Awesome, My God Hand

Chapter 80 Enthusiasm

"Things like Gongsun Hong senior's are likely to be common in the future! Demons are rampant, and the world of Spiritual Qi is about to reappear!"

"Many of the supernatural events that you have heard in the past are actually true! It's just that they were not common at the time. Our superiors chose to conceal the truth and stabilize the social order in order to prevent the leakage of news from affecting everyone's life environment. They were interpreted by us as perfect crimes. ,In fact, they are the products of the revival of Spiritual Qi!"

"But don't worry too much, our earth world has watchmen! Once there is a big danger that endangers the world, the watchmen will kill it! Just like the evil spirit that controlled Gongsun Hong senior that day!"

"Watchers are special existences, they exist to protect this world, to watch over the heavens and the common people!"

"Dear viewers and friends in front of the TV! Let us join hands, unite as one, and welcome this era together!"

The host was a little excited, and said, "In order to adjust matters related to the recovery of Spiritual Qi in the future, Gaofang is actively introducing relevant management policies and implementation plans.

"First of all, there is a very good thing, that is, the official decision to release a Xuanling-level Cultivation Technique left over from the Great Destruction! Of course, the public part of this Cultivation Technique is only a fragment, for everyone to use as a transition. After all, everyone has Opportunities for everyone... If you really want to change to the later Cultivation Technique, you need points to redeem, the point policy is being customized, please don't worry."

"The publicized fragment of this Cultivation Technique is called Ziyang Gong. It is a powerful Martial Dao Sect during the Great Destruction, and the Foundation Establishment Cultivation Technique left by the Lieshan Sect. It is quite practical. This Cultivation Technique has been in the At the very beginning, it will be published on the central network at the same time, and everyone can check it by themselves and use it at any time."

"In addition, we will officially announce a test field that has already appeared in the era of Great Destruction. There are many rewards in this test field, including Cultivation Technique, precious materials, and various treasures. As long as you pass the trial of courage, as long as you If you are lucky enough, you can get all kinds of good things!

This trial ground is located at the intersection of Qinghe Road in Haishi. There are all kinds of goodies, and what you get depends entirely on luck.

"If you get something you don't need, you can choose to exchange it with the country, and we will give you back points. Points can be exchanged for most of the things we have, so please look forward to it."

"At the same time, our chief attaches great importance to this change. He has blocked communications with foreign countries and any exchange of information in order to seize the opportunity to lead other countries."

"If someone betrays the country for their own selfish desires, and has an affair with a foreign country...then they will all be punished as treason! Let the ugly words first, and then don't blame the country for not being sympathetic. This is for everyone, for us country!"

The host paused for a moment, with unspeakable enthusiasm and trance in his eyes, "This is the end of today's program, please pay attention to the official website for more detailed information."

The show ended like this. It was very short, not too long, but the news revealed in it might not be able to finish in one night... It was so shocking!

Everyone has an inexplicable sense of absurdity in their hearts at this moment! They once thought they were having a big dream!

The big dream is thousands of years old, what year is this eve?

This dream is so real! Maybe the people above just made a joke with them, and found an actor to act in a big show? But the rationality in their minds told them that these are all true!

Could it our previous life just a fake world?

Some pessimists feel that the sky is falling and the end of the world is coming, and they cannot recover for a long time. What should we do in the future? The order is in chaos! Monsters are flying all over the sky, power is paramount, and everyone creates chaos! The era of chivalrous use of martial arts to break the ban! There are not many pessimists, very few.

The neutral ones are stunned for a while and then fade away. No matter whether it is true or not, this world is still that world, and life is still the same. Isn't it great to add a bit of beauty to Life's life?

As for the optimists...that's a lot! The real world is devoid of spirits and lawlessness. Compared with the world of Xianxia where monsters are rampant and cultivators are born in large numbers, the world of Xianxia is naturally much more interesting! After all... Most people have a superman dream. Now, this dream is close to everyone! It will come true soon.

……ask for flowers……

"Cultivating Immortals... Cool!"

"Ziyang Kungfu...Ziyang Kungfu...go to Yangwang immediately to find out what it is."

"My God! What kind of world is this? The earth is just a fragment of a big world? In this world, gods and demons danced wildly before, and big cultivators roamed about? I can see it!"

"Fuck me, smash the world, these four emperors are too much! Just the four of them exchanged fire and shattered the world, mmp, you can't afford to provoke them!"

"Watcher... who the hell is this guy?"

"It doesn't matter what he does, but let's get rid of this awesome Ziyang Kungfu first.

That's what most people think.

Ever since, these people became excited, and immediately went to the central network to find the legendary Ziyang Gong. puts the relevant content of Ziyang Gong in a very eye-catching position, and you can clearly see it as soon as you open the webpage.

"The first two floors of Ziyang Gong... Martial Dao?"

"Do these two levels mean that you can cultivate to the Liangyi state? Why do I not believe it so much?"

"Hey, there really is! I'm afraid I've been living in a dream, there are gods, there are monsters, and now even the Cultivation Technique has come out."

"Hmm...I have to give it to the training session quickly and then try my luck at the Qinghe Proving Ground."

"Let me see... you can have the legendary True Qi after reaching the first level? Wow! Daddy's dream of being a hero is finally coming true!"

"Damn it... What a broken internet speed! Can the people who watched Cultivation Technique copy it and watch it slowly, let's make room, the server is about to collapse."

In just a few minutes, 99% of the more than one billion people in the country are visiting the Central Network to check this so-called Cultivation Technique [Ziyang Gong.

Everyone in the whole country was extremely enthusiastic, and all they talked about were Ziyang Gong and the mysteries of heaven and earth... such as the Four Emperors, the Great Destroyer, the Watcher and so on.

This scene is completely mobilized!

Has Lin Lan made a fortune!.

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