Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 5 The Shop On Taobao

Tears of the Sky: Hello boss, I would like to ask about the foundation of "Zixia Divine Art", does it have advanced Cultivation Technique or something like that? I want to buy a copy for my collection.

As soon as it was sent out, Lin Lan typed out another line.

Tears in the Sky: The boss thinks, is it good or bad for a Practitioner who is new to Rivers and Lakes to use Zixia as a base?

After all, he is the owner of a martial arts cheat shop, so he must have a deep understanding of martial arts.

Martial Forest handsome guy: ...

On the other side, a lazy young man with greasy hair and dirty face was stunned, and two high-energy words flashed in his mind: Allies? Brother what is the number?

It's hard to find such fans of martial arts fans.

So cloud player... no, Martial Forest senior is online.

Martial Forest handsome guy: Are you a gold fan?

Tears in the Sky: ... yes.

Martial Forest handsome guy: Let me tell you my opinion. Let me answer your first question first.

The young man began to type out lines of enthusiastic Martial Forest senior quotations at a tapping speed like a magic finger.

Martial Forest handsome guy: Zixia Magic Art is the secret book of Zhenzong of Huashan School, which was passed down from Hao Datong, the founder of Huashan School and one of the seven sons of Quanzhen. Of course, this person is very good, so I won't say much, let's just talk about Zixia's magical skills. Although this person is very good, this martial arts is really amazing.

The Zixia Divine Art is not very famous in the gold system, and it cannot be compared with the top big birds, but its advanced martial arts cannot be ignored. Zixia Divine Art was born out of "Innate Art", um... To put it simply, Hao Datong copied a part of Innate Art, added some own superficial understanding, and became Zixia Divine Art.

"Innate Gong" is not only the Secret Technique of Wang Chongyang's fame, but also related to the legendary ancient god Chisongzi. It is said that Innate Gong was born out of "Innate Qi" realized by Chisongzi. This indirectly enhanced the compulsion of "Innate Kungfu". Its specific power can be seen from Wang Chongyang's ability to conquer the four masters and become number one in the world.

Seeing this, Lin Lan couldn't help but think of the first sentence of the opening chapter of Zixia Magic Art: Qi, the beginning of all things! Is this the outline of "Innate One Qi"?

Martial Forest handsome guy: As for your Excellency's opinion on whether it is suitable for beginners to enter the Tao with the Zixia magical skill, I can only say that this opportunity is very good! Zixia Magic Innate is mild and long-lasting. It is a profound Taoist kung fu. Practice it to prolong life and strengthen the foundation and strength! It also laid a solid foundation for the future specialization in other advanced Cultivation Techniques!

Tears of the Sky: Boss, do you have Innate skills here? Or "Innate Yiqi", I want to buy two copies for details.

Martial Forest handsome guy: There are all kinds of treasures in this store, but "Innate Yiqi" really doesn't exist!

The young man curled his lips, and Mao's Innate was angry. These are all linked by other people's whimsical ideas to find common points.

Tears of the Sky: Then give me a copy of "Innate Kungfu" and a copy of "Dugu Nine Swords"...for now, I will buy them from you if the effect is good.

The young man raised his eyebrows and eyes, is the effect good? What road number? Are you going to follow suit or what?

Martial arts fans can't be so obsessed... Internet touch porcelain?

Just like he opened a cheat shop, it was just a hobby, and he never had any ideas beyond reality. Don't you see...his little shop cheats are just cover-ups? What he really sells are all kinds of pills?

So the young man immediately backhanded a wave of Friendly Reminder: The products sold in this store are ineffective products, please take it at your discretion, if there is any effect, it has nothing to do with this store.

Tears in the Sky: By the way, I see that there are Jiazidan and Longjingdan in the store introduction? Give me two bottles and I'll see how it works.

The young man frowned. Even an old driver like him couldn't understand the number... This is a new type of network experience, right?

How to practice kung fu on the Internet?

Jiazidan is okay, it’s just some sugar pills that are aggregated with tonics. After taking it, it nourishes the kidney and nourishes qi. Cough, the effect says that taking it will increase the skill of one Jiazi! Of course, it's fake! is fake!

As for Longjing can't die if you eat it, but it can suffocate you to death if you don't vent your fire!

So the young man issued another set of Friendly Reminder: The pills in our store are health care products, please do not overuse them, and the store will not be responsible for non-quality problems.

Lin Lan didn't pay attention to it. Even he himself didn't understand his current situation, so how could others understand it.

After closing Taobao, Lin Lan took out the Zixia magic skill again and began to think about the mysterious right hand.

Now he has a guess, the ability of one of the fingers of his right hand should be practiced to make a fake come true or what he wants?

Lin Lan still remembers that it would be great if Zixia's magical skill was real in his thoughts, and then Zixia's magical skill became real!

Based on this situation, the ability of one of the fingers should be related to this aspect.

As for the other finger, judging from the diary and the practice of Zixia's magical skills, at least it is definitely related to energy! Lin Lan can clearly feel the energy flowing out of the thumb when practicing Zixia Divine Art! Especially after having Zixia True Qi.

All these conjectures have yet to be further confirmed!

The experimental materials are already on the way, and the rest will be confirmed in time!

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