Tian'ou Group is the oldest consortium in the United States of Orange for hundreds of years.

Unlike the other four major consortiums, Tianou Group had already been established in the Western Continent before the Eastern and Western Continents of Oran were connected to each other and had a large enough scale.

Although after the Oran Industrial Revolution, Tianou Group has experienced countless ups and downs of crisis.

But Tianou, as if being favored by the god of fate, is able to turn danger into good fortune every time, make completely different changes from before, and survive the crisis.

Even though the authorities in Oran have changed one term after another, the entire political landscape has been shuffled again and again.

But Tianou still remains firmly in the history of Oran and has never really disappeared.

These hundreds of years of signboards have made many Oran people subconsciously believe that Tianou will never fall.

Jian Qianou looked up at the hideous and terrifying black and red ship uniform in front of him.

This was the first time in his long life that he had faced such a terrifying and magnificent war machine.

Even though he once stood on the battlefield of the Natlan Empire, he witnessed the Tyrant Mecha, a masterpiece from Oran's peak period, fighting from the sky with the Natlan Extreme, which was so powerful that it could float in the air and landed in the middle of the battlefield.

These two supreme weapons, created with all the efforts of civilization, were far less oppressive than the short black-haired woman in front of him and the ferocious ship uniform.

And this man who calls himself the head of state is no ordinary person.

Jian Qianou slowly focused his attention on the tall man wearing a mask.

According to the information he has, the commander of this port area should be a young man named Lin Lan.

As a lurker on the Tianou Group's board of directors, he had already thoroughly investigated all the information here before coming here.

No one knows that Tianou Group, in addition to its three-person board of directors, also has an absolutely confidential position:


There is only one person in this position, and no one knows the true identity of the stalker.

Unlike directors who handle large and small matters within the board of directors, lurkers enjoy great power and wealth.

Instead, he wanders around the grassroots areas of Olan all year round, always listening to the voices of the lowest level customers, always controlling the true situation of Olan, and ensuring the authenticity of the news.

The Stalker has one and only one power.

That is, when he discovers a major change that could lead to the demise of Tianou Group, he orders Tianou's board of directors to obey his demands unconditionally.

In other words, the lurker is the real decision-maker behind the Tianou Group.

From breaking the rules and making Tianou Group the first company in Oran to formally cooperate with the Teaching State, it has become the first consortium in Oran to employ a large number of Liaozhou people as employees.

Later, during the Siren Disaster, he and four other large consortiums formed the Pirate Kingdom's Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce.

All the major changes in the Tianou Group in the history of Oran were carried out under the control of the hidden people behind the scenes.

Jian Qianou is Tianou’s contemporary lurker.

Dignity only exists on the edge of the sword, and truth only exists within the range of firepower...

As expected of the head of state, I... have learned a lesson.

Jian Qianou had already noticed from the eyes of this masked man that his identity had been exposed.

After all, his ability to see through the mind, which he had tried repeatedly before, was no longer effective on this man, and the other party must have known that he was unusual.

Although he had already known from the informants in the Navy and Sun Dewang's words that the strength of this mysterious Iron Cross fleet was exaggerated, he never expected that it would be so powerful.

So he no longer chose to pretend, and walked slowly from Sun Dewang to Lin Lan.

Dear Head of State, please forgive me for being rude before. I apologize for all the offense just now.

He has deeply understood that the masked man in front of him has the power to completely destroy the United States of Oran.

All means and lies will bring disaster to the entire Tianou, and even the entire United States of Oran.

These...ship girls beside this man are so powerful that they seem to not belong to this world.

Even those terrifying sirens are no match for these ship girls in front of them.

Over in the Eastern Continent, the recent turmoil in the Gou Ilia Consortium was probably caused by the person in front of me.

So, under Sun Dewang's disbelieving eyes, he revealed humility in his words, slowly knelt on one knee on the ground, lowered his head and said sincerely:

Please let me introduce myself again. My name is Jian Qianou.

I represent the will of Tianou Group.

Following Jian Qianou's words, his body slowly became blurry, and under the sunlight, wisps of light blue mist actually appeared.

Under the light blue mist, Jian Qianou's face gradually blurred, and his true face could not be seen clearly.

Lin Lan just watched the changes in this man without saying a word.

He had actually noticed it since Jian Qianou appeared in his sight.

This man is not an ordinary human being.

Rather, it is a spiritual body composed of dense and pure elements.

To put it bluntly, Jian Qianou is a materialized soul.

After discovering this, he activated the hero's power in advance, directly nullifying the opponent's ability to see into people's hearts.

After letting Dezhi take action to test, the other party was not afraid of Dezhi's murderous intention at all, and it made him understand how this soul body could be just an ordinary fleet agent.

But he didn't expect that the other party would be the real leader of Tianou Group.

He really inadvertently attracted a big fish.

Jian Qianou's actions and words did not make the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls and Akashi around Lin Lan lower their guard, and they still aimed their guns at the two of them.

Lin Lan pondered for a moment and then said slowly:

Since you are the will of Tianou Group, you must have investigated this place and learned about my identity.

Then, you should also understand that I am not a bellicose person, unless the other party kicks me in the face.

Seeing that the man wearing a black and red mask in front of him was not surprised at all by the changes in his body, Jian Qianou was even more convinced that all his assumptions just now were completely correct.

If he hadn't come in person, I'm afraid Tianou would have followed in the footsteps of Tomahawk Military Industry and Gou Ilia.

Thinking of the miserable appearance of Yalang City and Gou Ilia's headquarters, Jian Qianou trembled slightly as the blue mist ignited on his body.

Master Head of State, only I know all this. If you are not at ease, I will silence you personally.

Jian Qianou looked at Sun Dewang beside him and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Jian Qianou's murderous words, Sun Dewang shuddered, turned over and knelt down on the ground and kowtowed fiercely:

Director Jian! I don't know anything, I don't know anything!

Lin Lan chuckled, he was indeed an old guy who represented the will of the consortium, he was really ruthless in his attacks.

But Lin Lan also knew that the reason why Sun Dewang was so unlucky was almost entirely caused by him.

Moreover, this guy has been pushing Oran to get along with the ship girl in the past. His character is not cunning and he doesn't have too many tricks. He is much easier to use than others.

Therefore, he did not intend to kill Sun Dewang, but on the contrary, planned to reuse this person.

It seems that you are a smart person, and you are much more knowledgeable than those guys. This person can be reused, and there is no need to eradicate the roots.

Hearing his words, Jian Qianou looked at Sun Dewang twice in surprise, and then stopped worrying about this matter.

Master Head of State, in this case, I won't let it go. Are you willing to give our Tianou Group a chance to become your most loyal partner in Oran?

oh? Have you finally revealed your purpose directly?

The corners of Lin Lan's mouth under the mask were slightly raised.

He and his shipmates had made so much preparations, and this was what they were waiting for.

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