Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 123 The Hero of Oran (2800 words)

Although this historic victory in Yalang City has greatly dampened the Siren's arrogance, our losses in Oran have also been extremely heavy.

Li Banan, the commander of the port area of ​​Yalang City, was brutally murdered by the general agent Ming Muhan after he exposed the truth about his defection to the Siren.

Under the heroic command of trainee commander Luo Tao, a total of eleven ship girls died heroically and eight ship girls were seriously injured.

All Oran compatriots please pay silent tribute to these heroes.

Lin Lan, who was wearing casual clothes, suppressed a smile and turned off the TV.

He looked at Luo Tao, who was blushing in the office of the port commander of Yalang City.

Lao Luo, look you have become a great hero, hahahahaha!

Don't make fun of me. I didn't do all this. Why do you have to let me be the hero?

At this time, the early morning sunlight outside the window shines into the room, indicating that today will be a good weather.

Three days have passed since the night when the tester was defeated.

In these three days, too many things happened.

When the fleet led by Peter joined the battle, it quickly destroyed all the remaining Siren troops.

There were as many as ten Iron-blooded ship girls coming with Peter from the Iron-blooded Fortress this time.

Peter, Schein, Gneisenau, Hipper, Eugen, Blücher, Ron, Z1, Z2, Z16.

Coupled with the Weser and Z46 who joined them, if the tester had not escaped, he would have been beaten to pieces by the iron-blooded justice.

When they finally returned to the port area, none of the ship girls, including the chess piece ship girls, were sunk.

But seeing the embarrassed Egil and others made Lin Lan, who had been losing communication signals, feel heartbroken.

Luo Tao couldn't believe his eyes at this kind of battle damage.

You know, in all the previous wars between Oran and the Sirens, there was almost no victory in which a ship girl was sunk.

Luo Tao was even more shocked by those iron-blooded ship girls who were crazy about Lin Lan and whom he had never seen before.

After that, Lin Lan immediately asked Luo Tao to activate the city's defense system and fire cannons wildly at the empty ocean.

Then he asked Ron to take several Z-drivers to drag back many paralyzed Siren II mass-produced models and sink them in the nearby sea.

In addition, he also asked Prince Eugen and others to act as sirens and bombard the Tomahawk Military Industrial Building and other buildings with the Tomahawk Military Industrial logo.

Of course, many coastal defense guns and outposts were also destroyed.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Lan also asked the Iron-Blooded Ship girls to move all the Tomahawk Military Industry's oil depot in Yalang City, and then destroyed the oil depot with a bombardment.

It is worth mentioning that the lovely Blücher is highly enthusiastic about destroying coastal defense guns.

Instead of participating in an oil grab, she kept destroying coastal defense guns.

When Eugen and others found her after blowing up the oil depot, little Lu Bu almost blew up all the coastal defense guns on the seaside of Yalang City.

After clearing out all the reserves of coastal defense artillery ammunition in the city, Lin Lan asked Luo Tao to lift the alarm just before dawn.

Finally, he asked Luo Tao to temporarily entrust all the uninjured and slightly injured chess pieces to him.

He and the Iron-Blooded Ship Girl led these chess pieces and ship girls to the previous beach house.

Before leaving, he specifically ordered Luo Tao to narrate the reinforcements from other naval forces according to the script he described, concealing the existence of him and the Iron-Blooded Ship Girl.

After dawn, reinforcements from other port areas arrived in Yalang City.

After seeing the basically intact Yalang City and Luo Tao, there were only a few frail ship girls left with badly damaged ship uniforms, and after learning that Li Banan was brutally killed and died in the line of duty by the local general agent traitor.

All the commanders of the Six Cities Alliance were shocked.

It's not because the city was too badly damaged or the ship girl suffered too much loss, but quite the opposite.

They had originally planned to come here to drive away the sirens who occupied the surrounding waters since Yalang City had been completely destroyed.

But unexpectedly, Luo Tao actually resisted and fought off the Siren.

After the reinforcements salvaged the mass-produced Type II Siren from the surrounding sea, they were all dumbfounded.

These blue-black armored sirens are all genuine siren main force, without any water mixed in.

No matter what, Yalang City was saved by Luo Tao from the main force of the Sirens.

Soon, the news spread through the Internet to the Western Continent Navy Headquarters and major media.

In an instant, Luo Tao was hailed as the great hero of Oran who defeated the sirens with various awards and praises.

Even the Navy Department immediately promoted Luo Tao to the official port commander of Yalang City.

This kind of position in the port area of ​​a big city that other commanders could not achieve for several years fell on Luo Tao in just one day, which made Luo Tao even feel like he was dreaming.

And no one will have any objection or dissatisfaction with this kind of honor.

You can also get this kind of reward if you can defeat the main force of the Sirens with just two dozen ship girls and foil the plot of the general agent of the local Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce to defect to the Sirens.

The next day, after finally sending away reinforcements from other port areas, Luo Tao had to face interviews with major media and voice calls with senior officials of the Navy.

This morning, Luo Taocai finally had some free time and called Lin Lan.

Why do you hide behind the scenes and put all the credit on me? You should definitely get all this.

Luo Tao's secretary ship destroyer Loli walked in with two cups of hot tea. Luo Tao looked at Lin Lan who took the tea with a smile.

Although Lin Lan's appearance looked exactly the same as before, Luo Tao already knew that his old classmate's current strength was unfathomable.

He was not a fool. The powerful and strange ship girls Lin Lan possessed were beyond the scope of what European dogs could explain.

But he also understood that it was not good to inquire about other people's secrets, so he could only ask Lin Lan why he wanted to deny all this credit.

Me? Forget it, being a hero is too tiring, and there is no reward for it.

Lin Lan sat on the sofa in Luo Tao's office, blowing on the steam from the tea cup in her hand.

Then no matter what, it was you who saved me from Li Banan and Siren, and I have nothing to repay you for right now. Brother, I have a hard time with my conscience.

Since Lin Lan was determined not to come forward, Luo Tao couldn't say anything.

He owed Lin Lan so much and really didn't know how to repay him.

The materials and (pseudo) mental cube given to him by the Navy to rebuild the port area have not yet arrived, and Li Banan does not have many resources in the port area. He estimates that Lin Lan will not like this bit of mosquito meat.

Although Luo Tao didn't know that Lin Lan had looted the Tomahawk Military Oil Depot in Yalang City, he could tell.

With so many powerful ship girls, Lin Lan definitely has no shortage of the resources he currently has.

Well, there's really no need to be so serious. If I asked you for help, wouldn't you also risk your life to save me?

After Lin Lan took a sip of tea, he looked at his classmate and said in a teasing tone.

That's for sure...

That's it. If I need your help in the future, I'll just come to you.

Lin Lan placed the tea cup on the coffee table, stood up and stretched.

Okay, don't worry about it. I'm going back to Lihu County soon. You should adapt to this position first. You have a lot to do, big hero~

Fuck you, don't use this word to disgust me!

Lin Lan smiled and looked at the youngest big city port commander in the United States of Oran who was blushing with anger, and suddenly remembered something.

After Ming Muhan's death, Tianou Consortium should take over this place in the future. Then we can cooperate more with them.

Luo Tao was stunned:

But isn't the Tianou Consortium also the Zhuhai Commercial Guild? They can't be any better than Tomahawk Military Industry, right?

Lin Lan shook his head mysteriously and looked at his old classmate meaningfully.

Don't worry, I have people in the Tianou Consortium, and they won't do anything random like Tomahawk Military Industry.

Looking at the extremely confident expression on Lin Lan's face, Luo Tao could not imagine what his old classmate had gone through in this short period of time.

I will try my best. Do you need me to send you off?

No need. Your ship girls are all in that beach house. Once the mind cube from the Navy Department arrives, we can gradually bring them back.

Lin Lan smiled and walked towards the door.

Downstairs, several iron-blooded ship girls in casual clothes were waiting for him on chairs in the port area, basking in the sun.

Okay, then I won't give it away. If you need anything in the future, please let me know at any time. I will cooperate unconditionally.

Luo Tao also stood up. After the two hugged at the door, Luo Tao made a promise to Lin Lan.

Your words are enough. I'll see you again in the future.

Watching Lin Lan leave, Luo Tao slowly turned around, looked at the destroyer girl beside him, and smiled.

With Lin Lan's help, he was finally able to show off his talents with peace of mind.

The chess destroyer girl looked at Luo Tao blankly, wondering why her commander suddenly smiled.

Luo Tao knelt down, stroked the little Loli's head, and looked at his secretary ship tenderly.

In order to better help our benefactor in the future, let's work together to build a better port area.

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