The scenery along the way in Yalang City is no different from other cities.

However, compared with Dongyun City where Lin Lan and the German sisters visited before, the people on the docks and streets of this city are basically ordinary people from Oran.

There are not many people in Liaozhou.

It's no wonder, after all, this is a relatively remote city among the six cities in the East China Sea in the Western Continent, with inconvenient transportation.

Therefore, there are naturally fewer Liaozhou residents who come to Yalang City to work than in other cities.

After more than half an hour's drive, just when Lin Lan had begun to doze off, they finally arrived at the entrance of the seaside tourist area at ten o'clock.

It is not the peak tourist season at this time. After the Siren Disaster, there are many fewer people who dare to go to the beach than before. Therefore, there are not many people in the residential area by the sea.

In this seaside scenic spot, there are luxurious and spacious villas, unmanned shops with automated services, very clean beaches and various ornamental plants.

As soon as Lin Lan got out of the car with his girls, the attraction service staff immediately greeted them with a smile.

There are ten people in total. Find a villa with a better view by the sea and rent it for three days in advance.

In the United States of Oran, renting a beachside villa for a few days is completely affordable for Lin Lan.

Now that we are all here, we must live better and don’t be stingy.

And if he lives near the sea, it will be more convenient for his ship girls to attack.

Okay, okay, distinguished guest, please come with me.

The waiter is a young girl.

Seeing the group of Iron-Blooded Ship Girls and Akashi behind Lin Lan with different temperaments and all of them beauties, she couldn't help but be so shocked that she stuttered.

Port Commander.

She recognized Lin Lan's identity immediately.

A woman who is so beautiful that she seems not to belong to this world will only be a shipgirl in Oran.

But most of the time, the ship girls who appear in front of people are cute little girls or young girls.

There are several beautiful ship girls behind the man in front of me, but they rarely appear next to the same commander.

I'm afraid it's some Lord from the Admiralty who is traveling.

With respect in his eyes, the service staff led Lin Lan and his party to a luxurious-looking villa in the scenic spot.

After Lin Lan told her not to disturb her, she led her girls into the courtyard of the villa.

Facing the front of this villa is a private beach and ocean.

The sea breeze was very refreshing, and the starry sky dotted with stars on the sea also made Lin Lan feel relaxed and happy.

Stop looking, show us what this luxurious villa is like~

Egil saw that Lin Lan was in a daze before entering the door, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and pushed him.

You are the most anxious.

Lin Lan smiled jokingly, and then opened the front door of the villa.

As soon as he entered the room and turned on the lights, Lin Lan said that the price was really fair due to the layout of the room.

In the luxurious hall, the floor was polished, and there were all kinds of furniture and expensive decorations.

In addition to the lobby, there are many small rooms in this two-story villa. It must be fully equipped with various supporting rooms such as bedrooms.

Even Zeppelin nodded slightly, approving the layout here.

It's been a hard journey today, everyone is free to visit.

Lin Lan smiled and made a gesture of invitation to the ship girls who were following him.

I feel like we can definitely make a lot of money by building this kind of villa in the port area.

The little profiteer dragged his long green braids and looked around at the decoration style here, thinking seriously.

You can pull it down. You are engaged in the hot spring tourism industry in Minato City. Do you really think I don't know about it?

Lin Lan couldn't help laughing and scolding when she saw Akashi's appearance.

In many hot spring or seaside activities in the game, Akashi invests as the boss lady.

I want to take a bath~Bathroom, where is the bathroom~

Lützow hugged the pillow, made a lazy sound, and took the lead in visiting each room.

With Lützow taking the lead, Mainz, Spey, Brünnhilde, Weser and others also began to visit the villa talking and laughing.

Lin Lan walked directly to the big red sofa in the hall and lay down directly.

The sofa in the yacht is not that big. The large sofa in the villa can accommodate four or five people lying on it at the same time.

Zeppelin, Egil and Z46 all followed Lin Lan into the hall and sat next to him.

None of them were interested in visiting the room.

Ah, TV, let me see where the remote control is. It seems like I haven't watched TV for a long time.

After lying there for a few minutes, Lin Lan suddenly noticed the large-screen TV on the wall in front of him.

After he came out of college, except for the morning news once in the hospital, he never watched TV again.

So much so that he had almost forgotten that there was such a thing as a television.

As soon as he finished speaking, the silver-haired little loli Z46 handed over the black remote control on the coffee table.

Thank you, lovely Leonie~

Lin Lan took the remote control from the little Loli and happily stroked the little Loli's head.

You also said you're not a lolicon, but you look more and more like Ark Royal.

Egil sat on the sofa next to Lin Lan, crossing his slender legs, outlining extremely alluring curves.

She covered her mouth and let out a giggle, making fun of Lin Lan's move.

Ark Royal and I are completely different people. You can't lump me in with that guy.

Lin Lan retorted and pressed the remote control to turn on the TV.

As the light turns on, the familiar advertising interface appears on the big screen.

Are you still thinking about what kind of weapons to buy for self-defense? Are you still worried about what to do if you encounter a siren?

The Tomahawk Military Weapons Chain, you can't buy it and you will suffer losses and you can't be fooled. Please be careful...

What a coincidence. When I turned on the TV, the advertisement displayed happened to be an advertisement for Tomahawk Military Industries' weapons store.

Unlucky, let's look at another channel.

Lin Lan silently pressed the remote control to switch channels.

Just when Lin Lan was about to see which station was broadcasting the news, Lu Zuofu's exclamation suddenly came from upstairs.

what's the situation?

Lin Lan jumped up from the sofa and ran upstairs.

Zeppelin, Egil and Z46 immediately followed and rushed to the second floor.

Following the wide staircase to the second floor, Mainz and Weser were already standing in the corridor on the second floor. They had just arrived and didn't know what was going on.

“What a big bathroom, really great~”

Lu Zuofu's delighted voice came from deep in the corridor, leaving Lin Lan speechless.

He walked to the bathroom where Lützow was sitting, feeling a little resentful. As he walked, he said:

Isn't it just a bathroom? Lützow, why are you so...fuck! What a big bathroom!

After Lin Lan saw the appearance of the room in front of him, he couldn't help but exclaimed like Lü Zuofu.

This bathroom is actually so luxurious. With the projection equipment working, the room is completely like a wild hot spring.

Steaming hot water flows in this pool as big as a swimming pool, and the water quality is extremely clear.

All of this is extremely superior to traditional bathrooms.

Egil, Zeppelin and others also walked in, marveling at the novel luxury bathroom made with stereoscopic projection equipment.

Lu Zuofu, who was holding the little black iron-blooded shark pillow in his arms, turned around happily and looked at Lin Lan:

Commander, let's make the bathrooms in the port area look like this in the future. This is awesome.

Lin Lan was also shocked by the bathroom for a long time before he came to his senses. Just when he was about to express his opinion, a small green figure suddenly jumped out from behind him.

Meow, hum, this kind of thing is naturally taken care of by me...commander, meow~

The little profiteer Akashi appeared in front of everyone at just the right time.

Using holographic projection equipment to transform the bathroom into a variety of natural environments is really a good idea. I have learned a new way to make money.

Akashi carefully looked at the holographic projection equipment above the bathroom, touched his cute chin, and smiled like a profiteer.

Lützow's eyes widened and he protested:

You profiteer, do you even charge for this? Commander, please comment quickly!

Seeing the High Seas Fleet battle patrol girl complaining to him in front of him, Lin Lan burst into laughter:

It will definitely cost Akashi a lot of energy to use this kind of equipment in the port area. It's normal to charge a small fee. I understand.


Lu Zuofu couldn't believe that Lin Lan would allow Akashi to blatantly cheat money.

Meow hum~ Commander is indeed Akashi's best friend, meow~

Akashi hugged Lin Lan happily, with a proud smile on his face.

Lin Lan's next words made the smile on Akashi's face freeze.

So Akashi, in order to thank the commander who helped you develop inspiration, do you want to give me a share of the profit from the renovated public bathhouse in the future?

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