Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 57 Qinghe

At the intersection of Qinghe, the blockade is still in place, but this time, there are a few people wandering around outside the intersection furtively, with their eyes looking inside from time to time with an exploratory expression.

They were the lucky ones who happened to be involved in the Qinghe God Realm last time? Probably.

After taking notes and returning home, a group of people felt unbelievable, it was not a hallucination! That is obviously true! It's impossible for dozens of people to have nightmares together, right? Still dreaming of the same spot!

The more they think about it, the more wrong it becomes, and the more they want something, so those who are bold and have the spirit of exploration come here to find out. This magical scene is not to be missed!

Actually... what they think is that this kind of incident is very similar to the legendary infinite horror! Maybe...he (she) is the main character!

Well, with such thoughts in mind, they came here wretchedly.

Of course, more people don't want to have anything to do with these things. They keep a respectful distance from Qinghe intersection, and they have to make a detour when passing by!

After the last incident, the Qinghe intersection became popular again. There were not many people around the intersection, and now there are even fewer people. Most of them bypassed this section of the road and didn't want to get too close.

This is similar to the haunted house effect. Near the haunted house, there are generally no people to live in, and those who live there feel guilty!

"Brother, you also borrowed the fire last time?"

Borrowing fire... Those who have been in will know it as soon as they hear it.

"Yeah, you're coming too...borrowing fire?"

The two looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

"What happened last time? But we were lucky enough to escape."

"Yeah yeah."

Then you fucking come back!

The two thought at the same time.

Just as the two were arguing with each other, the entrance to God's Domain quietly opened. At this time, people who were 100 meters away from the intersection of Qinghe were pulled into another space...a dense primitive jungle!

"Damn it... is it going in again?"

"You use the word "you" so crap!"

"This is wrong, why did it become a forest?"

"This fucking tree is taller than a building."

On the other side, two plainclothes special operations team members frowned.

"Captain Wang Liang, this is different from what the report said, isn't it talking about the modern environment? How did it become a primitive jungle?"

Wang Liang thought for a while and said, "It's probably the watchman who did it. He wiped out the ghost, and this place returned to its original appearance."

Since Lin Lan called himself a watcher, his official code name has become a watcher. Of course, it is only known to the special operations team.

Wang Liang said, "I've been squatting here for two days, and I feel sorry for myself if I don't find out."

Lin Lan vaguely mentioned that this is a proving ground that day. Naturally, the interested trio would not let go of this good news. They immediately greeted Team Leader Liao and asked him to send other members of the special operations team to stay here. Find out about this place called the Proving Ground.

"Captain, look, there are still people in front of you!"

Wang Liang looked over and found a few passers-by who had been drawn in under the thick big trees in front of them. Looking at them, there was a hint of suffocation in their bewilderment.

"It should be the citizen who was involved, let's go up and see the situation."

As soon as Wang Liang and Wang walked up, the people in front asked with bright eyes, "Are you two the legendary seniors?"

Um? ? ?

Wang Liang black question mark face.

The team member hastily added, "Captain, he's talking about infinite flow novels, the kind of Lord God Space."

Wang Liang said speechlessly, "Sorry, we are not the seniors you mentioned, we are just passers-by who happened to be pulled in."

These people are old and young, male and female, a total of 8 people, and they all have ugly complexions. Being drawn in by the inexplicable acceptance of supernatural power, no one has a bad face, and the psychological quality is already very high without crying.

Two of the 8 people are people who have experienced the previous incident, that is, the two sneaky guys who appeared in the previous article.

The remaining 6 people, 4 men and 2 women, two elderly people, two middle-aged people, one aunt, one...

Well, there is also a stunning intellectual mature Onee-san beauty!

The appearance of this girl can be regarded as raising a lot of grades for this ordinary group of eight!

The two young men and two middle-aged men in the team kept staring at the girl, their eyes were spot on! Especially the two flamboyant young men, they are more than ready, they are about to take off!

That's why they kept expressing themselves, and the idea of ​​the main god space was put forward by these two guys.

"They were all dragged into this space inexplicably. Let's get to know each other. My name is Wang Xiao." Wang Xiao was dressed in black and was easy to identify.

"I'm Luo Jia." Another young man, slightly bald, with high resolution.

"Wang Liang."

"..." A group of passers-by A and B followed closely.

In the end, all eyes were on the Onee-san-type mature woman, making Onee-san a little shy.

"Xia Yuxi." Onee-san's name sounds nice, and the whole person is high-definition and uncensored.

"Sister Yuxi, your name sounds really nice." Wang Xiao started the first wave of testing.

"People are more beautiful." Luo Jia played the second wave.

The two played the first attack perfectly.

Xia Yuxi returned a faint smile, "Hehe."

Xia Yuxi got a double kill!

Wang Liang changed the subject helplessly, "Can you tell me what this place is for?"

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