Let your ship girls believe that their commander has strong combat power. Although it is not unacceptable to the iron-blooded camp, which is famous for its rigor, it is definitely doubtful.

After seeing Lin Lan displaying the elemental lightsaber and using spells with their own eyes, all the ship girls were stunned.

This power they had never seen before opened their eyes.

Fortunately, Lin Lan was already a sweetheart to them, and the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls would not cut Lin Lan into pieces in public.

Moreover, the ship girl has an innate sense of familiarity with the commander and will never mistake him for the wrong person.

Therefore, after Lin Lan announced that he had some power, other than curiosity and surprise, the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls didn't cause much trouble.

After all, Iron-Blooded's philosophy is that no matter what kind of power it is, as long as you can control it in your own hands, it's a good thing.

As their commander, Lin Lan would obtain this wonderful power. After explaining the reason to them, most of the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls did not have much to say.

As long as the commander is still here, he is happy.

After Lin Lan's presentation was over and the meeting ended, all the girls from Z-drive and U-boat gathered around him.

Commander, yesterday's clear sky charm was so handsome. With you by your side, won't it be possible to have good weather every day?

U101 took off his hat and excitedly stood next to Lin Lan with his eyes shining:

I can go racing at sea all the time, and I don't have to worry about rain and wind affecting my mood!

Lin Lan couldn't help but feel happy looking at this active blue-haired little lolita racing gangster:

It's best not to use this weather-controlling spell too frequently, otherwise it will affect the cycle of elemental generation in the surrounding natural environment.

The original effect of the Clear Sky Talisman is three days. Of course, he has maxed out the proficiency of the spell and can change the created spell to any time according to his ideas.

But if this weather control spell is used without restraint, Lin Lan, as a 21st century person from Blue Star, also understands the damage caused by weather disturbances to the local environment.

Therefore, he does not intend to abuse this kind of charm, and the frequency cannot be too high.

Commander, you sound like those guys at Chong Ying, why are they saying words we don't understand?

Although he didn't understand what the elements meant, U101 also heard that the commander did not want to use this ability to control the weather too frequently.

Commander, Commander, since you can make the weather sunny, can you also make it cloudy, windy, rainy, and snowy?

Lin Lan, the red-haired twin-tailed submarine girl U1206 with starry eyes on her face, hugged Lin Lan's right hand and asked happily.

Well, that's no problem, but if there are no corresponding elements in the surrounding environment, the effect may be greatly reduced.

As soon as Lin Lan finished explaining, U1206 happily continued to ask:

Then Commander, what will happen if you use two or three weather spells with different effects together?


Lin Lan was stunned by U1206's question. This question really stunned him.

U1206 Where are the bugs stuck here?

After thinking for a long time, he chose to give the little cutie a light flick on the head.


U1206 covered his little head and looked at Lin Lan aggrievedly.

This is a reward for you. Your imagination is too big and you need to make up for it.

Lin Lan's face was calm and he shamelessly ignored the topic.

Commander, you are bullying me!

U1206, who was attacked on the head by him, pouted fiercely and resisted. This scene made the tough little lolita around laugh.

Commander, can you take out that lightsaber just now and show it to us?

As the eldest sister of the Z-driver, the silver-short-haired Lady Z1 is also full of expectations at this time.

How difficult it is, you see.

Lin Lan would definitely satisfy his shipgirl's request unconditionally.

He raised his right hand, and a sharp sword composed of continuously rotating airflow appeared in his hand.

With the birth of the Air Sword, a sharp wind suddenly blew up in the conference room where the air flow was originally gentle, blowing up the hem of Lin Lan's clothes.

Of course, it also lifted up the hair of the surrounding little lolita guys and the skirts of Z-Driver, making him blush slightly.

Wow! As expected of a commander!

The Z-drivers and U-boat girls are still children in character, and their eyes lit up when they saw this handsome and magical power.

Even the two mouthless little lolita Z46 and Z2 had surprise written all over their faces.

The little girls on the U-boat had just returned from a patrol mission and were wearing their own intimate swimsuits.

Although the Z drivers were wearing skirts, they didn't care at all whether they were gone or not in front of Lin Lan and his companions.

Although the wind-element sword displayed in Lin Lan's hand was not as cool as the big lightsaber just displayed on the podium, it was indeed very eye-catching.

Even Dezhi, who was guarding the door of the conference room, noticed the airflow sword in Lin Lan's hand and walked over despite the strong wind with a look of appreciation on his face.

As expected of my mount No. 2, he is as handsome as the mythical God of War.

Hearing Dezhi's words, Lin Lan burst into laughter:

Stop flattering me. I am the God of War and you still treat me as a mount. Are you planning to become the King of Gods?

Humph, no matter what you become, you will always be my mount number two. This is an unchangeable fact.

Deutsch grinned confidently and took care of his long black hair with red and white highlights.

Well, Lin Lan admitted that he was attracted by what this arrogant and iron-blooded little princess said.

At this time, Teacher Nimi suddenly pulled the corner of his clothes, and he looked at the cute initial ship with doubts, and his hat almost blew off.

Commander, Akashi seems to be looking for you at the door.

Z23 pointed to the door, Lin Lan looked at the door, and sure enough, Akashi was looking at him in surprise at the door.

After waving his hand to turn the airflow blade into ordinary air, Lin Lan walked to Akashi at the door surrounded by a group of little lolita.

What's wrong, little profiteer? If you want to find me, just come here. Why are you so sneaky?

Lin Lan looked at Akashi who seemed to have something to say. Just when he asked in confusion, he found Hu Teng also walking in from the door of the office attic.

Commander, the drone patrolling the port area discovered a fleet of ships heading toward our port area along the river.

Hu Teng said in a serious tone, making Lin Lan slightly stunned.

His place is so remote, but someone actually comes here specially, and it's a fleet?

This is really rare, who could it be?

Could it be that the people from Tomahawk Military Industry came to trouble him again?

Thinking of this, Lin Lan's lips curved into a sneer.

If it was really someone from Tomahawk Military Industry calling, they would probably give away as many as they came.

Just when he was about to let the Tomahawk Army taste the punch of the Iron-Blooded Fleet, Akashi shook his little cat ears and said:

Commander, the goods bought by Sun Dewang from Yunhai City have arrived, Meow. I asked him to make a special trip to deliver them, Meow.

Akashi's words suddenly made Lin Lan realize.

How could he forget this?

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