Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 100 Christmas Extra: The First Iron-Blooded Aircraft Carrier (12,000 words)


Who are you! Where is this!...I know, you are also the guy who is plotting against Zeppelin!

I will become the Iron-Blooded First Aircraft Carrier Graf Zeppelin in the future! You actually brought me to a place like this while I wasn't paying attention and took a shot at me!

The little white-haired loli looked at the strange man holding herself high in front of her, struggling and shouting.

Little Zeppelin didn't know how he came to this strange port area.

Originally, she should still be sleeping soundly in the dock, waiting for the iron-blooded people to assemble her body.

Her body contains the expectations of the entire Iron-Blooded camp for the future. Her future is bright, and it is certain that she will definitely become the glory of the Iron-Blooded in the future.

Therefore, little Zeppelin believed that in the current situation, she had been kidnapped by the strange man in front of her.

Are you really Zeppelin? No, why are your personalities completely different?

Lin Lan looked at this cute silver-haired little loli with her lips pouting in surprise.

This little girl is dressed almost exactly like Zeppelin, and her face is somewhat similar to Zeppelin's.

The terrifying woman in his port area who disliked everything and wanted to destroy the whole world had such a cute look that made people bully her when she was a child?

Hmph! Big bad guy, let me go home!

The little Zeppelin shouted in Lin Lan's hands, but Lin Lan had no choice but to put it back on the ground.

Okay, let's go then. I want to see how you get home.

Lin Lan was also amused by this cute little loli at this time. He smiled at the little loli in front of him and wanted to see if the ship girl who entered his port area could still fly away.

What's that expression on your face? It's obviously because your place is so big that I can't find my way home! Humph, you bad guy must have done it on purpose!

Little Zeppelin looked around helplessly, tightly wrapped his white and red coat, and shouted angrily at Lin Lan.

Hey, this is really a headache. You can't go home now, so you might as well stay in my port area first.

Lin Lan said with a smile.

You bad guy, I don't believe what you say...Oh, don't touch me casually, don't hold my hand!

Lin Lan forcibly held little Qi Bolin's hand and planned to take him to the Jagged Dormitory.

But his thoughts suddenly calmed down after little Zeppelin used the ship's suit to conjure a pocket-sized main gun.

Big bad guy, take a shot from me!

Oh, let me go! Zeppelin, were you so angry when you were a child?!

Lin Lan wailed loudly, and was chased and bombarded by the angry little Zeppelin with his main gun.

Fortunately, Little Zeppelin has just joined the port area, and her ship equipment has not yet been fully constructed, so the main gun is not very powerful.

But for Lin Lan, this was enough to cost him half his life.

After being chased outside Jagged Dormitory, Lin Lan finally saw his savior.

Huh? Commander, have you finally been sanctioned for being a lolita comic~

The hands-free Prince Eugen happened to be lazily basking in the sun on a bench outside the Jagged Dormitory. When he saw Lin Lan being chased by the little lolita, he couldn't help but smile and taunt him.

Eugen, stop talking and help me! Hey!

Lin Lan wailed as a small cannonball hit his head. It did not explode, but caused a big swelling on his head.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Eugen covered his mouth and smiled, and finally stopped little Zeppelin who was panting and chasing Lin Lan.

I'll leave this child to you, I'll leave first!

When Lin Lan saw that Eugen had successfully stopped little Zeppelin, he was also panting and holding his stomach, and he finally escaped.

Although this little girl's cannonball didn't explode, it still hit him hard enough.

The next day, Lin Lan decided to bring the child to his office to be his secretary.

The fastest way for a ship girl to integrate into the port area is to let her serve as a secretary ship and understand all aspects of the port area.

Why are there iron-blooded people here? Why are everyone so big...

When Lin Lan was working, little Qi Bolin obviously accepted some unbelievable reality and pushed open the door of Lin Lan's office with a pitiful expression.

Poor little Loli still looked confused when she arrived at the commander's office.

She sat on the sofa in Lin Lan's office with her head buried in silence.

Huh? You don't seem to be in good spirits. Let me declare that I am not a kidnapper. You'd better eat some snacks first.

Seeing that little Zeppelin was not in good spirits, Lin Lan stood up and took out a bunch of snacks given to him by the destroyer girl from the desk drawer and handed them to the little Lolita in front of him.

Well, thank you...

Although the silver-haired little Loli was still in low spirits, she still accepted the snacks and candies handed over by Lin Lan.

I know, you still want to go home, right?

Lin Lan sat next to little Zeppelin, looking at the little Loli who was eating candy with a negative expression, he smiled and comforted:

Let's do this. Until you find your way home, you can stay in my port area. I'll provide food and accommodation here.

When you find your way back in the future, if you want to go back, I will never stop you.

Little Loli then raised her head and glanced at Lin Lan.

Really? But, everyone here is so big and scary...

Lin Lan looked tenderly at the confused and helpless little Loli in front of her, and gently rubbed her face:

It's okay. Even though they all look fierce, in fact they are also very kind. Well, let me introduce you to everyone first.

Lin Lan picked up little Zeppelin, returned to his seat, opened the files in the pile of files on the table, and introduced the little Lolita in his arms one by one:

This is Z23, you can call her Teacher Nimi, this is Tizi...

With little Zeppelin in her arms, she suddenly felt that it would be nice to live in this port area for the time being.

Well, it’s just that I can’t find my way back now, and I don’t have a better place to go.

And this guy doesn't look bad, so let's stay here for now.

The little Loli made a decision silently.


Little Qi Bolin stayed in Lin Lan's port area for more than half a month.

During this period, Lin Lan used her as a secretary ship and got to know many partners from other camps in the port area.

In addition, he also tried to let the little Zeppelin go out and conduct some salvage missions in safe waters with other ship girls.

Gradually, little Zeppelin regained his vitality, and he was indeed a child.

Ship girls from other camps also knew that there was a little Zeppelin coming from Iron Blood, and many destroyer girls even made a special trip to see the little Zeppelin to play with.

Lin Lan gradually discovered that little Qi Bolin seemed to have really regarded himself as a member of this port area and lived happily every day.

In the first few days, little Zeppelin kept pestering him to help find the way home.

But now, she has never mentioned going home again.

Hey, Commander, Sister Befa has brought afternoon tea again, please help pick it up!

Lin Lan heard little Qi Bolin's shout and hurriedly walked out of the office.

As soon as he went out, he saw the little Loli in front of him staggering over with a bag of tea in one hand and a teacup and plate in the other.

After receiving the royal afternoon tea brought by Little Zeppelin, Lin Lan and Little Zeppelin returned to the office together.

The two sat on the sofa. Lin Lan took out the tea cup, placed it on the coffee table, and poured the royal black tea.

Little Zeppelin was so anxious that his mouth was full of cake. Lin Lan handed over the tea cup with a smile, which just solved little Zeppelin's urgent need.

Uh-huh, I'm alive. The royal cake is not bad. It has a different flavor compared to the iron-blooded cake.

After the little Loli drank the black tea, she looked at Lin Lan with a smile and said.

That's right, the royal maid team is very versatile after all. If you still want to eat, I'll go back and say hello to Befa and ask her to give you more.

Lin Lan also picked up the teacup and took a sip of the hot royal black tea.

It seems pretty good if I can continue to live like this.

After having afternoon tea, little Zeppelin lay lazily on the sofa, his face full of contentment.

You're a surprisingly good person. Everyone in Minato is also very nice to me.

The little Loli seemed to be talking to herself.

Lin Lan couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard what little Loli said.

Was Zeppelin so naive and reasonable when he was a child?

Thinking of the world-weary and cold look of the grown-up Zeppelin, Lin Lan really couldn't figure out why this sunny little loli would look like that in the future.

Is it okay if you don't go home? You were very anxious when you first came here.

Lin Lan asked jokingly with a smile.

Huh? Go home...

Little Zeppelin had a troubled look on his face, as if he was making a very difficult choice.

……this and that……

After thinking for a long time, the troubled little Loli suddenly seemed to have thought of some good idea. She looked at Lin Lan and said seriously:

Yes, that's right! I still have a long time before I grow up, so I can let Jagged wait for a while! Well, no one will be angry.

The innocent little Qi Bolin seemed very satisfied with her answer, pointing at Lin Lan with full energy:

Hmph, when I finish the ship's installation and become a super powerful aircraft carrier, I can also live in this fleet. You can't refuse!

Lin Lan smiled and stretched out her hand to stroke the little cutie's head:

That's for sure. I'm looking forward to that day coming soon.

With Lin Lan's warm palm caressing his head, little Qi Bolin's face turned slightly red and he shouted:

Are you taking advantage of me again? You told me not to touch me casually. Eat, eat my dick!

Hey, this is an office, don't, don't, I'm wrong!

The commander's office in the port area was also very busy in the afternoon.


Commander, you idiot, why did you lose the exercise again?

Another period of time passed, and little Zeppelin had become completely accustomed to life on the secretary ship.

She became more and more open-minded in speaking to Lin Lan, and the relationship between the two became more and more intimate.

Little Zeppelin has also completely integrated into the port area, and can attack in tacit understanding with the other ship girls and mingle as one.

The little Loli has also made many close friends. Not only Iron Blood, but also many ship girls from other camps have become close friends with her.

Who knew that guy across the street actually used Juno to come to the front desk newspaper office, and his company is really giving him face, and he always produces big E, Gan.

Lin Lan was outside the training area, complaining angrily.

The light cruiser Juno is White Eagle's ship's daughter. Her skill is that she can restore health to other members of the team after being sunk in battle. Therefore, many commanders used her as a front rower to deliberately send her away during exercises.

Big E is the skill of White Eagle's regular aircraft carrier Enterprise, which has a certain probability of triggering double damage and eight seconds of invincibility.

Lin Lan had tried his best, but after all, humans could not defeat European dogs.

However, you didn't bully Juno like other commanders. It's already quite impressive to get this rank.

Seeing Lin Lan's depressed look, little Qi Bolin quickly grabbed Lin Lan's hand and comforted her with concern.

Hey, it's not a big problem. As long as I can get meritorious service, I don't have to compete for the first place. It's best if I can win. It doesn't matter if I can't win.

Lin Lan was startled, but he was comforted by the little Loli and quickly calmed down his emotions.

Feeling the soft and warm touch of the little loli on his hand holding him, Lin Lan's mood slowly calmed down.

It was sunset time, and the orange-red sunset shone on Lin Lan and his group of ship girls participating in this exercise.

On the way back to the port area, little Qi Bolin looked around, suddenly pulled Lin Lan's hand, and asked curiously with innocent eyes:

Commander, why do all the other sisters have a ring on their right ring finger?

Lin Lan was stunned when he heard the question posed by Xiao Zeppelin. How should he explain this?

The little Zeppelin looks smaller than many destroyers now. Is it really good to tell him what the Oath Ring is so early?

Just when Lin Lan was thinking about how to explain this topic to the naive little Zeppelin, the light purple-haired expulsion girl holding a metal spear weapon looked at little Zeppelin with a smile:

This is the crystallization of the Commander's love for us. Only those who have the Commander's love and approval can get this ring, hehehe~

The destroyer Javelin of the royal camp has a sweet and happy face that is almost overflowing from its cute little face.

Lin Lan coughed twice in embarrassment. Javelin, what you said was too straightforward. You should be more subtle.

Yes, is that so?

Little Zeppelin's face was full of surprise. This was the first time she knew that this seemingly inconspicuous ring had such an important meaning.

Javelin, what you said makes sense, but I believe the master is not such a selfish person.

A gentle female voice came, and little Zeppelin turned to look at Belfast, the always elegant head maid of the Royal Light Cruiser with long white hair.

The master values ​​each of our port companions very much. The gentle master will seriously respond to each of us' feelings for him.

This oath ring is not so much the master's love and recognition of us, but it can also represent our eternal love and loyalty to the master.

While speaking, Belfast also gently touched the oath ring in his hand, his face full of tenderness.

When little Zeppelin heard Belfast's words, his little face was greatly surprised.

Well, what they said is right, but it's still too early for you, and after all, you haven't grown up yet, and you have to go home. When you grow up, I will definitely give you a ring.

Lin Lan smiled and said to little Zeppelin - However, what he said was actually correct. He had already given the oath ring to the grown-up Zeppelin.

Your Majesty Commander, I feel it is necessary for me to correct the error in your words.

At this time, a magnetic female voice sounded, and Lin Lan looked at it in confusion.

A lady with short black hair and slanted bangs and blue eyes was looking at him extremely seriously.

I think Mr. Zeppelin is completely ready to make a vow with you. Such a cute little sister, when I think of being with her every day again, I, I just...

Sister Yu, who originally had a cheerful temperament, actually had an expression on her face that looked like a madman as she spoke.

The javelin beside her quickly ran to Lin Lan and trembled with fear on his face. Little Qi Bolin also got closer to Lin Lan in fear.

Lin Lan couldn't help but hold her forehead.

The aircraft carrier Ark Royal is also known as the players’ good prison cellmate.

The reason why she got this title is because she usually looks like a very heroic, chic and reliable big sister.

Since players often make oaths with destroyers, it is well known that such behavior will result in being caught by the gendarmerie and incarcerated, and Ark Royal has been imprisoned for almost a long time.

Therefore, he got this reputation as the player's good inmate in prison.

Haha, Royal Ark, if you continue to behave like this in front of outsiders, I will ask Her Majesty Elizabeth to confine you again.

Wow, Sir Hood, if you report me to His Majesty again, I will really be ordered by Your Majesty to be separated from the expelled sisters forever!

This beautiful royal beauty with blond hair and blue eyes who looks like she stepped out of a painting is none other than the battlecruiser Hood, known as the Honor of the Royal Navy.

Little Qi Bolin held Lin Lan tightly, and while listening to the laughter of her other companions, she secretly made a decision in her red eyes.


Little Zeppelin, little Zeppelin!

Little Qi Bolin, who was distracted in the office, was awakened by Lin Lan's voice.

What's wrong with you? You feel like you're out of your mind lately?

Lin Lan bent down with a worried expression and looked at the silver-haired little loli sitting on the sofa seriously.

Commander, I'm sorry.

Little Zeppelin shook his head and asked himself to wake up quickly.

She didn't know why lately, but she kept hearing a lot of people shouting in her ears, and a lot of tinkling metal noises filling her mind.

She had a hunch that she might be going home soon.

go home?

Little Loli raised her head and looked seriously at the young boy wearing a white commander's uniform in front of her.

During this period of time, she had met many friends in the port area of ​​the person in front of her, and witnessed many things that she had never dared to imagine.

There are no cruel and bloody wars here, and there is no mutual hostility between various countries.

Their ships do not need to be used as weapons to kill each other here, nor do they need to bear witness to the death of their companions in pain.

This place is like a beautiful dream, they just need to be themselves and live a good life.

Is it really good to go home...

It seems you're still awake. Look what this is. This is your favorite White Eagle cake. I went to Saratoga in the morning and she specifically told me to treat you to it.

When Lin Lan saw the cute little Lolita whose eyes were still a little dull in front of her, she could only use her magic weapon and took out an unopened bag of exquisite cream cakes from behind.

But for some reason, little Zeppelin didn't accept the cake happily today, but just stared at him.

Hurry up, hurry up! Speed ​​up the progress for me! We must complete her construction before the war breaks out. Don't let it slip at this moment!

The head of state has spoken. She will be the great killer weapon of the Third Iron-Blooded Empire in this war! She will definitely bring unforgettable fear to those arrogant guys on the Atlantic Ocean!

As the voice became clearer and clearer in his mind, little Zeppelin suddenly trembled all over.

Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes. She involuntarily opened her arms and hugged Lin Lan tightly, trembling all over.

Little Zeppelin, what's wrong with you? What happened?

Lin Lan was startled by the abnormal behavior of the little Loli. She quickly squatted down and hugged the little Loli tightly.

Commander, I, I might have to go home.

Lin Lan felt his heart tremble when he heard little Qi Bolin's crying words.

Then are you going back? But why is this happening? You obviously...

After Lin Lan got along with little Zeppelin during this period, she found that she had fallen deeply in love with this optimistic and cheerful innocent little loli.

He never imagined that this little loli would say such words at this time.

At this moment, as he spoke, he suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility.

Little Zeppelin appeared inexplicably in his port area, will he also disappear inexplicably?

I don't want war, I don't want to bring killing to others, Commander, I, what should I do, ugh...

The poor little Loli cried pitifully in Lin Lan's arms. This was the first time Lin Lan saw little Qi Bolin crying so sadly.

Just when Lin Lan was extremely heartbroken and just hugged little Qibin, trying to think of some words to comfort the little Lolita in his arms, he suddenly discovered that little Qibin's body was slowly becoming transparent.

no no……

Lin Lan watched all this happening at a loss, wanting to stop it all.

But he found that he couldn't do anything

He suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He hugged the little Loli tightly, whose body had slowly become transparent, stood up, and rushed to his desk quickly.

There's still time, there's still time!

Lin Lan sat on a chair, opened the desk drawer in a panic with one hand, and took out a small black box.

Opening the box, a bright oath ring was quietly placed in the center of the box.

Little Zeppelin, don't cry, look what this is.

Lin Lan held the ring in her hand, took a breath, and suppressed the anxiety on her face.

He said to little Zeppelin in the gentlest voice in his life.

After hearing Lin Lan's words, the silver-haired little Lolita, whose body had become severely transparent, slowly released her hands that were tightly holding Lin Lan. With tears and mourning on her face, she looked blankly at Lin Lan's hands.

Lin Lan took advantage of this opportunity and held the bright vow ring in both hands. He didn't bother to wipe the tears rolling down the corners of his eyes and slowly put it on the ring finger of the little Loli's right hand.

Little Zeppelin, I, I like you, damn, why didn't I tell you earlier. I really, really like you.

Lin Lan looked at little Zeppelin who was sitting on top of him, his body becoming more and more transparent and already in a soul-like state. His tone became heavier and heavier, and he even uttered dirty words eagerly.

The Ring of Oath?

Little Zeppelin's innocent red eyes were full of surprise and shock.

Fortunately, the vow ring was successfully worn on the little Loli's right ring finger and did not fall directly to the ground.

Little Zeppelin, whose whole body had become severely transparent, gently touched the exquisite ring on the ring finger of his right hand.

Tears, big and small, fell down from the little Loli's cute pink face.

But the tears fell on Lin Lan's legs, but did not wet Lin Lan's pants.

Little Zeppelin is really going away.

Lin Lan watched all this happening in despair, gritting his teeth to prevent himself from breaking down emotionally.

Hmph, no matter what you do, I will never give in to you!...Snacks?...I want to eat, give me one too!

I like high places! Because you can see far away places!

What nonsense are you talking about? Despair and hatred are nothing! I believe that as long as you don't give up, you will be able to realize your dream one day!

Scenes of the two of them together emerged, making Lin Lan so heartbroken that she wanted to cry.

But he was afraid that if he moved again, the innocent and cute little loli in front of him would completely leave him.

Idiot, idiot, idiot, hate, hate, hate. If you give me something like this, won't it make people not want to go back even more!

Little Zeppelin, who was already very close to being transparent, suddenly let out a loud cry.

Lin Lan stretched out his hand in pain, wanting to gently stroke the little Loli's head like before.

But his behavior was destined to fail.

His hand went straight through the little loli's body, like...

Touching a non-existent projection is common.

Little Zeppelin witnessed all this. Her body had become so pale that it was difficult to be looked at. She stared at Lin Lan's face, as if she wanted to carve this man's appearance into her soul.

She suddenly took a deep breath, tried her best, and shouted in a tearful voice to the commander in front of her who had been taking care of him during this period:

Uh-huh... Well, if this is the case, you have to make an appointment with me. If I go back, you must find me in the future. Do you understand? It's agreed! It's agreed!!!

Hearing the childish voice of little Zeppelin, Lin Lan finally couldn't help the pain in her heart and shouted desperately:

I will, I will definitely do it, I will find you in the future and let you return to the port area!

After hearing his words, the little Loli, who had become completely transparent, finally showed a happy smile on her lips.

Lin Lan just watched helplessly as the little Loli who had been accompanying him during this period completely disappeared from his lap, with a dull look on his face.


Dee-dee-dee, dee-dee-dee, dee-dee-dee!

The noisy alarm clock rang, waking Lin Lan from his sleep.

Little Zeppelin!

Lin Lan immediately sat up from the bed and shouted, with tears still hanging on his face.

Son, what are you talking about so early in the morning? Get up quickly. Don't forget that this morning is Lao Zhang's morning class on engineering economics. If you are late, you will be screwed!

That guy will deduct points for guarding the door every morning to catch people who are late. It's already 7:50. Don't blame the dads for not calling you! Let's run away first!

The shouts and footsteps of the roommates made Lin Lan wake up instantly.

Everything just happened turned out to be just a dream.

But, is it really just a dream?

Fuck you, dad's up, just wait for me!

Lin Lan shouted casually, took out the clothes beside the pillow and quickly put them on.

The dream he just had was quite real, making him feel as if he had really traveled through time and become a commander in a game.

After putting on his clothes, Lin Lan was about to turn off the alarm clock on his phone, but he saw that he fell asleep while hanging on the main interface of the game last night.

Little Zeppelin, who was set up as the secretary ship, was looking at him angrily on the screen of his mobile phone.

Last night, before he fell asleep, he took the oath to Little Zeppelin, the mobile boat he had used some time ago.

No wonder I have such a real dream. I actually fell asleep hanging here last night.

Lin Lan muttered to herself, put her cell phone in her trouser pocket, got out of bed, and hurriedly picked up the textbook on the table and rushed out the door without caring about washing up.

Fortunately, their dormitory was on the first floor, relatively close to the teaching building. He rushed into the classroom at the last second before the bell and sat in the back row.

Lao Zhang had already walked to the podium and started class. Several students around him had already opened the mobile competitive game and started operating it. Lin Lan was opening the book when suddenly the cry of a young loli sounded in his ears:

You must find me in the future, do you understand? It's agreed! It's agreed!!

Lin Lan accidentally opened the search engine on his mobile phone and searched for the name Count Zeppelin.

He scrolled down a certain encyclopedia that came into view and saw this piece of information:

“At the end of April 1945, when the Northern Alliance Red Army was approaching Stettin, Ironblood took the initiative to scuttle the Graf Zeppelin to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.

However, after occupying the area, the Northern Alliance salvaged the sunken ship in 1946. The last sighting of the ship was in Swinemünde. At that time, the ship was carrying some supplies and was preparing to go to Leningrad. It disappeared without a trace. .

Later, declassification of confidential files revealed that it was briefly assigned the number 'PO-101' and was used as a target ship for Northern Alliance warships and fighter jets.

In July 2006, a 265-meter-long sunken ship was discovered on the seabed near Weiba Port. It was confirmed that it was the Graf Zeppelin whose whereabouts had been a mystery for many years.

After more than fifty years, people finally discovered the long-missing ‘Iron-Blooded First Aircraft Carrier’.

After watching all this, Lin Lan suddenly felt a sharp twitch in his heart.

This was the first time he had seen this piece of information, but why could little Zeppelin say such things to him in his dream last night?

Lin Lan! Get up and answer this question!

When Lao Zhang's roll call came, Lin Lan stopped thinking about this problem and stood up to continue his life.

Probably, this dream is just more mysterious.


The warship built by this damn iron-blooded man is really tenacious. After it was picked up, it was used for blasting tests. It endured five rounds without being sunk.

In a cold sea, several soldiers of the Northern Alliance Red Army were standing on the deck of the Northern Alliance destroyer, sighing and staring at the behemoth in the distance.

It would be great if our motherland could build such a powerful warship. My children, my wife, and Boris who was still blocking the bullet for me in Stalingrad... would not be killed by iron blood.

A middle-aged Red Army soldier said through gritted teeth.

It's over, it's over, Andre.

Other soldiers comforted the middle-aged Red Army.

This damn war launched by the Third Iron-Blooded Empire took away too much beauty from their lives.

Fortunately, it's finally over.

Although all the iron-blooded guys deserve to die, I have to admit that this warship is so beautiful. Unfortunately, it is too dilapidated and cannot be used by our Northern Alliance.

A younger Red Army soldier stared at the large warship in the distance and sighed.

Oh, not to mention the five rounds of blasting tests. I heard from my brother who is an aviation soldier in the 12th Regiment that they also carried out aerial bombing of the ship some time ago, but they did not sink the warship.

Another Red Army soldier proudly showed off the secret information he had obtained from private channels, which attracted several other soldiers to marvel.

Snowflakes were falling in the sky. It was so cold here, so cold that the mist they exhaled almost fell to the deck of the destroyer beneath their feet and turned into ice.

Andre looked at the snowflakes falling in the sky, and suddenly thought of the family and comrades he had lost before his eyes.

He looked at the warship and couldn't help but cursed with resentment:

Its country is ruined. I really don't know why it can persist so much. What else does it have to persist?

Yes, what else do I have to hold on to?

Covered in wounds, he witnessed the destruction of his motherland and his companions passing away one after another.

Seeing helplessly that he was surrounded by enemies, he was not even qualified to die gloriously for his country, and was dragged here as a prisoner by the enemies.

Even that thing was taken away...

Count Zeppelin's eyes no longer contained the innocence and optimism he once had, leaving only deep despair and numbness.

The flying snow slowly fell on her body, and Count Zeppelin suddenly felt the cold called loneliness and death surrounding her.

It seems like it's never cold in that guy's port area.

The warm harbor area flashed through Zeppelin's mind, as did the gentle man's expression.

That dream was so beautiful that it seemed like it didn't belong to this disgusting, dirty world.

She raised her head and looked at the falling snow in the sky. She suddenly wanted to cry, but found that she could no longer cry.

The cruel and bloody war has made her no longer naive and willful.

Now that my hands are stained with blood, can I really return to his side?

Zeppelin quietly looked at the enemy ships around him that came to end his life, and laughed at himself.

After being brought here, I'm afraid you won't be able to find me anyway.

Count Zeppelin already knew that she was brought here secretly by the enemy as a top secret.

She is no longer naive and already knows that this is the place where she will die.

Seeing the enemy ships around him slowly turning sideways and launching waves that cut through the cold waves and trailed white tails, Zeppelin closed his eyes tiredly.

I will, I will definitely do it, I will find you in the future and let you return to the port area!

The severe pain from the torpedo explosion burst out of his body, causing Zeppelin to lose his balance.

I've been holding on for so long, it's time to say goodbye to you.

Still, don't come to this cold place to look for me.

Being able to meet you is already the greatest salvation in my life.

Thank you, and goodbye.

Zeppelin had her last smile on her face.

The Iron-Blooded First Aircraft Carrier finally sank slowly towards the deep and cold ice sea under the constant attack of torpedoes.

It finally sank. It was not easy.

On the deck of the destroyer, the few Red Army soldiers just watched the tenacious iron-blooded warship slowly roll over and sink, and sighed with emotion.

By the way, Comrade Andre, have you heard of it? There is a rumor. I think it can answer your question just now.

Just as Andre was holding the railing and watching the iron-blooded warship sink, with a satisfied vengeful smile on his lips, a Red Army officer who looked older than him came over with a pipe in his hand.


Including Andre, several Red Army soldiers standing on the deck immediately held their heads high and saluted respectfully towards the officer in front of them.

Don't be so formal, comrades, it's hard to perform the mission in such a cold weather.

The elderly Red Army officer smiled and waved to the soldiers, and then slowly walked to Andre's side.

With complicated eyes, he watched Count Zeppelin in the distance being completely swallowed by the ice ocean. He put the pipe into his mouth, took a deep breath, slowly exhaled a stream of smoke, and said:

Before towing the warship, I boarded the warship one night during an inspection. The soldier in charge of cleaning the warship that day told me that he picked up a ring on the warship. .”


Several Red Army soldiers gathered around, curiously listening to the general talk about this rumor they had never heard before.

Yes, the ring, I didn't expect it, haha.

The elderly general smiled and continued:

Other countries have treated ships as women a long time ago. I believe you all know this.

The soldier brought the ring to me and it was such a beautiful ring. It was more beautiful than any piece of art I had ever seen.

When the ring fell into my hand, I felt as if the entire warship was trembling and humming, as if the ring belonged to this warship.

After the general finished speaking, Andre couldn't help but be suspicious:

Comrade General, maybe that ring was taken away by some iron-blooded officer before he died in battle, right?

The general smiled with a look of reminiscence and continued:

Who knows, when I looked at this exquisite and flawless ring, I suddenly thought of the shabby ring I gave to my wife in the countryside when I was young.

On this supreme weapon responsible for killing, a ring that represents loyalty and pure love can appear. This is such a... something worth pondering.

Several other Red Army soldiers fell into silence. They all seemed to recall a beautiful memory that once belonged to them.

Even Andre remained silent, turning his head to look at the iron-blooded warship that had just sunk, with a complicated expression on his face.

What happened next?

After a long time, the younger Red Army soldier broke the silence.

Later, I handed that ring over to the motherland, hahaha.

The general laughed, and the other soldiers around him were also amused by the humorous general.

So, everyone may have their own beauty in their hearts that needs to be protected, and maybe this Zeppelin does too.

The general smiled, took his pipe, walked up to Andre, and patted him gently on the shoulder.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier. Comrades, please work hard for a while longer. After finishing your work, please return to the cabin as soon as possible. I will ask the logistics staff to prepare vodka to warm you up.

Yes, thank you, Comrade General!

The old general clasped his hands behind his back and slowly walked towards the direction he came from.

In fact, what he just said was not completely truthful.

When he left the sunken iron-blooded warship, the ring he held in his hand suddenly fell apart, turned into dust, and disappeared in his hand.

This extremely strange sight moved this battle-experienced general to the point where he even suspected that everything that happened was just his illusion.

Perhaps, that exquisite ring belonged to someone and was given to this iron-blooded warship.

The general smiled and shook his head, deciding to just treat this as an anecdote and write it in his memoirs after he retired.

However, after the disintegration of the Northern Alliance decades later, the memoirs of this Red Army general who once defended his family and country were burned in the fire.

From then on, no one in the world knew that this wonderful thing happened on the aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin.


In the icy darkness and cold, after an unknown amount of time passed, Zeppelin slowly opened his eyes.

She found that she could actually move and her body became human.

Oh, that's interesting. What's going on?

The weather-beaten iron-blooded aircraft carrier looked at his appearance disdainfully.

She no longer cares about this boring world.

Even if he could revive Iron Blood with such power, Zeppelin couldn't show any interest.

Having been deprived of everything, even her oath ring, she had lost interest in everything.

Or maybe destroying this disgusting world is a good choice.

In this darkness again, no matter how long it had passed, Zeppelin suddenly heard a strange yet familiar voice.

Damn it! It's Count Zeppelin! You squeezed all the oil out of me and finally fished it out!

The darkness in front of Zeppelin gradually faded away, and in this posture, she appeared in front of the man who had haunted her countless times.

Surrounded by the harbor area that she is extremely familiar with and misses so much, that warm and beautiful harbor area.

She stared blankly at everything in front of her. This belated beauty was like a knife, piercing her chest.

This man is obviously much more immature than before, but why...he doesn't seem to recognize him at all?

How is it possible, why didn't you recognize me? Why don't you know me!

Zeppelin wanted to open her mouth to question, but found that she had lost her oath ring, what qualifications did she have to recognize this man again?

Maybe, this is not bad.

If this was fate's punishment for her, it would be too light.

Being able to return to the man in front of her is already the biggest reward for her.

No matter what punishment, it is insignificant.

Finally, after a long silence, Zeppelin slowly spoke:

I'm Zeppelin... Even if you don't want this name, for the sake of convenience, just call me that.

The familiar big boy in her memory cheered happily. Seeing his extremely happy expression, even though Zeppelin had thousands of words in her heart, she still did not dare to express them.

You big bad guy finally fulfilled your promise and found me.

But I have lost your oath ring, and my hands have been stained with the sins and blood of countless innocent people. I am... no longer worthy of your love.

By the way, Zeppelin, hehehe, do you have any wishes? You can tell me any wish. Although you definitely can't hear it, you are the first SSR ship girl I salvaged. Even if you can't hear it, I want to ask you too!

Lin Lan, who had just entered the trap, held her mobile phone and looked at the iron-blooded, cold-blooded, white-haired lady on the screen, and let out a giggle.

He really treated the characters in this game as living, breathing people, so he stupidly asked Count Zeppelin.

my wish?

Zeppelin looked at the big boy in front of him in surprise, with a hint of bitterness in his heart.

Of course, it is to find the oath ring.

But Zeppelin thought of the dirty world that took away her ring. Finally, she sighed deeply, looked at the big boy in front of her with a tone full of resentment, and said coldly:

My wish should be to destroy the world...

I won't ask for your help? Because... you have already been part of it.

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