Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 10 Chapter 5: .Hunting·The Hunter in the Glacier

The Icecrown Glacier, as the name suggests, is a large glacier.

The large ice block suspended in the northern part of the endless sea, but it has been endless years since the formation of the large glacier, so this glacier is still covered with thick frozen soil.

It can be described as frozen for thousands of miles, and no grass grows.

It's hard to imagine that there will be creatures in this ghost place, but in fact, in addition to a staggering number of undead, there are indeed many creatures living on the Icecrown Glacier.

Although the life forms of those creatures have become extremely weird, it is difficult to call them real creatures.

At the shadow of the dome, outside the dark fortress at the northernmost end of the black wall surrounding the entire Icecrown Glacier, two strange “snowdrifts” are quietly moving on the snowy field in the eternal frozen snow. They are moving very much. Regularly, basically move forward every 5 minutes.

Never delay, never advance.

If you get close enough, you can still hear a voice, the whisper of being submerged in the cold wind of the snowy field.

"Hi, daddy, didn't you mean that you have only hunted beasts in your life? Why would you also participate in this icebreaker?"

Hemet II carried his beloved shotgun, which was designed and manufactured for him by the best engineering masters and blacksmiths of the Allied Forces. There is only this one in the entire world, the best Sag. Made of steel, iron wooden handle, built-in magic focus, ultra-long range, increased damage, even the bullets used are hand-made armor-piercing blasting bullets made by masters, and can fire most bullets including magic ammunition , The effective range is 1500 meters, but even at a distance of 2500 meters, its power is enough to explode the hard skull of the strongest mammoth.

Hemet II said that he loved it to death.

A good hunter must know how to maintain his weapons, so in this extremely harsh environment, Hemet II also used an exquisite plush holster to protect his love gun. He was wearing dark green at this time. He wears his lock armor, engineering goggles to protect his eyes, black leather gloves with close hands, and a camouflage fluffy cloak on his back.

As Azeroth’s premier hunter and assassin master, Hemet II is not a good man and believer. In fact, if he can, he prefers to stay in the warm Ironforge or the leisurely Selsamar’s villa instead of in Perform **** reconnaissance missions in this **** ice world.

But there is no way, the task is the task...especially in the current context, he has to converge his hobbies, and lying next to him is a dwarf with white hair.

His face is exactly the same as Hemet II, but compared to Hemet II’s fully armed, this old dwarf’s outfit is much simpler. He wears a black and white hunting suit with a special piece on his left eye. With his monocle, his right eye was simply exposed to the cold wind that would freeze ordinary people.

In those squinted eyes, there was an occasional glimmer of fine light, but it looked like a sharp knife. When looking at others, it was like scraping a bone with a steel knife. This was a real ruthless character.

But one thing is that this old dwarf made exactly the same as Hemet II. The shotgun on his back was also protected by a holster. From the old-fashioned way, it can be seen that this is also the best hunter.

A real hunter!

"Second... you always can't learn it. Don't talk like that when hunting... it will scare the prey away."

Hemet Nesingwary glanced at his son and sighed, "Hey, you are always so rough, just like your marksmanship. I don't know when you can really get to the top."

"I am already a top hunter!"

Hemet II said in a dissatisfied voice, and then he got his father's stern look, and the old dwarf asked slowly.

"Oh? When? Why didn't I know? You got an invitation to Secret Path?"

"Uh... this one is not there yet... but I believe it will be soon!"

The second generation gritted his teeth and tried to jump away from this question, "As long as I complete this mission, I will definitely be absorbed by your old organization."

"So... you are not yet! Hunters who have not been absorbed by the Secret Path, huh, they are all rubbish!"

Nesingwary's eyes narrowed again. He saw a bony raven flying out of the shadow dome. The old hunter touched the shotgun behind him, but before he could pull out the gun, Hemet II was next to him. The gun in the world's hand rang.


There was no bursting chirping, only a wind-like sound, that was the sound from the muffler of the gun, the soaring bone raven flapped its wings in the air, and finally it flew lower and lower and plunged into the snow. .

Two minutes later, the two dwarves picked up the bone raven struggling on the ground. The wings were huge and the whole body was white, unlike ordinary ravens. In its eyes, there was a dark green light shining. There are many such creatures in Icecrown Glacier. They have cruel temperament and feed on carrion. Due to the long-term infestation of dark magic, this creature is very sensitive to the breath of the dead, so it is often the undead who have the courage to transmit information.

The information here refers to the very important kind. Common information can be communicated using the inner spiritual network of the undead natural disasters, but this kind of communication is not safe. A wizard who has a little research on the soul can monitor this kind of information. Soul fluctuations.

"Nice blow!"

Nesingwary carefully looked at the bone raven struggling in his hand. The blow of the second king did not destroy any part of the savage beast's body. It was only destroyed by the heat that the bullet grazed its wings. The blood vessels of the beast's wings prevent it from continuing to fly.

This is a skill that only top hunters can master, and it is also a detail that the best scouts can do.

The second generation triumphantly hugged his shoulders, lying in a snowy field, watching his father remove an encrypted leather scroll from the claws of the raven, and then put the scroll prepared in advance there. In the letterbox of the paw.

This is their daily task. The replacement of this kind of information is a plan made by the wisest wizards. The changed information is completely logical. The most important thing is that through this kind of detail change, they will be slow, God does not know. Unconsciously, in the tightly defended Icecrown, a real line of defense was torn out.

The struggling bone raven, under the penetration of the green energy surging in Nesingwary’s hands, slowly became quiet. Obviously, this is not an ordinary beast taming technique. It wants to tame this barbarism. The scavengers must have very superb skills.

Nesingwary, who has dealt with the most dangerous beasts all the year round, is exactly this master. He is also one of the most powerful beast kings in Azeroth, but few people know this because of Nesingwary’s marksmanship. , Obviously better.

The most famous record of this old hunter was that in the Orc War that year, when the Dragonmaw Orcs rode a enslaved red dragon to attack Menethil Harbor, they accurately exploded a red dragon from 3000 meters away. Head, that is simply a miracle that cannot be replicated.

"I actually don't understand, father, does it make sense for us to do these things every day?"

Hemet II’s windshield has been searching around, placing danger suddenly, staying with his relatives, the character of this cold hunter is obviously also lively, he asked curiously, "Alsace Isn't it possible to discover the unexpected transfer of those undead?"

Old Nesingwary patiently finished everything in his hand, and patted the head of the tame white-bone raven. The ugly and savage creature uttered a cry, and then soared into the sky in the wind and snow, towards the center of Icecrown Glacier. The necropolis of the Vrykul flew over, until the raven disappeared into the darkness, the old hunter turned his head and said to his son,

"Of course it works! II, do you remember our journey to hunt those bugs in Silithus?"

"Of course I remember! That was the first time I participated in the hunt for heroic prey. It was a great experience."

Hemet II touched his beard. His beard had a pair of bone-colored hoops, which were his trophies in that hunt. A hoop made from the bones of a heroic Tiqira was invaluable. .

But what Nesingwary said was definitely not that. The old hunter looked around nervously, and only after confirming that there was no danger, he spoke.

"Then do you remember how those Qirajis contacted each other? Their social form!"

"It's distributed layer by layer, and the upper layer will only receive information from directly under the layer... By the way! Isn't it the same for the undead?"

Hemet II suddenly understood what his father meant, and the old hunter nodded and explained patiently,

"The same is true for the undead! Arthas will only receive information from the generals under his command. When it is not necessary, he cannot directly intervene in the thinking of a certain low-level commander. There are tens of millions of undead. No matter how strong his spirit is, it’s not enough, so as long as it doesn’t involve a big transfer of tens of thousands of people, Alsace will never find out."

The anxiety in the old hunter's heart became stronger and stronger. Although some of them were endless, the hunting instinct of the top hunters was still reminding him that the danger was coming, so he ended this small chat with one sentence.

"Remember, Second World, what we need is just a riddled line of defense. To fight a war of attrition, we will never be the opponents of the undead. We can only take the slant sword, and we... are the sharpest sword of the coalition army! "

After speaking, the old hunter stretched out his hand to remove the special pistol from his belt, and drew his hunter hand axe from his belt, and whispered

"Enter the disguise, II, get ready for battle!"

After speaking, the old dwarf took a step forward, and the whole person disappeared on the snow out of thin air. This is the hunter's top-level breathing technique-camouflage, which perfectly blends with the surrounding environment. To a certain extent, This is simply a more powerful technique than the stealth of thieves.

Hemet II was stunned, but because he was convinced of his father's hunting skills, he also entered the disguise for the first time. As a result, 10 seconds later, a portal opened a few hundred meters away.

A lich wearing a purple robe led five death knights out of the portal. The lich’s jerky voice without emotional fluctuations was looming in the cold wind.

"Search here! Death messenger and Master Blood poison must ensure absolute safety here!"

It’s just that the lich hadn’t finished speaking. The five death knights in front of him fell three, two were headshots by Hemet II’s double spears, and the last one was chopped off by a sharp hand axe. The head, followed by a stream of holy water poured down, the souls of this intermediate undead are not under the control of Frostmourne, and will only enter the soul furnace after death to wait for resurrection, and the direct irrigation of holy water can completely destroy these souls. .

At least the integrity can be destroyed. In this way, even after the resurrection, it can only become the lowest level walking corpse, and there is no risk of leaking secrets.

However, this lich was pretty reliable. At the first moment of the attack, he didn't think of counterattack. Instead, he waved his hands and took the two remaining death knights. In the broken white light, he used teleportation to leave This ghost place.

The next moment, their bodies appeared near the shadow dome.

"Damn it! Sure enough, there was an attacker! Go back! Report to the death messenger!"

The Lich who had escaped from the dead just finished speaking. The heads of the two death knights standing next to him exploded at once. The corpses with most of their skulls opened hit the ground, and the souls corroded by the holy water wailed and fled. The southernmost soul melting pot of Icecrown.

Before the Lich could react, the last bullet hit the center of his white skull's eyebrows, and did not penetrate. The moment the special bullet rushed into his brain, it poured out the compressed holy water hidden inside. The lich couldn't even make a wailing sound, and its soul was completely broken up.

On the other side, Hemet II looked at his father dumbfounded. Nesingwary was half kneeling on the ground, holding a gorgeous blue spear in his hand, and a touch of cyan smoke was flashing from the muzzle. , There are blue Titan energy vibrations on both sides of the armrest, and there is a precision sight at the top. Outside the sight, the blue light shows through the air, making this weapon that combines hideousness and precision look exceptional. Magnificent.

"Open...what a joke!"

Seeing the old Hemet put away the shotgun in his hand, the second generation screamed and rushed at him. To be precise, it was the gun, but the old dwarf flashed it lightly, and the second generation grabbed his head and looked blank. "This is at least 5,000 meters, right? It can still be shot so precise? The bullet's ejection speed is wrong! At least 5 times faster than my Nesingwe 4000! Daddy, what kind of gun are you?"

Nesingwary touched the shotgun in his hand with a look that looked at the most precious treasure, as if he was stroking his sindorei lover.

"Don't compare your toy gun with this beauty, aren't you curious why I broke my rules and joined this expedition mission?"

"Because of it! The second king, the eagle eye, inherited the great power of the Titan weapon, the hunter's supreme holy artifact, for it, let alone a dead soul, even if it is against the whole world, it is worth it! It is my soul, it is my life! It is the meaning of my existence!"

"If there is something in this world that I must get... it must be it!"

"But you have maintained the precepts for 100 years?"

"Oh... forget the stupid precepts, second generation, we are hunters, the Hemet family was born for hunting! Everything in the world is our prey, and hunting beasts has made me sick, you know, every time When the hunt begins, I know the final outcome, which is meaningless...not to mention, there is this gun..."

The old dwarf shook his head, glanced at the shadow dome in the wind and snow one last time, put the shotgun in his hand back into the holster, and said to Hemet II beside him,

"This place is not safe anymore, but it seems that the undead are planning to do something here, to signal Rexxar, Roglio, and Theron... It seems that the boring time of small squabbles is about to end. Cheers, King II, the largest hunting in the history of the civilized world, is about to begin!"

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