"I think, you should be a good tool for degassing.

Lin Lan smiled when he heard it, looked up at the black figure in front of him, and made a provocative gesture.

The black shadow rushed towards Lin Lan quickly, and Lin Lan jumped back with one step, putting his hands on the ground.

"Golden light fried."

The moment the black shadow came to the place where Lin Lan's hand touched, the space was distorted.

Hei Ying looked at his missing leg, and looked at Lin Lan in front of him with a wicked smile.

"Interesting, but also spatial ability.

At this time, the black shadow formed its legs by itself, and looked at Lin Lan indifferently.

Lin Lan looked at the surrounding space, blood was flowing from the farthest four ends.

"This guy should be eating the digested group of people to restore his own body. Then, the only way is this."

At this time, the black shadow had already appeared directly above Lin Lan, and Lin Lan's body turned into countless afterimages, leaving the black shadow's attack range.

A golden light emerged from Hei Ying's eyes, and he saw Lin Lan's figure, and then black spikes appeared on his hands.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared behind Lin Lan and slammed it down with a palm.

Lin Lan was directly pressed to the ground, and Lin Lan who was pressed smiled.


"Actually, have you ever thought that I am playing hard to you?"

Hearing this, Lin Lan was stunned, and the black shadow patted Lin Lan's chest with his palm.

A black substance appeared from Lin Lan's chest in an instant, swallowing Lin Lan's body in an instant.

A lump of black matter was kneeling in front of Soi Ying's eyes, and a smug smile appeared on Hei Ying's face.

"Such a low-level avatar technique, I think, even an ordinary person can see it?"

"Yes, ordinary people can see it, why can't you see it?"

Lin Lan put his hand on Sombra's shoulder, and Sombra turned around in shock.


The black shadow's hand quickly struck in Lin Lan's direction, but the attack passed directly from Lin Lan's body.

Shock appeared in Soi Ying's pupils, looking at Lin Lan in front of him, he was instantly at a loss.

I saw Lin Lan raised his fist with a smile, and his uppercut punched the black shadow into the air.

"What kind of ability are you?"

"Just an ordinary guy.

Lin Lan jumped up and kicked him flying.

The black shadow kept gliding on the ground, clenching its own fists angrily.

"Daddy hasn't fallen to the point of being played by a human like you.

The black shadow stood up, the spikes on his body suddenly grew, and he swooped down suddenly.

There was a little disdain in Lin Lan's eyes, and he sighed helplessly. His right hand was strengthened accordingly, and then he punched him.

The black shadow collided with Lin Lan's attack, and the black shadow's body was directly smashed into pieces.

Lin Lan looked at the shattered black shadow, and then the corresponding ability of the black shadow appeared in his hand.

"You! Why would you?"

"Because, I will."

Lin Lan's fist hit the ground, the ground was covered with black matter, and finally swallowed the black shadow into his body.

The black shadow disappeared, and there was a crack on the side, and Lin Lan walked out.

Dragon City, who was struggling to find the crack in Realm, felt the fluctuation of energy, and immediately called his subordinates to search for it.

Lin Lan looked at the newly acquired ability with curiosity written all over his face.

At this moment, Lin Lan felt the severe pain in own's brain, and Lin Lan tightly covered own's head.

After a while, Lin Lan opened his own eyes, and all the ways to use the ability came to mind.

At this moment, the golden man appeared in front of Lin Lan.

"How? The newly unlocked abilities should be nice to use, right? There's even a guide to use them.

"Have you been watching me all this time?"

"No, I just happened to come to the mortal world and drop by to see you. Also, a monster is about to be resurrected in an ancient tomb recently, but you can't beat it."

Lin Lan heard it, and just asked with a contemptuous smile.

"I can't beat any monsters, Daddy will soon be able to replicate his abilities!"

Lin Lan said with a smile, and a little seriousness appeared in the golden man's eyes.

"Precisely because you can't replicate his abilities [that's why I'm here to give you some guidance."

A golden pestle appeared in front of Lin Lan's eyes, and the golden man explained solemnly.

"This thing needs you to stab into his forehead at that time, but the most important thing is that you don't get bitten by that guy, because that guy is really a zombie."

When Lin Lan heard it, he couldn't help feeling a little fear in his heart and responded.

"But! Isn't fighting just about being bitten?"

"However, if you bite, you will really become stiff."

After Lin Lan heard it, he fell into deep thought and didn't continue to say anything more.

Lin Lan looked at the golden pestle, and the golden man disappeared immediately.

Lin Lan's mentality completely exploded at this moment, and he sat helplessly on the ground, looking up at the sky.

~God! Don’t play me like this! Why do you have to let me fight zombies? It’s good to have a monster anyway. "

When Lin Lan was desperate, Dragon City had already arrived here.

Lin Lan turned his head and hugged Longcheng tightly when he saw Longcheng.

"Ah! Why does God insist on playing tricks on me!"

Seeing Lin Lan like this, Longcheng froze in place, and hugged Lin Lan with a smile.

"What did the child look like when he was scared in there just now? Don't be afraid."

Lin Lan let go of his hand at this time, sighed helplessly, and patted the dust on his body.

Right there, a man was standing beside the zombie that the golden man said.

"My ancestors, it's time to stand up and let us rule the world again."

I saw a giant hand piercing the man's chest, and an extremely eerie voice sounded at this moment. (Li Nuohao)

"Who are you? Forget it, let's have a full meal first."

The person who woke up like a rotting corpse inside was tearing and biting the man's body.

"No! Grandpa, don't want me, don't want me anymore, I... village"

The man was completely silent, and in the end only one leg remained of the man's body.

The body of the rotting corpse has obviously healed, and it is ready to go out immediately.

The sun was shining, and the corpse's body was instantly stabbed by the sun.

On the other side, Lin Lan's eyes widened, and he sensed everything around him.

"It's so cloudy, won't that guy come out now?"

Longcheng stared blankly at Lin Lan whose mood changed rapidly.

"Are you... Are you sad, or are you saying that I shouldn't comfort you?" 1

Lin Lan turned around, looked at Longcheng suspiciously, then smiled and rubbed his hands.

"Dragon City Dage, are there any books about zombies?".

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