Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 113 Yalang’s sudden change (additional update)

On the top floor of the Tomahawk Building in Yalang City, the luxuriously decorated hall is filled with dining tables with gourmet food and precious decorations.

Dozens of Tomahawk military industry agents who rule all aspects of Yalang City gather here. They are in suits and leather shoes, and each of them is a powerful figure.

Melodious piano music was playing in the hall. Under the illumination of orange lights, these agents held goblets filled with fine wine and had friendly conversations with each other.

The atmosphere here is very harmonious.

All the agents participating in this banquet are die-hard loyalists promoted by Ming Muhan, and their loyalty to them is even greater than their loyalty to Tomahawk Military Industry.

As Ming Muhan, Li Banan and others entered the room at the entrance of the hall, all the human voices in the hall disappeared.

The protagonist of this banquet has appeared.

Everyone, let us welcome the special guest of this banquet, who is also an old acquaintance of all of you, the port commander of Yalang City, Mr. Li Banan Li!

When Ming Muhan and a group of people walked through the crowd and walked towards the central stage in the hall, he waved and introduced loudly to the people around him.

Everyone looked at Li Banan with a smile.

Each of them knew that the Admiralty was their common enemy.

But the commander of Yalang City has long been regarded as one of their own.

After Ming Muhan finished speaking, the entire hall burst into applause.

Li Banan also waved his hand expressionlessly to greet the people around him.

He no longer thinks about Luo Tao. Since the thoughtful Ming Muhan has spoken, Luo Tao will undoubtedly die.

He had already given that boy a chance.

Master Li, this is your seat.

Ming Muhan smiled and came to the front of the stage accompanied by Li Banan.

The other accompanying agents had already taken their seats at the dining table. A dining table and seats filled with delicious food were placed in front of the stage. Ming Muhan motioned to Li Banan and the accompanying ladies to take their seats here.

After Li Banan and others also took their seats, the thin Ming Muhan slowly stepped onto the stage.

The surrounding lights began to dim, with only a few beams of light shining on the general agent from the stage, which stood out in the dim surrounding environment.

Everyone, I am honored to be here with you on this special day tonight.

After Ming Muhan coughed twice with a smile on his face, he elegantly began to preach.

Li Banan listened boredly to the lengthy talk of the man on the stage, while he ate the food on the table.

If he hadn't given face to his old friend, he would still be living and drinking in the city.

Such a high-end occasion was not suitable for a rough man like him who had experienced many years of war.

Finally, Ming Muhan's speech ended. Seeing the Tomahawk military agents around him applauding, Li Banan reluctantly followed suit.

Okay, now I have two big things to announce tonight.

To Li Banan's surprise, Ming Muhan did not come down directly after finishing his speech, but continued speaking in a high tone.

The first thing is that from today on, our Yalang City will officially break away from the Six-City East China Sea Alliance and become a city directly under the jurisdiction of Tomahawk Military Industry.

This news made the chopsticks in Li Banan's hand holding the food slightly stagnant.

He looked at the general agent on the stage in surprise.

He didn't get any news about such an important decision.

The East China Sea Six Cities Alliance is a group of six large cities for mutual defense jointly established by the Navy Ministry and the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce five years ago.

The port areas of these six cities draw the entire eastern side of the western continent of the United States of Oran into a front.

If any city encounters the risk of being attacked and destroyed by sirens, the port commanders of the other five cities must immediately do their best to rescue it.

Li Banan naturally sneered at this.

Before the Six Cities Alliance of the East China Sea was established, his port area had been completely destroyed, and he had already regarded this so-called mutual aid as a joke.

The number of siren attacks faced by Yalang City was surprisingly small, and he was able to handle it completely.

As for orders to support other cities, he either delayed them on the grounds of long distances, or deliberately wasted his time.

Yalang City withdrew from the East China Sea Six Cities Alliance and completely became a city directly under the jurisdiction of the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce. In Li Banan's view, there was no difference.

He was just a little surprised that Ming Muhan did not inform him about this matter in advance, but announced it so suddenly.

The surrounding agents all burst into loud applause, their faces full of excitement.

For these agents of Tomahawk Military Industry, the fact that Yalang City has become a municipality means that they can get more attention and favor from Tomahawk Military Industry Headquarters.

The general agents of municipalities also have far greater power in the group than the general agents of ordinary cities.

Ming Muhan's increased power within Tomahawk Military Industry means that their room for advancement will be greater in the future.

After a while, Ming Muhan raised his hand slightly to signal everyone to be quiet.

When the voices in the hall disappeared again, Ming Muhan showed an elegant smile on his face and spoke slowly.

As for the second thing, please keep your eyes open.

Li Banan was lowering his head to pick up the dishes on the table, but the next second, he was suddenly enveloped by a gray mist that shot out from the ground.

The extremely pungent smell made him cough violently.

Ahem, cough, cough...what are you doing, Ming Muhan, you...

He was about to slam the table and stand up in anger, but suddenly he saw a scene that made him shiver behind him.

The muzzle of the jet-black cruiser's main gun was pointed directly at his head.

And the owner of this ship suit actually...

She's his shipgirl!

The gray fog dissipated, and the four ship girls at the same table with him showed their ship uniforms without his permission, and all pointed their weapons at him.

The second thing is that our base laboratory in Yalang City finally mastered how to control the ship girl.

Ming Muhan's gentle words made Li Banan feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar.

How can this be?

There must be something wrong!

Li Banan's pupils shrank sharply as he looked at the four ship girls with red eyes shining in front of him, who aimed the ship's main guns at him.

He couldn't believe that this unreasonable scene was unfolding before his eyes.

All the Tomahawk military industry agents around were also stunned. They had no idea that such a thing would happen at this banquet.

How dare you point the cannon holes at me? Take the ship equipment back, take it back!

I built you, how can you resist me!

Li Banan suddenly broke out and roared as if he had lost his mind.

But his ship girls were all indifferent, as if they couldn't hear him at all.

It's useless, Mr. Li.

Ming Muhan finally walked down from the stage slowly and looked at this scene with a smile on his face.

Thanks to you, through many experiments, we finally developed a method to completely control the ship girl.

The elegant general agent walked to Li Banan's table and slowly poured a glass of red wine on the table into a tall glass.

He continued with a smile:

Your port area and your ship girl will be my property from now on.

And the entire Oran Navy Department will be completely destroyed by me, Ming Muhan, with my own hands.

Under the single-sided round-rimmed glasses of Ming Muhan, the general agent of Yalang City, Tomahawk Military Industry, his elegant eyes were always narrowed.

Finally, the ambition that had been hidden for many years flashed out.

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