Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 33 Crack, You're Dead!

Lan Yunyi and Lin Lan were walking on the cool night street, not knowing what to say.

There were tears in the corners of Lan Yunyi's eyes, she looked as if she had been bullied by Lin Lan, a scumbag, Lin Lan panicked for a while because of the strange eyes of passers-by.

"Don't cry, there's nothing to be sad about."

Note that the orphan attribute is online, and Lin Lan is not very good at comforting people at first.

"Don't you think it's good to see him being beaten?"

Lan Yunyi glared at Lin Lan angrily, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Lin Lan spread his hands helplessly.

"Are you okay?"

"Okay, didn't you see them being beaten all the way?"

Lan Yunyi rolled her eyes, and said worriedly, "You've offended Zhao Peng to death, and he won't let you go."

"Then I hope he won't let me go, so that I can find a reason to beat him up again."

Lan Yunyi stomped her foot angrily, "Don't you know what Zhao Peng's family is doing? No matter how hard you fight, you can't fight hundreds of people, and you can't hold a gun."

Sorry, I can totally ignore these.

Lin Lan returned an inexplicable smile.

Seeing Lin Lan's appearance, Lan Yunyi thought that he had acquiesced, so she lowered her head, tears began to brew again, "It's all my fault, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have messed with Zhao Peng."

"Is it worth protecting me so much?"

Emma...that's a big joke.

Girl, I really just want to beat him up!

"I didn't like him a long time ago, I just wanted to take this opportunity to beat him up."

"Perfunctory." Lan Yunyi whispered.

Lin Lan:  …

Ma Dan, telling the truth these days is called perfunctory.

Lan Yunyi seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly blushed slightly, "You protect me like this, do you have other intentions?"

attempt? Does it count to beat Zhao Peng out of anger?

emmmm... so you probably will be beaten to death, right?

Lin Lan had no choice but to remain silent. At this moment, silence is golden!

However, the silence of boys means acquiescence to girls!

So Lin Lan tacitly has another intention, what is this intention? The answer is self-evident, at least Lan Yunyi thinks so.

"Let's get to know each other seriously, my name is Lan Yunyi."

"Lin Lan (Lin Lan)."

Lan Yunyi and Lin Lan said at the same time.

Lin Lan was stunned, and Lan Yunyi smiled, "I heard they called your name before."

After a pause, Lan Yunyi said again, "Lin Lan, let's transfer to another school."

"If you mess with Zhao Peng, you have to hide."

Can Zhao Peng let Lin Lan hide from him? What a joke, no one in this world has the qualifications!

"Don't worry, Zhao Peng can't help me. You trust me."

"Idiot, I told you not to be brave!" Lan Yunyi scolded.

Lan Yunyi stroked her hair by her ears, and said with a reddish face, "Don't you have another plan? If something happens to you, how will you complete your plan?"

"We can't beat Zhao Peng."

Wait...what do you mean by that? What does it mean to complete a plan, and what does it mean to be tougher than Zhao Peng?

Lin Lan raised his eyebrows, "I'm very hard!"

"Rogue!" Lan Yunyi spat, blushing slightly, showing a melting iceberg in front of Lin Lan.

"Big pervert, take me home, tomorrow we will go through the transfer procedures."

Lin Lan shrugged, "I can't go home for the time being."

After finishing speaking, a group of social people with a social atmosphere and holding sticks and machetes walked in front of them. The leader was Zhao Peng.

"You two, did you have a good chat?" Zhao Peng mocked with a sneer.

Before the two of them answered, Zhao Peng said, "Men, grab me and break your limbs, and women, tie them up tightly, and send them to my room in a while. I'm going to fuck this bitch in front of this person." !"

oh? Teenagers have great ideas!

The murderous intent flashed in Lin Lan's eyes, and Zhao Peng had already been marked with Death in his heart. If he hadn't been dragged away by Lan Yunyi just now, he was already ready to make a move.

Such a person cannot stay!

When Lan Yunyi saw this situation, she immediately grabbed Lin Lan's hand and ran back, "Idiot, run!"

Lin Lan grabbed Lan Yunyi's tender white hand, looked at Lan Yunyi and said, "What are you running for?"

"You didn't listen to him, what does he think of you?"

After hearing Lin Lan's words, Lan Yunyi was stunned, and looked at him blankly, in disbelief, " bastard! So you are such a person!"

Tears began to brew in Lan Yunyi's eye sockets again.

She could already foresee what would happen to her if she fell into Zhao Peng's hands.

Zhao Peng smoked a cigarette and sneered, "It would be nice to be so obedient earlier!'s too late!"

"Give it to me!"

Lin Lan is speechless, these two people are very good at brainstorming, you can translate so many different meanings for me in this sentence.

Lin Lan wiped the corners of Lan Yunyi's eyes, "Don't think about it, I mean...they haven't seen enough! Don't worry."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan rushed into the social crowd with a sharp acceleration, swept across with a whip leg, and beat some people so that they couldn't stand up.

If it wasn't for being too shocking to scare Lan Yunyi, Lin Lan would have just pushed over with a wave of gangster energy and squeezed everyone into meatloaf!

Lin Lan went deep into the crowd, and a group of people fell down wherever he passed, unable to get close to him.

That's when the alarm sounded.

"Everyone in front listen up! You are surrounded, put down your weapons!"

Three police cars drove up, and more than a dozen policemen stepped off them, the leader of which was Zhang Lixin.

Zhao Peng frowned. Didn't the police come here earlier? Is it a newcomer, an ignorant guy?

As soon as the police arrived, Zhao Peng didn't dare to do anything. Although there were few policemen, they represented the official forces. If he dared to do something, it would be a big deal.

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