Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 21 A Paper Report

"Sir, the target person has set off."

"Turn on the positioning immediately! Don't lose people to me."


Lin Xiaoqi hung up the communication and started location tracking.

Regarding the origin of Lin Xiaoqi and others, we have to start from before.


The Central Special Intelligence Group, also known as the Special Operations Group.

Zhang Lixin, that is, that dishonest old man.

At this time, Zhang Lixin was reporting the whole story of the Luo family incident to the leader of the group.

"That's how it happened. According to the written evidence later, all the clues now point to this real Lin!"

One hand pursed his lips, "Passed the lie detector?"

"The lie detector worked perfectly."

The first hand rubbed his temples, "At the beginning, we tested Taoist monks in all aspects and it didn't work, and now we are telling me that those feudal superstitions are true, what are you doing!"

Zhang Lixin said, "Team leader, now is not the time to talk about this. The most important thing now is to get in touch with this real Lin and obtain his secrets!"

"As long as we can get his method of expelling and eliminating evil spirits, then our special operations team will have a lot of security guarantees, and can more effectively ensure the safety of team members and protect the people."

The group leader pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache, "That's what I said, but the troubles that follow are one set after another. There are many ways in it, and a little carelessness can turn the whole political situation upside down."

Zhang Lixin asked suspiciously, "A real Lin, is it so serious?"

"The important thing is not Reverend Lin, but the secrets that Reverend Lin possesses!"

"If it is said that Master Lin really has the power to dispel evil spirits, it means that Taoist priests and monks are true! Supernatural powers really exist... Well, I was wrong, ghosts They are all there, the supernatural power must be there."

Zhang Lixin's pupils shrank sharply, "Team leader, what do you mean..."

"Supernatural power, supernatural power that can be mastered by humans..."

"Among Taoist priests and monks, there is a word that drives countless people crazy and makes countless people fall into confusion."

Zhang Lixin and the team leader blurted out at the same time, "Longevity!"

The team leader glanced at Zhang Lixin, "This is only one aspect. Have you ever thought about how the power of that real Lin will affect ordinary people and impact the real society?"

"Power and power are linked!"

"Whoever has the biggest fist is the real master!"

The group leader said again, "Besides, you don't know how many real Lins there are in **! You don't even know if those people at the top know their existence!"

Zhang Lixin was silent.

The team leader sighed, "I'll report this matter to find out what they say, and you continue to report."

Zhang Lixin gave a copy, "Take a look."

The team leader frowned and turned to the first page of the copy.

"Lin Lan?"

"Yes, I suspect that he is Master Lin!"

"I checked the nearby surveillance video and satellite surveillance at that time, and screened out those people who came in and out of the backyard of Luo's house, and everyone else got the right number, except this Lin Lan!"

The team leader continued to flip through the documents, "He has a clean background and no special records. Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

Zhang Lixin said, "The file is not omnipotent, if it is deliberately concealed, the file is just a fake file."

"About Lin Lan, I have a guess."

"you say."

"I think of many Taoist legends, similar to the Maoshan Taoist priests and Maoshan Taoism in the movie."

"I'm thinking, maybe some of the legends in the ** are not groundless, but they are true! It's just that these special people with real skills are hidden in places we can't see, that is, hidden veins, um , I used a term in a novel, hidden veins to describe it!"

The team leader raised his eyebrows slightly, "Where did the inference come from?"

"...This is thanks to the rookie team member you assigned to me. He has Zhong Er disease and often reads novels. He put forward a lot of reasonable guesses about Lin Lan."

"Wu Zhengxi?"

"Go on, I want to hear his high opinion."

Zhang Lixin spread his hands, "Spiritual events have existed since ancient times, and they certainly did not appear after the establishment of our society. Many strange cases and supernatural legends in ancient times may be caused by ghosts and ghosts."

"There were no high-tech weapons in ancient times. How could they eliminate evil spirits? Even if they were eliminated, the imperial court would lose troops and horses. Based on this, we think of the legend of Taoist priests in ancient times. Perhaps, there were such a group of people in ancient times who had the truth. The ability, has been... guarding the world? Eliminating harm for the people?"

Zhang Lixin said, "Sorry, I can't think of a more suitable adjective."

"Interesting inference, it seems absurd, but it makes sense. After all, I can't refute it."

The team leader said, "So, what are you going to do with this genuine Lin Lan? Mandatory arrest or torture to extract a confession?"

Zhang Lixin, "..."

"Why do you look like an old gangster, we are the police, you know?"

Zhang Lixin went on to say, "It's their business if they have real skills. Besides, they eliminate harm for the people and never do anything illegal and disciplined. It's thanks to you for thinking of it!"

"Besides, maybe other people's Yinmai have their own rules. The true skills are not to be spread, and non-disciples are not allowed to practice. It's not like you don't know these ancient ideas."

"In addition, I guess even if the arrest is compulsory, we may not be able to do it together."

The team leader shook his head and said, "It's not what I think, but what those people at the top think! We don't know what's going on at the top, and everything will have to wait until I find out."

Zhang Lixin was silent, yes, he is a good person, but that doesn't mean the people at the top are also good people! When private desires are based on rights...

It took him a long time before he continued, "I suggest sending someone to contact first, to establish a good relationship, and to pay attention to the target person's movements."

"First hand?"

"Beauty trap!"


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