Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 35 High Level

Han Dong tidied up his clothes and packed his own luggage, and walked towards the offices of several elderly people who lived at the top of the **.

"Master, something happened."

As soon as Han Dong walked in, he said solemnly to the famous Dinghaishenzhen, who also served as the head of the military and political chief - Longcheng.

Longcheng raised his head and frowned, "Is it economic, military or people's livelihood?"

Han Dong thought for a while, and said heavily, "Spirituality and history!"

Long Cheng's eyes widened, revealing a look of heavy thought, "Spiritual riot?"

Han Dong said, "No, it's more serious than spiritual riots! It can destroy our existing views on history, the world, life, and values!"

Longcheng asked word by word, "Xiao Han, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Old man, your old man watched me grow up, you understand, I won't joke about this kind of thing!"

Long Chengteng stood up suddenly, and said firmly, "Call the leaders of all the houses! Immediately!"

Han Dong said, "That's exactly what I mean!"

About ten minutes later, the leaders of all ministries arrived at the scene, each with a dignified expression, and all of them thought that such a high-level meeting was held suddenly without notice, and each of them felt that there was a big mess.

"Old Dragon, what's going on?" Fang Yuanming, the leader of the research institute, asked worriedly.

"Such an urgent meeting, I am afraid that something that will shake the foundation of the country!" Li Xuanyi, the leader of the State Council, said with his arms propped up.

"Don't be a fool, what happened?" Dong Zhongci, the leader of the military courtyard, had a strong breath of impatience.

"Xiao Han, let's get started, the leaders of the three courtyards are waiting for your shocking report!" Long Cheng's eyes darkened slightly.

Han Dong first paid a military salute to the four supreme old men, then stood straight and said, "Are all the old men okay?"

A few old people joked, "Are you cursing us?"

Han Dong said, "Don't dare, it's just that this thing is too much...I can't describe it, you old men, see for yourself, seeing is believing!"

After finishing speaking, Han Dong opened a box that accompanied him, and took out a stone from it.

"I'll have to trouble Mr. Fang and your research institute to do the analysis later."

Fang Yuanming nodded, and asked, "Is there any remarkable cultural relic unearthed?"

Han Dong didn't speak, but smiled sweetly. Afterwards, the space around him began to shake and twist... It was getting dark!

They have entered another world! Straight from the conference room into a place of magic.

Since the space began to distort, the four old men's eyes widened. When the space was completely stabilized and the sky was dark, they were even more stunned, unable to express their astonishment in words.

They were moved from the impenetrable meeting room to an inexplicable and weird space that they didn't know where to go!

Fang Yuanming glanced around, "Space jumping technology? Or holographic space projection?"

Scientists always think about scientific technology.

Dong Zhongci grabbed Own's arm, "Hiss... His grandma's really hurts!"

Then, Dong Zhongci patted the dirt on the ground again, grabbed a handful and got up and sniffed, "Damn it! It's all true!"

Li Xuanyi frowned, "There is no dirt in our meeting room!"

Li Xuan also pinched the weeds on the ground, "There is no more weeds!"

"Xiao Han, what the hell is going on!" Longcheng couldn't keep his composure anymore, and was moved from the meeting room to another unknown place. This kind of technology, this kind of power, is too scary! It's so weird!

Just imagine, if it wasn't Han Dong, but someone used this weird thing when he was meeting with a certain country's leader, then...

Han Dong sighed, "This is the secret I'm talking about that will shake your world view and historical view."

"Old Long, do you still remember? I'm talking about the supernatural side and the historical side!"

Longcheng nodded heavily.

Han Dong turned to Fang Yuanming, who was thinking about it, and said, "Don't study Fang, this is a gap in time and space! It's a picture of history!"

Pictures of history! ?

Gap in time and space! ?

When the fourth elder heard these words, he thought of the supernatural and historical aspects that Han Dong said, and seemed to understand something.

"You mean, we are in a certain piece of history now? This space can witness that piece of history with our own eyes!"

Fang Yuanming asked with bright eyes.

Han Dong nodded.

Fang Yuanming clapped his hands, "This is a great discovery in the history of research! But...historical photos, this is too incredible!"

"The principle is probably similar to a mirage, right? By the way, which dynasty's photo is this?"

which dynasty?

Han Dong has a strange expression on his face, and he can't tell...that's something that your research institute should study.

"Don't ask, old men, I can't explain it either. The house in front has all the answers you want to know!"

With that said, Han Dong led the four of them into the house that hides the historical truth and spiritual secrets.

Entering the door, several elderly people were startled.

"We are passers-by in this time and space. They can't see us, and we can't touch them. Simply understand, this is like a movie."

A few minutes later, the materialistic beliefs of several elderly people began to waver.

The sky and the earth are shattered! ?

Evil Emperor! ?

After another few minutes, their world view was shattered!

what! ? Sword Qi! ?

Ziyang Gong! ?

Sword Qi has come out, so this Ziyang Kungfu...

Several people were breathing rapidly.

Several old people moved closer to the place where Jin Yao described Ziyang Gong, memorizing it carefully, for fear of missing something.

"Old Fang, you are very knowledgeable, can you understand what this word is?"

Fang Yuanming fixed his eyes and carefully looked at the drawn lines, "This kind of characters...some are like bronze script, some are like big seal script, and there are some strange fonts that I have never seen before."

"There is no conclusion. I have to go back and study carefully before I can give you an answer."

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