Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 65 Meeting For The First Time

"Bound to you... what do I need to do?"

"It's just a name, you don't have to fulfill your obligations, and you don't have to obey orders. You owe us nothing, and each does his own thing."

"In name, you are one of our people, and you should do your best when the country is in crisis."

"This is what I should do! I'm a ****!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Han Dong smiled, "I have a hunch that you will become a great big shot."

That's right, to be able to draw something with a one-in-a-million chance from so many things... This kind of luck is completely at the heaven-defying level!

The probability is one in a million, which means it is infinitely close to 0. If you want to draw it, it is really heaven-defying luck!

One in a million does not mean that you will definitely win it if you draw it a million times!

There is a probability misunderstanding in probability statistics! It is generally believed that if a prize with a probability of 0.1 is drawn ten times, it must be drawn successfully once out of ten times! This is a probability error! The premise is that there is put back.

But this is not the case in reality. In ten times, it is possible that you will not be drawn even once.

This misunderstanding can be simply explained by the coin principle. When you toss a coin, there are two sides. The probability of heads is 0.5, and the probability of tails is 0.5. Does it mean that when you toss a coin twice, one must be heads and the other is tails? Obviously, not necessarily!

And the one-in-a-million set by Lin Lan is even more terrifying. Those things are all floating in it and touched by themselves. The time for the token to float is very small, and it is even more difficult to touch it!

So to be able to draw this thing with a one-in-a-million probability, Lin Lan can only call it luck, and he admires it!

Xia Yuxi smiled shyly and asked, "Director Han, you want to get that thing so much, can you tell me what it is?"

Chief Han smiled helplessly, "Actually, we don't know what it is, we only know that it is very precious, comparable to the Resurrection Pill, and even surpasses the Resurrection Pill."

"As for what it is and how to use it, this is powerless."

Xia Yuxi was speechless, "Then what should I do... I don't understand how to use this thing either."

Han Dong said, "One person may know."


"Lin Lan! You can go to him, he is easy to talk to." Han Dong reminded again, "Friendly reminder, this Mr. one can afford to mess with you! You decide for yourself."


Standing downstairs, Longcheng looked towards the floor where Lin Lan was huddled, "Who would have thought that such a place would actually live with a fairy-like figure."

Thinking of the fifth-generation watchman mentioned by Gongsun Hong, Longcheng felt that Lin Lan's identity had been covered with several layers of fog... It was hard to get rid of it no matter how hard he tried!

The three of Zhang Lixin looked excitedly at the old man who was closely protected by the guards. The enthusiasm in their eyes was as if the most ardent fans saw their own idol appearing in front of them.

This is the pillar of the country! The leader of the **, Dragon City!

Logically speaking, the three of Zhang Lixin might never see this old man in their lifetime!

"Hi sir!"

"You three comrades have worked hard!" Longcheng replied with a smile, "It must have been a lot of psychological pressure for you to keep in touch with him during this period of time? You have suffered."

Zhang Lixin, who is not serious, also maintains the most standard military posture, which is rare and full of seriousness, "No hard work! Serve the people and the country!"

Longcheng smiled and said, "Okay!"

"Is that person still up there now?"

"Yes..." Zhang Lixin hesitated and said, "Chief, do you really want to see him?"

Longcheng said, "I've come here, so naturally I can't go back home halfway."

" case you..." Zhang Lixin said very tactfully.

Long Cheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, if he really wants to do something, can you stop him? If he really has any ideas, even if I'm far away in Tianshi, he can come and go as he wants, just like entering a land without people!"

"This... is an exaggeration, Tianshi is protected by so many super weapons."

Longcheng shook his head. After seeing how powerful Gongsun Hong's physical body is, Longcheng's understanding of supernatural power is one step closer!

You know, that Gongsun Hong has reached the current Realm just by being bestowed by the fifth-generation watchman with a powerful martial art... What about the watchman himself?

Besides, Dragon City doesn't know what generation the watcher Lin Lan is... What if he is the fifth generation watcher?

Longcheng dared not think about it. Some things became more terrifying the more he thought about them. After being exposed to so many supernatural phenomena, the more he came into contact with them, the more terrifying Longcheng felt!

What kind of glorious world was the world before the Great Destruction?

Fog...too much!

The purpose of Longcheng's meeting with Lin Lan in person today is precisely to get rid of that layer of fog and know all the mysteries!

"Let's go, let's meet this living fairy god together."

A group of people walked outside Lin Lan's door, and Lin Xiaoqi knocked on the door, "Lin Dage, are you there?"

The door opened automatically.

"We are guests from afar, come in and have a seat."

he knows?

Lin Lan seemed to be pretending to be a bitch again.

When Long Cheng walked into the room, he saw a table of tea sets in front of him, and a young man in casual clothes with a martial and elegant aura was sitting beside the table and looking at them.

"Every time an important guest comes, I will prepare a pot of good tea." Lin Lan said lightly, "There is plenty of tea, please sit down."

Important guests? Do you mean like me?

Longcheng became more and more certain about the watcher's guess, and at the same time felt a little nervous in his heart.

Lin Lan was very calm on the surface, but he was so excited in his heart!

Ma Dan, it's nothing else this time, but pretending in front of the pillars of this country! To fool the head of a country!

Grandma's, this is so exciting!

Chief! This is equivalent to the leader of the country on the earth before Lin Lan did not travel... except that one is called the head and the other is called the chief!

Lin Lan never had the opportunity to meet a big man like the top leader of the country before. An ordinary police chief is a great big man.

How can Lin Lan not be excited to see the chief executive of this parallel world!

That's the same sentence...excitement!

"Mr. Lin invites tea, how can I not drink it." The strong fragrance of green tea wafting in the air has already touched Long Cheng's nose, the fragrance is so fragrant!

I don't know what kind of tea it is, but it is several times more fragrant than the best tea Longcheng has ever had before!

"Chief, let me..."

Longcheng waved his hands and said, "Mr. Lin's tea, of course I will be the first to drink it."

After speaking, he said to several guards, "Go out first."

Longcheng asked the three of Zhang Lixin to sit down, and he took a sip first, the fragrance immediately overflowed, and the fragrance of his mouth lingered!

"Good tea!"

After drinking tea, Longcheng got to the point, "Through Mr. Lin's tea party, Long wants to ask some questions from Mr. Lin, and I hope Mr. Lin will be honest with you."

Ok, I'm going to start pretending!

Lin Lan said, "This is a great era, and you and I are of the same race. If I can say something, I will naturally say it."

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