Enterprise, what's happening over there! The Siren fleet is getting closer and closer, and the Siren carrier-based aircraft fleet is about to arrive at your side!

In the communicator, Bumblebee's voice woke the company from its brief state of confusion.

An emergency situation occurred, Strenkus is attacking the tester who suddenly appeared!


The Enterprise's answer stunned Bumblebee. They had never seen infighting among senior sirens.

What did you peek from the key point AL-β?

While the company was on the phone with Bumblebee, Stelenkus spoke coldly and questioned the tester who was smiling sinisterly.

It can be seen that the target of the Siren Arbitration Organization is the tester who is also a Siren.

No comment.

Unfortunately, the testers are not high-level sirens who will reveal information at will.

After saying these words, all the manta ray suits above the tester suddenly opened fire, and the target was Strenkus.

In an instant, seven or eight large-caliber artillery shells with orange-yellow flame tails hit Strenkus, along with a dense barrage attack.

But Stelenkus just raised the blue mechanical arm slightly, and all the large-caliber main gun shells that were about to hit her disappeared out of thin air around her body.

Immediately, the main cannons on both sides of the Siren Arbiter's robotic arm fired again. Accompanied by two deafening roars of the main cannons, two blue cannonballs headed towards the tester.

However, the tester used his agility to avoid these two blue cannonballs, which contained terrifying power.


The shell exploded on the sea surface behind the tester. The power of the explosion was completely unmatched by the tester's attack.

Enterprise, what do we do now?

When Mori saw the two high-level sirens attacking each other, he didn't know what to do and couldn't make up his mind.

She looked at the company beside her that had not launched an attack yet, and asked quietly.

But just as the little Loli finished speaking, there was a buzz in the night sky.

Siren production models and Executor fleet carrier-based aircraft were the first to join the battlefield and attack targets...

Directly at the weak Stlenkus!

The tester also quickly retreated during the attack of the Siren carrier-based aircraft, trying to escape from the area.

What gave you the illusion that you can stop me with numbers?

Seeing that the dense surrounding ship-based torpedoes and aerial bombs were about to hit themselves, the testers also wanted to escape.

The golden light in Strenkus's eyes flashed, and the blue mechanical arms of his hands were directly aimed at the tester and gave him a hard squeeze!


The tester, who was about to walk away, suddenly turned pale, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell from a low altitude over the sea to the sea.

And all the Siren carrier-based aircraft in the surrounding sky seemed to have stalled, falling straight from the night sky.

Strenkus's robotic arms were pointed at the tester, ignoring Enterprise and Mori at the side, and drove straight towards the tester.

Is this...the true strength of the arbitration agency that is responsible for fighting?

Seeing Strenkus ending the battle in an instant, even the battle-hardened enterprise took a breath.

The tester was like a child in front of Strenkus, unable to fight back.

The terrifying ability that Strenkus displayed at this moment had never been displayed when fighting them before.

At this moment, a strange, cold voice suddenly came from her communicator.

Keeping his arms raised, Strenkus slowly came to the tester who was lying on the sea, suppressed by gravity and unable to move.

Only the two of them could hear the conversation at this distance.

Stop trying to transmit data. Under my gravity interference position, all your data cannot be transmitted, and you cannot activate the self-destruct system.

Do you think the host didn't notice your little moves?

Strenkus lowered his head, looked down at the tester lying on the sea, and said coldly.

The last experiment has been proven to be a failure. Why are your experimental institutions still stubborn? Do you still want to repeat the same mistakes in this world?

In response to Stelenkus's question, the tester, who was suppressed by gravity, buried his head and let out a cold laugh.

Hahaha, it doesn't necessarily matter if the host has a calculation error.

Look, since we came to this world, haven't the host's calculations been making mistakes? Even those experimental materials can come to this world. This is a huge mistake...

That's enough, I'm not interested in hearing your sophistry here.

The tester's words were directly interrupted by Strenkus.

Give me your data on the key point AL-β, and I will suggest to the host to change the authority modification level for your experimental institution, otherwise...

What else?

The tester suddenly struggled to raise his head, with the cold smile on his face unchanged, and looked at Strenkus in front of him.

Before I came, I had already uploaded the data to the Antix data center, including of course the beacon information that was destroyed by you.

Isn't this exactly the duty I should perform as a tester? Hehehehe...

Hearing that the beacon information had been uploaded, a gloomy flash flashed across Strenkus's golden eyes.

At this time, the silhouettes of the surrounding sirens' executors had also appeared on the surrounding sea under the light of the moonlit night.

A large number of Explorers and Tracker IIs had already reached the attack range and began to fire wildly at Strenkus.

It's just that all the cannonballs exploded inexplicably directly in mid-air, producing bursts of violent explosions, which were completely unable to have any impact on Stelenkus.

It seems that your experimental institution was indeed ready to betray the host machine in the experimental field at the last time singularity.

Strenkus had a gloomy and cold expression on her face, and the large-caliber main cannon on the side of the blue mechanical arm in her hands slowly aimed at the tester's head.

It's just a failed experiment. Since your experimental organization is determined to go its own way, you must face the correction of the host.

Staring at the terrifying cannon hole aimed at his head, the tester still smiled sinisterly without saying a word, as if he didn't know what fear was.

Just as a faint blue light slowly rose from Stelenkus's main gun, he was about to execute the tester's machine.

Suddenly, her golden eyes narrowed sharply, as if sensing some crisis, she immediately turned sideways and pointed the mechanical arm at the night sky behind her.


A series of explosions of aerial bombs and ship-borne rockets that seemed to be able to ignite the ocean burst out in front of her robotic arm.

The violent impact of the explosion blew up her long silver-gray hair, causing her to step back several meters.

Under the cover of the explosions of the attack by the Siren Executors, this dense wave of bombers from White Eagle had completed the bombing mission and began to return.

Huh... As expected, as the observer said, the experimental results cannot be concluded.

The tester looked at Stelenkus, who was pushed back several meters away and forced to cancel his gravity position, with a cold smile on his face, and the light in his golden eyes jumped crazily.

She had never uploaded the beacon information at key points to Antix's data center in advance.

It was only then that she truly uploaded all the information she had.

The upload of the data only took a few seconds. After the golden light dissipated in the eyes, the tester looked in the direction of the girls of the White Eagle Ship, and the cold smile on the corner of his mouth became wider.

I hope you experimental materials won't disappoint me.

After muttering these words to himself, the tester did not leave Stelenkus a chance to restart his gravity interference stance, and his body immediately self-destructed and turned into ashes.

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