Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 8 Chapter 37: .Dawn in the Kingdom of Shadows

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This is the rule, but neither Dick’s holy flame nor Jaina’s magical flame is part of the world’s flames and can burn, but exposed to the rules of the Kingdom of Shadows, it will become quite difficult to maintain that flame. , It will consume many times more power than the present world.

In addition, there is also a kind of flame that can burn in the Kingdom of Shadows.

The fire of the undead, the fire of bones, all the flames composed of negative energy, such as the flame that Hela ignited on her body now.

It is faintly white, without a trace of temperature, but if you dare to stretch out your hand, there will definitely be no ashes left to be burned in an instant. It does not affect the body, but the soul.

Hela is using this method to release the rules of the Kingdom of Shadows. She is not confessing, let alone forgiving, just because the news brought by Dick is too terrifying, and the belief that she has adhered to for tens of thousands of years has happened. The conflict caused her to doubt herself.

This kind of suspicion made her unable to maintain her own existence.

Don’t forget, Hela is the first Val'kyr to be transformed by Odin. The creature like Val'ky is already a pure energy creature. The meaning of faith and soul to them is much harsher than that of ordinary people. Many.

Unable to hold on to the belief will make them lose control of most of their power at the moment of collapse. Similar to Hela, the guy who connects himself with the twisted rules of the Kingdom of Shadows will only be worse when the belief collapses. , Even threatening self-existence.

But Hela did not resist. She just let the faint white flame lick her body. She stood up and sat in the fire with the hateful gaze, looking at the sky of the Kingdom of Shadows, as if going through it. In the thick clouds, I saw Odin, the person who had been hated by her for tens of thousands of years.

She believes that that person is also paying attention here.

When hatred has become a habit, we no longer need to consider whether it is normal and reasonable.

By Valarjar’s door to the sky, Odin stood silently holding Gungnir, his one eye was shining with a clear light, and in the deepest part of that eye, there was a trace of pain that was almost invisible. .

As the **** king of Valarjar, he is lonely and must be strong, so he can only be weak when there is no one. Heimdall and El guard the edge of the sky gate to ensure that no one will come near. Yes, as Hela guessed, Odin has been watching this battle.

Through the boundary between the two worlds, this would seriously interfere with Odin’s power, but if he only saw it, it was okay. He saw Hela in the flame, lit by the faint white flame, and bearing the body. The painful Hela slowly splitting with the soul.

He saw the eyes in the flames, the eyes that contained anger and hatred. He had seen those eyes countless times in tens of thousands of years, but only this time reminded Odin of the one who fought under him. , Had sealed the elemental prince, resisted the servants of the ancient gods, even after the conflict between Odin and the guardian, she resolutely stood by Odin's daughter.

Odin once regarded her as a real daughter, but unfortunately, they finally embarked on a hostile path.

Except for the day when he guessed that the Pantheon had been destroyed, Odin's heart had never been so painful as it is today.

"Hella... haven't you let go of the hatred in your heart?"

"Do not…"

Hela seemed to see the face of the enemy in her blurred eyes. She seemed to see that the man was persuading her to give up her hatred, but she shook her head.

"No! I don't want to!"

"Why me! Odin, tell me, why me! Is it just because of Titan’s responsibility for creation? Or because I stood on the side of mortals when we first disagreeed, because I undermined your majesty Your majesty as a **** king and a father?"


Silence, Odin's answer was silence.


Most of Hela’s body was ignited by the flames, and she laughed wildly, “I knew it! I knew it! Under that proud heart, hidden is a majesty who is unwilling to submit, unwilling to retreat, and even paranoid. , A madman who can sacrifice even his daughter! I knew it!"

"I will surrender to death, but never to you... Odin! I will not forgive you, I hate you! I will curse you in hell! I will build my army there and reshape my sea Lagar, don’t come too early...I will give you back the pain you gave me, not a bit more, a bit more!"

"After that... we'll be cleaned up... I'm waiting for you!"

The last flame ignited, covering Hela’s paranoid and crazy eyes. Odin remained there until a few minutes later, he sighed loudly and walked towards his throne lonely. At the moment he turned around, he His lips moved slightly, as if to say,

"I'm sorry... my daughter."

But this fleeting weakness disappeared after turning around, and he became the invincible, powerful **** king. He looked at Heimdall,

"Heimdall, my warrior, the Hall of Valor is about to be unblocked. When necessary, you take the Legion of Valor to Northrend to help the Great Guardian conquer Ulduar and remove the corruption there. During this time, obey the Great The guardian's order."

Heimdall was shocked and asked,

"The Great Guardian? Dick?"

Odin glanced at him, "Yes, Dick!"

After speaking, the **** king of Valarjar turned into a thunder light similar to Dick and disappeared on the golden platform. Heimdall and El glanced at each other, then turned and left.

Valarjar is about to be unblocked, and the Heroic Legion is about to usher in the first battle.

In the Kingdom of Shadows, with Hela's last breath, when the last mist of mist disappeared into the air, the dim sky had already changed into another look.

Hela’s rule of the Kingdom of Shadows has reached the end. This demiplane has returned to its original appearance. The sky is not bright, but it is never dark, just like the sky at dusk, always shrouded in yellow. The light looks very magnificent. In the far front, there is a red cloud, which seems to be a scene like a burning cloud, like the sun is about to be born.

But here, the sun will never rise.

The ground covered with bones and ship wreckage has been completely purified by the light feathers and flames just now, and it is covered with gray dust, but it is no longer dirty, but simple.

The sea in the distance is still filthy, but without Hela, the biggest source of filth, these filthy waters will become clear in a very short time, but it is of no use. After all, this is the kingdom of the dead, so don’t I look forward to many lives here.

This will become a complete cycle, a cycle that is very different from the world but has its own rules.

Without Hela's will, the rules of the Kingdom of Shadows will no longer actively corrode everyone's bodies, but the suppression still exists. This is called the Kingdom of Shadows, and it is the shadow of the world. Naturally, you can't expect this to be exactly the same as the world.

Dick carrying Anvina, holding Liadrin in one arm, Jaina walking beside him, Anduin and Gavincent went to explore the way ahead, the fog was still shrouded in this world, but there was no more It's as heavy as before.

It was like a piece of dust obstructing vision.

"Hmm... Is Hela dead? Anvina was also rescued. Everything here is over... What a crazy trip."

Dick embraced the high elf in his arms with emotion, feeling the fragrance in her hair, and said to his prospective wives,

"Let's go home, it's been too long."

Jaina took Liadrin’s other hand, and Miss Mage looked around in confusion.

"How should we go back, the Nagfar has been destroyed..."

"Tutor! Tutor! We found a ship ahead!"

Anduin screamed out of the fog, then raised a green diamond-shaped gem in his hand and a very simple lantern, "I found these in that pile of ashes! Maybe with Hela related."

Dick took the green gem curiously, and the power penetrated into it, but there was no feedback. It didn't look like something left by existence like Hela. As for the lamp, Dick had an impression, in the original history Here, the lamp was given by Hela to Sylvanas, Queen of the Forsaken. It is said that this lamp has the power to collect and imprison the souls of the dead.

It is one of Hella's treasures, but now it looks like a souvenir because of the size of the palm of the hand.

Dick said that these two things were put away, and followed Anduin for a few minutes. He saw Gavincent's tall man and a ship docked on the coast in front of the Navicul warriors.

Unlike the Nagfar, this newly-emerging ship is like the kind of large dragon boat often used by the Vrykul people. There is still a white bone lamp hanging through it. The style is similar to the one that Dick just got. The lamp is almost identical.

"It seems that the Nagfar should be one of the rules of the Shadow Nation."

Gavincent scratched his head, and was the first to get on the ship, accompanied him to sit down, the bone lamp came on, the whole ship began to move slowly, and the Vrykul beckoned to them.

"Come on, we leave here!"

Dick grinned.

"Okay, go home!"

As a few people set foot on the ship, Dick couldn’t help but glance at the Kingdom of Shadows on the sea that became quiet again. This place, the road they walked, was slowly Shrouded in the mist, it seems that it is here to say goodbye to them, and in a place farther away, the sky in the distance is so beautiful, it is really hard to imagine, such a quiet place will become so ugly and so violent before. .

"There is something there!"

Sitting on the ship's side, Anduin, who was playing with the two little guys, Imersus and Resch, holding the emblem of the holy fire, raised his head and suddenly noticed something different. He yelled and attracted everyone's attention. attention.

Dick looked forward along Anduin's fingers, and sure enough, there was something there!

It is a small wooden boat like a canoe. A white candle is lit in front of each wooden boat, and there is a person sitting on those boats. Their expressions may be peaceful or hideous, and there are also old and young. There are humans, orcs, tauren, dwarves, and even elves.

They wore all kinds of clothes, but through Dick's eyes, their identities were clear at a glance.

It's a ghost.

For those who have died, the rules of the Kingdom of Shadows are calm. This world of undead has opened its doors to all those who have died. They will start their lives here again. They will be the first place in this dusty land in tens of thousands of years. Batch visitors.

"Don't come near them, Anduin!"

Dick whispered, and the little prince immediately withdrew his hand. He is not a fool. It is impossible for thousands of this small wooden boat to appear on the sea in front of him at the same time, and here is still the kingdom of shadows, so there is only one explanation, one to make Xiao Xiao The prince explained with fear.

Dick's gaze flickered on these undead, and finally fell on a young man wearing a scarlet crusader shirt. Behind him, there were dozens of warriors also wearing armor, and the paladin's gaze became serious. .

During this period of time, there was almost no war in Northern Xinjiang, and the entire Lordaeron was working hard for the reconstruction of the country, so there was only one reason for the death of this Scarlet Crusade, and there was only that one.

Borean Tundra, the battle against the undead, the Northern Expedition, the large-scale war, has begun!

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