Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 111 The coercion of shit fingers

Chief Li, are you kidding me?

Even though he knew he was no match for the bastard man in front of him, this kind of thing had touched upon Luo Tao's bottom line.

He couldn't even imagine what would happen if this bastard took his ship girl to spend the night at Tomahawk Military Industry.

Luo Tao stared at the menacing one-eyed man in front of him with a low tone, ready to fight to the death.

Oh, you think you have the right to refuse?

Li Banan looked at Luo Tao with disdain, and the two ship girls behind him also walked up to him with unkind expressions and stared at Luo Tao.

However, even when facing two light cruiser girls, Luo Tao still faced off with firm eyes and did not give in at all.

In that case, I'll give you one day to think about it carefully.

After a few seconds of confrontation, Li Banan put on his sunglasses and said slowly in a devilishly bewitching tone:

If you leave the ship girl to me, I will let you get benefits you can't imagine, and I will treat you as one of my own.

Whether it's money, power or anything else, I can give it to you. Isn't it more practical to be a local emperor in Yalang City than to guard your three ship girls?

Luo Tao's expression did not change at all:

I'm different from you, Chief Li.

Seeing Luo Tao's helpless look, and the little Loli in front of him and protecting him, Li Banan sneered and sighed.

It doesn't matter, I will wait for your ship girl to arrive at the Tomahawk Building in the city tonight. If I don't see anyone, or know that you want to escape, you know very well what the consequences will be.

As the man finished speaking, a series of target explosions came from the sea, which made Luo Tao's ears hurt.

After leaving these words, Li Banan left the dock with the two ship girls without looking back.

How dare this bastard do such a thing, damn it!

After seeing Li Banan walk away, Luo Tao sat limply on the ground.

After all, he was only a freshly graduated student. Faced with the threat of a bastard like Li Banan, he had to summon up the courage to face death without any stage fright.

The secretary next to him, Little Loli, stepped forward and hugged him gently, but Luo Tao was in deep despair at this time.

Tonight is the deadline.

He could either ignore his conscience and hand over his three ship girls as a bargaining chip for survival, and become the subordinate of this bastard Li Banan.

This is absolutely impossible for him, this is his bottom line.

Or, he and his shipmates would have to meet what would be an accidental death for the Admiralty.

Luo Tao covered his head in pain.

Death, if he says he is not afraid, it is a lie. Who can not be afraid of death?

Although he knew as early as when he joined the Naval Academy that he would fight against the Sirens in the future and would be sacrificed at any time.

But he never thought that he would not die in the hands of the sirens, but would die in the hands of one of his own.

He looked at the little loli girl beside him out of the corner of his eye.

How cute and innocent they are.

Why would he meet such a bastard scumbag and involve these innocent ship girls?

Just when Luo Tao was deep in the quagmire of self-blame and despair, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Seeing the call note on his phone, he took a few deep breaths to adjust his mood, clicked on it and agreed to answer it.

Hello? Lao Luo, hey hey hey, guess where I am now?

A familiar voice came from the phone, and Luo Tao, who was in despair, seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and said in a trembling voice:

Lin, Lin Lan, I want to tell you something, please listen to me...

Since there was no way he could escape tonight, Luo Tao chose to tell everything about Yalang City when faced with a call from his old classmates who fought side by side at the Naval Academy.

At least, even if he dies, Lin Lan in the future will be able to avenge him if he has the chance.

At this time, in a shopping building cafe in the center of Yalang City, Lin Lan listened in silence to everything his classmates said.

As Luo Tao gradually listed the misdeeds of Li Banan, the port commander of Yalang City, and Ming Muhan, the general agent of Tomahawk military industry, they were in cahoots.

Lin Lan's cold face was filled with murderous intent in his eyes.

Even in the end, his old classmate was so aggrieved that he burst into tears, as if he was delivering his last words.

Luo Tao, you have been wronged. Listen to me first.

Sitting next to Lin Lan, Zeppelin, Egil and Mainz all noticed the change in Lin Lan's mood and put down their coffee cups.

He suppressed the rage in his heart and comforted his old classmate in a calm tone:

You should immediately take your three ship girls to the shopping building in the commercial district of Yalang City. I'll wait for you at the top-floor cafe here.

Hearing Lin Lan tell him his current location on the phone, Luo Tao exclaimed in disbelief:

Why did you come to Yalang City? Before Li Banan and the guys from Tomahawk Industry discover you, you should leave this city quickly. You can't be their opponent. Don't let me drag you down!

Lin Lan smiled coldly when he heard that Luo Tao would not let him get involved in danger even if he was in a dead end.

If he hadn't met his port ship girls, I'm afraid his old classmate Luo Tao really wouldn't have been able to escape this fate.

But now, he just wants to tear into pieces that bastard Shitfinger and the general agent of Tomahawk Military Industry in this city.

He was able to take out his wife and do such disgusting things, and even threaten his classmates to do the same.

Li Banan has been on Lin Lan's must-kill list and will undoubtedly die.

Just come here. Remember to wear casual clothes and bring all your ship girls with you. I will definitely be able to help you.

Hearing Lin Lan's cold and determined tone, Luo Tao felt warm in his heart.

In his impression, this old classmate was a bad friend with a similar personality to him.

Although he always looks at things very maturely, he always gives him a sense of intimacy.

Now, he had no choice but to choose to believe that his old classmate could find a way to save him from this dead situation.

Okay, Lin Lan, wait for me, I'll be there soon.

After Luo Tao hung up the phone, he immediately said to the secretary beside him, Little Loli:

Call your companions. Let's go to the city center.

As for Lin Lan, after he hung up the phone, he fell into silence for a long time.

The three Predator girls in front of him didn't speak, they just drank coffee silently, waiting for him to give orders.

It's so... so courageous.

After being silent for a long time, Lin Lan finally took a deep breath and silently said these words.

He hadn't thought that his classmates would be bullied by the port commander here.

However, Lin Lan could not imagine how dark this bastard's mind was to allow his ship girls to do such nasty things.

Commander, your heart is now filled with emotions that destroy everything. Do you need me to vent the world-destroying flames in your heart for you?

Qi Bolin drank the coffee cup in his hand, stared at Lin Lan with his scarlet eyes, and asked coldly.

It's not time yet, Zeppelin.

Lin Lan thought carefully about Luo Tao and the information he said. After thinking for a moment, he answered Zeppelin.

Tonight is when you will fully display my anger in this city.

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