretending to go to the bathroom by himself, and flipped through "Zixia Magic Art" in the bathroom.

The flying fonts are like water pouring down, bringing Lin Lan into the magical and mysterious world of Insight.

Gradually, Lin Lan fell in love! Caught in the magical Insight Realm!

Quietly, a ray of light emerged from the thumb of Lin Lan's right hand, flowing along the arm into Lin Lan's heart.

Immediately afterwards, faint traces of vast purple clouds began to be born in Lin Lan's body, passing through the Lin Lan Meridians on their own, and gradually floating on the body surface.

Afterwards, the purple cloud became thicker and denser, from a stream of thin water to a creek, and from the creek to a river!

Wisps of purple awns shuttled in Lin Lan's eyes, the more intense the purple light became, it tended to turn into a true fire of purple sun!


"Bang bang bang!"

"What are you still inking on, kid? Shooting starts in three minutes!"

Seeing Lin Lan's delay in coming, the group leader immediately asked where Lin Lan was going, and came to the toilet to urge him.

Lin Lan woke up startled.

The purple light dissipated and the clouds dissipated. Lin Lan came back to his senses and subconsciously replied, "I'll be right there, I'll get up right away."

Lin Lan stood up pretendingly, and put the authentic book of Zixia's magical skills into his robe.

It doesn't matter whether they can see it or not, in short, hide it first. This is the real Zixia magic skill! Not fake cheats!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Lan pumped out a trace of purple cloud on his palm, and murmured in disbelief, "Is it true? I have practiced the magic of Zixia?"

Looking at the small toilet, Lin Lan murmured speechlessly, "I'm also a talent to practice magic in the toilet."

"Group leader, you go first, I'll be there right away, I'll get the props, I'll be there in a minute."

The group leader looked at Lin Lan in a daze, why did this kid suddenly change so much? It seems... a lot more energetic?

"Okay, hurry up."

After explaining to the group leader, Lin Lan immediately went to the props group again, saying that he had damaged the original and took a new copy of Zixia Magic Art. General props will have backups in case of temporary emergencies. Even for fake cheats, there are usually two copies.

"It's the last one, don't break it again!"

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Lin Lan smiled awkwardly, and ran to the set with the Zixia Magic Art.

Of course, it's fake! This is a fake cheat book!


Lin Lan ran to the set, and everyone gradually took their positions, and Lin Lan took advantage of the situation to touch in. Fortunately, it's not too late, otherwise the whole audience would stare at him... I'd be embarrassed.

"Lanzi, look over there, the goddess Liu Yuefei!" Seeing Lin Lan's arrival, Wu Ren immediately pointed to a beautiful Onee-san beauty on the field.

Lin Lan rolled his eyes and said, "Oh..."

"You bastard! This is a goddess!"


Lin Lan curled his lips in disdain, he thought of a famous saying in the original world, the poor man's goddess, the rich man's gun mount.

Besides, in the entertainment circle, who is cleaner than whom?

"Tsk, you said, can our group of actors find a chance to ask her for some autographs?"

Lin Lan responded with two words, hehe!

To be honest, Lin Lan doesn't like these too much. Especially now, let alone catch a cold!

All he can think about now is "Zixia Magic Art" and his mysterious right hand!

He only read half of the real secret book...

And the right hand of mysterious is even more worthy of scrutiny! It can diary upgraded, but also make fake cheats become real! So... what else is it capable of, and what can it do to the greatest extent?

Thinking about it, Lin Lan lost his mind again.

"Get in place! Start shooting!"

Director Wang held the walkie-talkie and said, "3, 2, 1..."

Following Director Wang's order, the crowd immediately became a mess and began to fight in style.

And Lin Lan seemed to wake up suddenly, subconsciously driven by his body, to avoid the attacks of the group performers, and to fight back powerfully!

The group performers attacking Lin Lan stared wide-eyed, this dude has practiced before, he is professional! This dodging pace and counterattack posture are too beautiful! He didn't realize how deadly Lin Lan's counterattack was!

Lin Lan dodged the props and weapons of the group performers, moved his body and cut off the props and weapons with a hand knife, and punched the group performances in the face.

As soon as he fought back, Lin Lan realized that something was wrong. There is something in this punch!

Zixia magic!

The group performers only felt a strong gust of wind blowing by, and then saw a fist the size of a sandbag roll up an afterimage with incomparable momentum, and the violent gust of wind made his face twitch slightly!

I rely on! It's just a group performance, buddy, you don't have to be so serious, right?

Lin Lan hastily restrained his strength, if the punch was real, the ending would be...

Seeing Lin Lan hastily stopped, the group performer heaved a sigh of relief and fell down.

OK, his part is over!

In fact, he also wanted to take more shots... But, he felt that if he continued to act, his life would be in danger. That buddy is too scary!

Soon, all the players on the field fell, and only Lin Lan was left as the main player.

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