Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 9 Chapter 2: .The Return of the Dead

Icecap Glacier, this is a giant ice floe floating on the North Sea. Its area is comparable to the largest province in the Kingdom of Stormwind, and it has become a real piece of land.

But this is the worst place in the world, not just the environment. The dark energy diffused here is extremely active, active to normal life, and it is impossible to survive on this continent, and the soul of Ner'zhul is mixed in the hard After falling into this land in the ice, another evil was awakened.

In this **** dark place.

At the southernmost tip of the Icecrown Glacier, a desolate mountain range was flattened. On that ground, a thick wall was built that almost surrounds the entire Icecrown Glacier. The black, icy, and only productive soil in Northrend The Saronite Iron, a kind of exotic metal that extends to dark energy and resists light energy, under the original order of Ner'zhul, endlessly, the undead awakened in this vast underground, tirelessly digging With the Saronite Iron, it was sent to the smelting yard located in the southern part of Icecrown Glacier and melted, building such a thick city wall.

All the buildings here are sharp, towering, and full of offensiveness. The blue frost light spreads on these city walls, denying the entry of all outsiders.

And at the end of the two starting points of the city wall, there is a dark tower that soars into the clouds, like a black sword piercing the sky, so sharp that it is impossible to look directly at it.

It has a trace of melting, which is the trace left by the light that fell from the sky hitting the ice of Ner'zhul. That blow almost broke the entire Scourge Legion, but they still survived.

At the top of the tower, the cold wind gathers, and the wind and snow are swaying. This is a large platform. There are almost no traces of Saronite iron. It is a natural platform carved into a circular upward staircase. The center of the platform pierced into the sky like bone claws, and a whole piece of ice was shaped like a throne, and a piece of blue ice was placed on the throne.

The surface of the ice is covered with thick snowflakes, almost covering the surface of the cold ice. There is almost no life here, and there is no life at all. Standing here, you can look down on the entire icecap glacier, just like At the apex of the world, even if ordinary people come into contact with the cold air here, they will be frozen into blocks of ice, not even a second.

Suddenly, the cold wind stopped and the snowflakes stopped. The whole world seemed to have pressed the pause button at this moment. The cold wind coming from nowhere blew away the snowflakes on the ice surface on the throne, revealing the blue sky. The color of the ice cube, with a trace of shocking cracks, spread on the surface of the ice, and the Buddha was placed. This crystal ice was once broken, making it look a little ugly.

However, this cracked trace added a hint of sharpness and unexpected weight to the round ice block.


A slight cracking sound rang from the inside of the ice block, like the sound of a spider crawling across the ground, and also like the sound of countless insects. In this silence, people unexpectedly felt a kind of creepy feeling.

And the figure enclosed in the ice, that wears the ice-blue dominance helmet, that is a half-covered helmet, the ice blue with a black surface, shining with indifferent light, At the top, like a crown, five sharp spikes like blades were split, as well as delicate skull pendants.

At the border between the crown and the helmet, there is a blue teardrop-shaped gem inlaid with the light of the whole world. No one knows the source of that gem, but whether it is Ner'zhul or Alsace, It is through that gem to control the actions of the entire undead natural disaster.

In the eye sockets under the helmet, there were originally two closed eyes. At this moment, the eyes slowly opened, revealing the ice blue indifferent eyes. Then in the next moment, two blue icy flames streamed. The edges of his eyes appeared, rendered, and then flowed to the sides.

It seems to represent some kind of revival of will.

He was sitting on the throne, with his left hand resting on the armrest of the throne, and his right hand holding the hilt of the magic sword, the decoration of the skull and horns, and the seven lighted runes and the blue sword body. After opening his eyes, the sword was also shaking slightly, seeming to be happy for his own awakening.

Through the broken ice layer in front of him, Arthas saw not his face, but the face of an orc. It was the image of Ner'zhul, the first generation of the Lich King, whose soul was captured by Kiel. After Kadan took away, his power remained in the throne, which was a gift he left to Arthas.

The fellows of the two worlds, one is cunning and cruel, and the other was justice and light.

Together, they formed the Lich King, the real Lich King.

Ner'zhul's image seemed to want to say something, but a powerful force surged up along the ice, tearing the image reflected on the ice completely to pieces, revealing Arthas's emotionless eyes.


A faster cracking sound rose from under the throne. Eventually, when every part of the ice layer was filled with cracks, the entire ice block crashed, exposing Arthas’s body completely. He was wearing The armor made of Saronite, which is exactly the same style as the Helm of Dominance, is covered with skulls and black thorn flowers. At the positions of the elbows, knees, feet and chest, the eyes of the carefully carved skulls have flowing light. .


Arthas got up from the throne. He slid in Frostmourne. It was probably a long sleep, which made his body seem a little obscure. Maybe it was because of the strong power that he was a little at a loss. But no matter what Alsace was feeling at this time. No matter what, it can't be changed. From the moment he wakes up, another person will be added to the ranks of the world's top creatures.

He held Frostmourne in front of him, looked up at the stagnant snowflakes in the sky, stretched out his fingers, and shook it lightly. The snowflakes in the sky fell in vain.


Arthas lifted his foot and stepped into the first step of the heavy snowfall. The invisible force completely pushed the snowfall away from the platform in front of him, not blowing it, but like some kind of higher power, smoothing them. After separating, the Lich King stretched out his hand and swiped it gently on his waist and abdomen, and he grabbed a mass of dried flesh and tissue in his hand.

During the period of sleep, he felt that such a small thing was helping him to absorb the power of Ner'zhul on the throne more quickly, and merge them into one. He could feel that this group of flesh and blood contained Another kind of powerful biological organization, he can feel the power of chaos in it.

And this power tried to lure him from darkness into chaos more than once... It was a pity that it underestimated Arthas' will.


Alsace muttered the name silently, and then threw the dry flesh and tissue away. The thing fell into the air, frozen by invisible power, and then completely shattered into ice foam under Alsace's gaze, looking It's like the most beautiful white snowflake.


The Lich King retracted his gaze, he strode forward, and each step made his body freeze more relaxed. When he stepped onto the stairs at the last step, he was no different from ordinary people, and the black fluffy cloak blew up behind him. Make his figure look extraordinarily tall.

And when he walked down the stairs, the powerful undead lords of the Scourge Legion were waiting for their masters in the hall below.

The new leader of the cultists, Lady Deathwhisper, after Kel'Thuzad took away most of the power that cursed the cult, what was left to Lady Deathwhisper is a very tattered mess, but fortunately, the civilized world never lacks desperation. The villain, she aggressively recruited subordinates from Grim Totem, Blackrock Orcs, pirates and the dark world. Although the quality is much different from that of Kel'Thuzad, the minimum number has returned to the original level.

Next to Lady Deathwhisper is the leader of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Lord Kurtaz. Behind him is the lonely Dathrohan. After the failed attempt to capture Mograine, in the fall of Naxxramas, They also lost Rivendell, and now the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are dead in name.

The chief plague master of the Scourge, Dr. Putriside, this guy has a mysterious origin, but it is certain that he has already defected to the Lich King during the time of Ner'zhul, and this is a genius for making plagues. He was recently in Study the disgusting ooze plague, which is extremely lethal.

There is also the captain of Alsace’s guard, the royal attendant Farek, who is the most loyal follower to him. From Lordaeron to Northrend, Farek has fought almost every battle with Alsace. He may not be the strongest, but he is definitely the one who is most loyal to Alsace.

The manager of the Soul Forge, Bronjam, the father of the souls, is a magician who studies souls deeply. He is stationed in the Soul Forge of Icecrown Citadel. He is responsible for making gargoyles for Arthas, and for hatred and the like. Constructing creatures inject souls, and manage those souls controlled by Frostmourne.

The natural disaster lord Tyranus of the Saron Mine, this guy was originally a general of Lordaeron, after his death, he controlled the entire Saron Mine for Arthas, and was the protector of the undead natural disaster weapons and armor and the smelter.

There is also a mysterious person covered in black robe. No one knows where he comes from, and no one knows who he is.

Then there is a high elf necromancer, Darkan, the guy who betrayed Quel'Thalas. He worships demons instead of undead, but after the failure of Mount Hyjal, the demon legion abandoned this poor fellow. Arthas killed him, but gave him a new life to continue fighting for the Lich King.

Behind these leaders, there are the tall lord Malogar, the doctor's hateful pet, and the high-level overseers under Tyrannus.

Finally, there was a young man kneeling on the ground, shivering, wearing dirty armor, and with unruly hair.

Renault Mograine...a traitor.

"Oh, look at who this is... My loyal Lei Nuoqing, even if everyone else betrayed me, are you still loyal to me all the way?"

Arthas ignored the lords of the Scourge that had withered a lot. He walked to Renault with Frostmourne. With his approach, the feared Renault, his whole body seemed to be tightened by invisible energy and lifted into the air. , And was finally bound in front of Arthas.

He wanted to speak, but his mouth was sealed with energy, and he could only look at Arthas with a begging look. The latter let the Buddha understand the pleading in his eyes, and he chuckled and raised the magic sword in his hand. , Elegantly like the previous His Royal Highness the prince.

"Well, for this "loyalty", I give you strength! You will be my death messenger, Renault Mograine, remember, you only have this chance!"


The magic sword pierced Renault's chest, and the strong blue light bounced back and forth on Renault's body, causing the human knight to tremble uncontrollably.

His ugliness made Arthas a little hard to stand, and the Lich King turned around and looked at his lord.

"Mavien, Rivendell, there are too many dead...Get ready for the reincarnation ceremony and let my soldiers return!"

"Tell Anub'arak, gather all the Nerubians of Aizhuo Nerub! Go hunt and hunt!"

"Tell those Vrykul, I remember that guy was Ymiron... I will give them a second life and let them fight for me! And those Drakkari trolls!"

"The enemy we once slaughtered has invaded our territory... But it's nothing, gather our army! Let them know what is blood flowing! What is frightening!"

"Undead! Natural disasters! Back!"

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