Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 10 Chapter 13: .Thousand Throats

Naturally, Twilight Cultists would not have any opinions.

They are indeed lunatics, but it does not mean that they are stupid... The energy of the holy light surging through Dick's body and converging into a substantial tide, the fine golden lightning wafting around his body also gave him a trace of indescribable majesty , Especially when those eyes that were surging with elegant thunder light swayed from side to side, the person he was staring at, even his body would tremble.

This is the coercion of higher creatures on lower creatures... After embarking on the path of Titan and completing the first stage of transformation, it is difficult for Dick to consider it in an ordinary state.

Not to mention the two elemental creatures in the holy light behind him, one gold and one blue, especially when Lei Shi waved his hand and diverted the far underground river out of thin air, watching the turbulence. With the abnormal tide, even the most daring cultists were willing to lie on the ground.

Under the power of Yogg-Saron, they are indeed sincere, but under the threat of death and soul destruction, how much this sincerity can be preserved is really hard to say.

After all, there are indeed warriors or lunatics who have dedicated themselves to faith, but most people are realistic.

"Master Anvina, you and Resch are looking at them, I'll go inside and take a look."

Dick turned his head and said to Anwina, who had re-transformed into a golden knight in a trial suit holding a heavy hammer, and then carried the Wind Chasing Sword, and rushed into the dusty spider web in a flash of golden thunder. In the deepest part of the Ankahet Hall, the dark air was stirred, and even the internal anxiety was eliminated by the scorching thunder.

Master Anwina lacks even the interest to look at Dick. She is enthusiastically guiding Resch to transform into a human form like her. A troll cultist kneeling on the edge thinks that luck is coming, and secretly wants to escape. Entering the shadow, as a result, at the moment when he disappeared, Master Anwina casually flicked with her index finger.

The same golden light flame as before smashed down from the empty sky, melting the hapless troll again...The light spirit deliberately slowed down the surging speed of the holy flame, making the troll's wailing sound more infiltrating. After the hapless egg was completely melted, all the ghostly cultists became quiet again.

To deal with evil, we must send more black-handed guys... Dick once joked that the cute Anvina-sama cut it open, and it was all black... Now it looks like it's probably not just a joke.

"You just killed someone! Sister Anvina!"

Lei Shi, who was slowly "pinching" himself into a human form from a mass of slime, screamed, and the results of his own efforts were all in vain. As a result, the next moment, Xiao Shuiling's head was caught by Master Anwina. Took a shot,

"How many times have you said it, be careful! The fool made me look at them without saying that I can't kill them, sneaky guys, that's the most annoying!"

"Then can I drown one of them with water? There are so many of them that Dick can't find even a drowning one."

"...The next mess is up to you, but you have to become a humanoid first...this is ugly!"

"Yeah! Long live Anvina!"

So all the cultists shuddered, trembling and daring not to do anything else.

Dick on the other side didn’t know that the ghostly Anvina was leading the little water spirit in an unknowable direction. He was walking towards the small hall surrounded by a gloomy hall. From the surrounding patterns, This should be the religious facility where Nerubian Nerubian was once, and it is full of stories about Nerubian Nerubian's history.

It is very abstract, and if a mortal comes to this dark temple, he may be able to faint directly, because those spider monsters use special methods to make those images shine with green shimmer in the dark, which looks like they appear out of thin air. Phantom in the dark.

There is nothing in this dark sacrificial hall. The air that is deeper and thicker than the outside world gathers here, and there is a hint of coldness and indifference. If you feel it yourself, the distortion and chaos hidden in the air will make You tried to escape here the first time.

But Dick did not escape. He stretched out his silver-white left hand outside of his robe. The heat visible to the naked eye was in the surrounding air. A silver halo that had spread beyond the paladin's body was like a large heat. The furnace disperses the cold in the surrounding air.

As I said before, the power of order will actively counter all the chaos that is approaching, but after Dick completely let go of the suppression of the power of order, the hall quickly brightened, and all the light originated from the paladin. In his left arm, the silver-white silver fist, now is not only the power of order that Tyre once had, but also the rules of order given him by the Holy Light. It may not be pure, but it is definitely stronger than before, and more control.

The paladin's eyes swept across the nothingness in front of him, and he saw the purple chaos gathered by the four groups. The three groups were small, and the one hiding in the last was extremely large.

He moved his shoulders, pressed his left hand on the right shoulder of his robe, and then shook it gently, covering it outside the armor. The robe and hood that were easy to hide were all thrown aside, revealing the silver-white armor underneath. .

It was silver, mixed with blue gems and white nicks, and a complete set of armor with golden holy scriptures. Without a helmet, it looked holy to the extreme. The most striking thing was the shoulder armor, which was not made into Azeroth. The popular full-protection shoulder armor is made of a pair of blades that pierce outwards. From a distance, the blades that pierce the shoulders are like two small blades protruding from the back of Dick’s shoulders. wing.

There is also a picture almost the same as the Order of Order on Dick's forehead on the breastplate. The entire armor looks thick to the extreme. No one will doubt its sturdiness, just like a silver fortress.

This gorgeous and solemn armor is almost exactly the same as Dick’s body, which is obvious, because this is exactly what he created for himself when he finished the casting of Shadowmourne and practiced with Muradin. The armor, the material used is luxurious, mixed with all the rare metals that can be found in Azeroth, as well as the hardest ore in Draenor—hardened krypton gold that can be found from Illidan.

With Dick’s current forging skills, it is still very difficult to make such a helmet, but his luck is good, with the guidance of a powerful blacksmith like Muradin, when this armor is completed, he will be everything. In the eyes of the data, that is already a deep purple quality, and there is also the characteristic of soul binding.

He called it "salvation" to commemorate the exclusive equipment of the Paladin that he had wanted for the first half of his life, but had never had the chance to get it. It is worth mentioning that if there really is a set of redemption armor in this world, then It is definitely not as strong as Dick's hand.

The Paladin held the Wind Chasing Sword in his hands with both hands, the silver thunder and golden flashes were constantly beating on the long sword, he stared forward,

"If you don't come out, I will... invite you out!"

At the next moment, the three groups of warped and chaotic gas in front began to change rapidly, and finally formed three black portals, from which three faceless guardians walked out. These guys are called "***faces". , The ugliness is unbelievable, but they are molded into the left arm of the fleshy beard with a sucker, but it is not a joke. The ordinary soldier is drawn, and it is estimated that there is no hope of survival.

But Dick would not put this ancient god’s creation in his eyes. He gave a grin. The moment the three-headed faceless appeared, the whole person appeared at the first end in the golden flash of thunder. Behind the Faceless, these distorted flesh and blood monsters are about 5 meters tall, and they are huge monsters. However, facing the long sword in Dick's hand and the owner of that long sword, their deterrence and combat effectiveness are obviously poor. Too much.


The sharp long sword pierced into the heart of the faceless man from behind. The silver fire of order accompanied the piercing of the long sword, igniting the monster in front of him madly in an instant, and its remaining four hearts Facing the force of order rushing into the body, it exploded almost at the same time, opening a large and **** pit on its chest.

The first monster is dead! Clean and neat.

In the gleam of the silver holy flame, the tentacles of the other two faceless people drew from the left and the right. Dick blocked the first tentacles with the wind chaser, and his right hand was clenched into a fist. The light of gold and silver mixed with thunder and lightning was on the fist. Surging upward, the Paladin took a step back, rushed forward, and punched.


The small half flew to the sky with burnt black broken tentacles. The moment the faceless man retracted his tentacles, the paladin's body disappeared again. When he appeared, he was already standing on top of the second faceless man. The wind sword was switched to the right hand, and the hot left hand opened, slapped fiercely on the face of the faceless man.


The scorching silver light of order exploded in the palm of his hand, and the silver beam of light exploded in the form of a sacred shock, from the top of the head to the feet, abruptly tore the twisted monster in half, the third faceless guard Trying to turn around and escape into the dark whirlpool, but just as it approached the whirlpool, a hot blade hit the bottom of its neck, and then swiped it lightly.


The smelly liquid filled the space in front of me like a fountain. The silver flame completely swallowed the body of the three-headed faceless man at this moment. Dick lightly flicked the long sword in his hand and threw the last touch of liquid off the sword. , And then looked up to the back, the black whirlpool that was opening.

Among them, a huge faceless attendant with a height of more than 7 meters was walking out of it. The strange robe he was wearing, the tentacles and the strange armbands wrapped around his arms proved its identity.

This is Yogg-Saron’s guard and its herald. It seems that this guy instructed the shadow seekers to form the cult stronghold here. The chaos wrapped around its body is far greater than being chopped off by Dick. The three-headed faceless soldier killed by Cai's is stronger.

"All pces, all things have souls. All souls can be devoured."

It discovered Dick, but it did not panic. This high-level faceless person directly transformed from the thinking of the ancient gods. Compared with a single life entity, it is more equivalent to an extension of the soul of Yogg-Saron Like greetings, a series of weird words were spoken, and the sounds were like characters beating on Dick's soul one by one, causing the silver halo around the paladin's body to vibrate.

The ancient **** language, the words of the soul that can only be used by those truly blessed believers and true chaotic creatures, just the vibration of this language is enough to drive a group of normal people crazy on the spot.

This is the power of the ancient gods, and everything related to it seems to have a certain chaotic symbolism, which is weird that people can't understand.

But Dick could understand, he sneered, slid the wind chasing sword with golden thunder in his hand on the ground, and responded loudly in Titan.

"The dark and depraved voice has returned to this world again, but it is still so disgusting...all things are all spirits, all spirits are devoured...Yug-Saron, you are such a big tone! The last guy who dared to make such wild words , Died hundreds of thousands of years ago...maybe you will be the next one."

"Haha...I am not Y'Shaarj, and you...nor Aman Sur, a small creature, you have spent thousands of years to save your world, even facing the end of the bones and bones, so I will make a big deal. Mercy, help you realize this wish."

"Go back, when you can go back..."

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