Seeing that the little profiteer hadn't understood what he was thinking, Lin Lan held the big sword in one hand, casually picked up a mental Rubik's Cube on the shelf, held it in his hand, and walked out of the store.

Well, he is a port commander wearing a white navy commander's uniform.

At this time, he was actually holding a medieval-style sword in one hand, and holding a mental Rubik's Cube that was becoming active and constantly rotating in the other hand.

Even he himself felt that this scene was indeed a bit too inconsistent.

Perhaps, he should also hang a few charms and a pistol on his waist, and put a wand on his back?

When I traveled back in time, I had a wife from the port area in a different world and wanted to be the ultimate suture monster. The longer the name, the greater the attention. This novel became it!

The complaints in her heart were complaints, but Lin Lan still did not forget the business.

I walked to the wide lawn outside the store and stood in the sunshine that was about to reach noon.

Lin Lan slowly brought the activated mental cube closer to the hilt of the sword engraved with magic runes.

Seeing the two getting closer and closer, his breathing quickened.

When the distance between the two was less than ten centimeters, he suddenly felt a slight vibration from the hilt of the giant sword he held in his right hand.

Commander, I can give you this sword, but you have to give me the money for the Mind Cube... Meow?!

Akashi, the little profiteer who followed Lin Lan out of the shop, immediately opened his eyes wide and looked at the shocking scene in front of him.

In Lin Lan's hand, the originally wide and long silver double-edged sword was burning with steaming flames that even scorched and distorted the air.

The little profiteer rubbed her eyes. She had been thinking about how to activate the magic runes on this first-level magic weapon sword for several days, but could not activate it smoothly.

It's not like she hasn't tried using the Mental Cube to replace the Magic Source Crystal, but even if she puts a bunch of Mental Cubes next to the big sword, it has no effect.

Therefore, Akashi didn't care about these magic weapons, just treating them as ordinary weapons with a bit of gimmick.

But now, the problem of how to activate the magic runes has been perfectly solved by her commander.

Akashi's eyes stayed on her commander's left hand, and she had fully entered the activated mind cube.

The light group and light particles in this light blue mind cube were spinning crazily in Lin Lan's hands, like a galloping engine.

Magic weapons are a bit interesting. Although they are completely different from Gu Liaozhou's use of elements, the Mental Cube can still charge them.

Holding the sword that activated the runes, Lin Lan had already opened the elemental vision.

He stared at the sword in his hand that was constantly emitting pure fire elements from the magic runes, and muttered to himself.

But even if I know how to activate the runes, it won't be of much use to me. It's impossible for me to tear the siren apart with my own hands with this thing.

He raised his right hand and swung the sword wrapped in hot flames into the sky.

The entire ball of hot flames originally attached to the sword was like a ball of fire. He threw it away from the sword and flew straight into the sky.


As the fireball flew to a certain height and exploded, a muffled sound in the sky could be heard throughout the port area.

The power of the explosion is evident.

Although I won't be able to use them anymore, when I meet the wives of the Iris Theocracy in the future, I can equip them with these magical weapons enhanced by the Mind Cube.

Lin Lan thought about where these magic weapons could be used.

After all, he was in Oran, and it was basically impossible to find a way to make magic weapons.

Looking for weapons-making methods from idealist countries in a materialist country is asking for trouble.

So he finally thought that the ship girls of the Iris Theocracy in his port area were all knights and clergymen.

When the ship equipment is not activated, there is absolutely no sense of disobedience for them to fight using these magical weapons enhanced by the mind cube.

However, they are so smart, they may not need my teaching. They have already found this method during this period of time, and they may be self-taught.

Lin Lan laughed at himself and walked towards the door of the store with his sword in hand.

He found the little profiteer Akashi looking blankly at the sky, as if he was stupid.

Hey, don't be in a daze, call Lützow and get ready for lunch.

Lin Lan's words brought Akashi back to his senses.

Miscalculation, I made a mistake, meow!

The first thing Akashi did when he came back to his senses was to stare at the big sword in Lin Lan's hand and murmured unwillingly.

You just said you gave me this sword. I'm worried about the empty decorations on the office wall. You can't regret it.

Lin Lan immediately guessed why Akashi was so unwilling. He smiled evilly and squatted down, stuffing the Mind Cube into the little Lolita's arms, and then stroked Akashi's cat ears.

Meow meow...

In the end, Akashi surrendered under Lin Lan's skilled rua meow offensive.

At this time, Lützow slowly walked out of the store and threw a bottle of black Coke at Lin Lan.

Commander~ It's time to go back and eat.

It was obvious that this lazy and elegant war patrol girl already wanted to go home.

That's my property, Lützow, you have to pay the red-pointed cat!

Seeing that the iron-blooded girl with gray curly hair actually used the Coke in her store to borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha, Akashi immediately took it back and protested.

Okay~ Here you go, here you go~

Seeing Lu Zuofu take out a red tip from his pocket and throw it to Akashi, Lin Lan stood up with a smile, opened the Coke and poured it into his mouth.

I haven't had a Coke in a long time. Why do I feel like this Coke is a bit... too sweet?

After half the bottle was consumed, when he had this thought, he already felt something was wrong with his body.

No, Coke doesn't taste like this. What did you give me to drink, Lützow?

He had already drank most of the Coke, and he only realized something was wrong with the Coke now, and it was already too late.

Lin Lan felt that his face had become hot for some reason, just like the top of his head after eating chili peppers, but without the intense spiciness.

He felt his breathing getting faster and faster, and his body began to feel hot. He had to throw the unfinished Coke bottle on the ground, hold the hilt of the sword with both hands and insert it into the ground to stabilize his body.

Commander is like this, meow... Lützow, you, you won't mix that only one bottle of out-of-print potion into Coke, will you, meow?!

As the shop owner's wife, Akashi could tell the reason for Lin Lan's situation at a glance.

She looked angrily at the smiling girl with gray curly hair beside her, angrily walked up to Lützow, and used her small fists to hit Lützow's belly like crazy and coquettishly.

That's the grand finale item that I'm going to auction at the next port auction, nya! You, you, you, you actually...

Oh~ I will replenish Hongjianjian to you at double the price later~ This kind of potion without side effects is really rare, I can't guarantee that I can beat those sisters~

Double red tips won't do, meow! You're breaking the rules, meow!

Then what do you think we should do? The commander has already finished drinking and has entered this state~

The two looked at Lin Lan, who was already rosy, breathing heavily, and sweating on his body, and then continued to argue.

Meow... In that case, it's triple the price, meow!

Three times is three times, but the condition is that you have to bring me and the commander today's lunch~ I'm really too tired.

Deal Meow!

After hearing the two people in front of him reach a consensus with smiles on their faces, Lin Lan's eyes almost went dark.

He was drugged and traded as a commodity!

Lützow! I didn’t expect you, a thick-browed and big-eyed person, to do such a thing!

After saying goodbye to Akashi, he saw the girl with gray curly hair walking towards him with a smile on her face.

Lin Lan suddenly regretted why he didn't ask Akashi for the bills for this batch of specialties from the teaching country.

And he didn't know what the potion that Luzov fed him was. His constantly rising evil thoughts couldn't even be suppressed by dispelling the abnormal status in the brave skill bar.

Commander~ It's useless. This potion is the most valuable item to me in this batch of goods~

With a hint of excitement and expectation in his eyes, Lu Zuofu slowly walked to Lin Lan and gently put his hand on her commander's shoulder.

Akashi is a profiteer...I will definitely shave her hair off...

Feeling the fragrance and touch of the girl, Lin Lan felt the desire in his heart continue to expand.

He knew that in his current state, he probably couldn't escape Lützow's grasp.

Being hugged tightly by the girl with gray curly hair, he instinctively let go of the sword hilt.

No, Lützow, I feel like I can't control my body...

Lin Lan tried his best to suppress the effect of the medicine that hit his brain, but found that the control of his body had gradually lost control under the warm circles drawn by Lu Zuofu on his chest.

Don't worry, Commander, I'll take you to the workshop lounge behind the store.

If you weren't always so slow, I wouldn't have made such a move...

With Lu Zuofu's support and scolding, Lin Lan was moved to Akashi's store.

And he finally understood why Lützow did this.

This lazy and elegant girl probably couldn't wait any longer, so she simply skipped all the tedious steps and used magic potion to take him down by force.

His stomach and limbs were getting hotter and hotter, and Lin Lan also felt that his body was becoming uncontrollably unreliable.

After passing through the store and entering the muscle meat production workshop, Lützoff helped him into a simple lounge with sofas and coffee tables.

“Commander, hum…”

Lying on the soft sofa, a girl with gray hair and gray eyes sat next to Lin Lan with a blushing face and opened her arms towards him.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lan had completely lost her resistance.

The last thought in his mind was:

Luzov, if you want, just say it directly, why is this...

With the weight of the girl on his body, his last trace of rationality was finally wiped away.

Fortunately, you are a ship girl, please wish yourself well, Lützov...

Early the next morning.

The sun had just poked its head over the seaside in the port area, and several Iron-Blooded Ship Girls were already standing on the newly built sortie pier on the seaside, ready to go.

Ten minutes late, what on earth is that guy doing?

Hipper, a small-breasted blonde heavy patrol girl wearing a beige sweater and a red and black skirt, anxiously swayed her slender black silk legs, stared at her watch and said dissatisfiedly.

Uh-huh, you're so worried about him, then why didn't you go over to find him with little Z23 and Ron just now?

Prince Eugen, who had long silver hair and was wearing a black jacket and tight-fitting jeans, smiled and chuckled in the ear of her arrogant elder sister.

Huh? Why should I go find that guy? I don't believe he dares to let us go. Wait until he comes and see how I deal with him!

That's right, deal with him!

Hipper finished speaking arrogantly, and the cute Blücher also waved his little fist in agreement.

However, next to the three sisters, the little profiteer Akashi, who was all weak, looked worriedly at the attic of Lin Lan's office.

The little profiteer's two cute cats lowered their ears with trembling, and muttered in a low voice with extremely guilty conscience:

Meow meow... the effect of that medicine is so powerful meow...

Thinking of the miserable appearance of the girl with gray curly hair who was completely exhausted and unable to move last night, Akashi couldn't help but swallowed.

She really didn't expect that the commander was so energetic.

It was obvious that the commander's medicine had not completely dissipated, and she could not escape either.

Although it does feel very comfortable... But even a ship girl has her limits in this regard!

It wasn't until late in the night, when she was exhausted, that she finally came to her senses and asked Manjiu outside the door to call Sister Bree and three muscle cats to forcefully control the commander.

Then... the commander was sent back to the bedroom at the attic of the office and locked up overnight.

Akashi? What are you mumbling about here alone? What effect does this medicine have?


A loli's tough voice came from behind Akashi, and the little profiteer who had been up almost all night was frightened to death.

The leader of the Z destroyer, the silver-short-haired Master Z1, was holding the cold sister Z2 when he came behind her at some point.

No, it's nothing, meow! I'm just thinking about those teaching country magic potions in the store, meow!

Akashi was stared at warily by the two iron-blooded Z-drivers. Cold sweat broke out on his face, and he turned his eyes away and did not dare to look at Z1.

Really? But why do I always feel like you smell like Commander? Did he come to see you today?

Z1 poked his head, sniffed Akashi's body, and immediately grabbed Akashi's sleeve and questioned him.

No, no meow, but maybe it's the smell left by the commander who came to my store to buy something last night, meow!

Akashi's stuttering words and averted eyes made the serious-faced Z1 and the indifferent Z2 even more convinced that this Sakura Koneko was absolutely inseparable from the Commander's tardiness.

Something's wrong. Z23 and Ron haven't come back yet, and the communicator isn't picking up. What happened to the commander?

As the first batch of vanguard fleet flagship Egil to go to Dongyun City to perform observation missions, they already felt that something was a little strange.

Z1, Z2, Z46, come with me to see what the situation is like at the commander's place.

Egil lifted up his long silver hair, glanced around with his golden eyes and gave orders.

Hmph, don't play tricks, don't think you can always hide it from me, Lord Z1!

After hearing Egil's order, Z1 reluctantly let go of Akashi's sleeves and left the dock with her two younger sisters and Egil.

After all, as long as you go to the commander's office, all the mysteries will be solved. There is no need to continue interrogating Akashi here.

Goo meow.

Seeing Egil leaving with the three little ones, Akashi hesitated to speak, with cold sweat breaking out on his face.

She already felt that she and Lützow were afraid of getting into big trouble.

Just when Akashi was about to take advantage of no one to notice her, she fled back to the store.

You naughty little kitten, what do you know? Please tell me the truth quickly!

Hipper's cold voice came from behind her, and then the other two iron-bloods patrolled, blocking all her escape directions.

No, it's nothing, meow.

Akashi turned around tremblingly and faced Hipper's emerald green eyes. He dared not admit it and could only continue to pretend to be stupid and smile.

Sister, how about we go find the commander too?

Sweetie Blücher looked at Hipper with a worried look. She began to worry that Lin Lan had disappeared again.

Anyway, since the commander is not here, we can't set off. Let's go over and have a look.

At this time, the relaxed smile on Prince Eugen's face gradually faded, and he glanced at Lin Lan's office loft worriedly.

She knew the commander's character well and would not be late easily. There must be something wrong with the commander.

What on earth is that idiot doing...

Hipper gritted his teeth, then lifted up Akashi's collar and grabbed the frightened kitten in his arms.

Akashi! Come with us to find the commander!

I, can I refuse? Meow...

When Akashi heard that he was going to take her to see the commander, he thought of how tired he was last night and quickly looked at Hipper pitifully.

Huh? Do you have the right to choose?

Hearing Hipper's cold response, Akashi felt paralyzed with despair and allowed the three Hipper sisters to carry her to Lin Lan's office.

It's over, it's all over, meow...

Time soon came to noon, and in the conference room on the first floor of the commander's office, an interrogation was taking place.

So, Akashi, Akashi, do you know how big a crime you have committed?

Supported by the two iron-blooded light cruisers Emden and Magdeburg who were holding back their laughter, Lin Lan, who felt as if his body had been hollowed out, looked towards the center of the conference room with gritted teeth.

Yibei and Weiser, each holding a hand, held the weak and weak profiteer in front of Lin Lan.

It's just that the faces of these two iron-blooded light sailing girls pretended to be serious.

However, his body trembled slightly from time to time, as if he was trying to hold back his smile.

Staring at the pitiful little green-haired cat-eared loli in front of her, Lin Lan's heart softened at first.

But then he thought of the tragic battlefield he saw in the bedroom when he regained control of his body at noon.

An entire iron-blooded fleet was completely wiped out, with no one spared...

Shaking his head violently, Lin Lan wanted to force himself to forget that poignant scene, but this was impossible.

The magic potion he drank only allowed him to expand his desires and suppress his reason, instead of falling into complete madness and amnesia.

From being taken to the muscle cat production workshop by Lützow at noon yesterday, to being defeated in a fight with three muscle cats in the middle of the night and being forcibly moved back to the dormitory.

In the morning, the loyal wives who came to my door like a gourd boy saving my grandpa, one by one fell into the tiger's mouth...

He experienced all these experiences completely and clearly.

Now he wanted to find a brick and hit himself to death.

At this time, Huten and Brünnhilde had arranged for someone to come and send Egil and the others, who were exhausted and shattered in his room, back to the dormitory.

Lin Lan caught Akashi here for interrogation as soon as she woke up.

This profiteer is so bold!

Meow...Commander, yes, it was Lützow's fault, meow, and I am just the victim, meow...

Akashi drooped his little cat ears and weakly explained.

As for Lützow, I've asked Hu Teng to help her reflect on it. Now it's your problem!

Lin Lan's teeth were itching with anger.

Did you know that your potion directly wiped out an entire Iron-Blooded Fleet and delayed my entire day!

Thinking of the original plan to set off today, due to the battle in the morning and the rest of the ship girls in the afternoon, it had to be postponed for one day.

Lin Lan couldn't help but tone her voice more intensely.

Uh-huh~Human-san uses the word 'engage' very vividly.

Emden, who was supporting him with white rose eyes, started to complain with a smile, which made him feel so ashamed that he wanted to crawl into the ground.

You really let me down, Akashi. I obviously trusted you so much, but you not only didn't help me inform me, but you also sold me...


The weak Akashi, under the control of Yibei and Weiser, looked at Lin Lan with tears in his eyes and begged for mercy with a waxy tone of voice.

Lin Lan was silent for a long time as he looked at this prisoner-like profiteer.


After all, the little profiteer Akashi himself didn't escape, and suffered twice.

Lin Lan finally sighed deeply and waved his hand.

Seeing this, Yibei and Weiser finally couldn't hold back their laughter, let go of Akashi's arms, covered their mouths and laughed loudly.

In fact, they also knew that the commander would not really make things difficult for Akashi, he was just trying to scare this little profiteer.

After all, the body recovery speed of ship girls is much faster than that of ordinary people. As long as they have a good night's rest, there will be no big problem.

Even Lin Lan himself knew very well that Egil and others were fully capable of controlling him on the spot that morning, but in the end no one did so.

Even Teacher Nimi, who has always been honest, took this opportunity...

Lin Lan sighed helplessly again and looked at the three people in front of him:

Take Akashi back to the store, and remember to bring her lunch as well.

Weser, please tell Egil and the others that they will gather and set off tomorrow morning at the same time as this morning.

After Lin Lan made these arrangements, he left the conference room with the support of Emden and Magdeburg, preparing to return to the bedroom to have a good rest.

Even with the strength of a brave man, he was really overdrafted.

At this time, he only felt that his legs and feet were limp and he couldn't use any strength at all.

Although the magic potion did have no side effects as Lützoff said.

But even a body with the strength of a brave man can be hollowed out. Who is that potion? The effect is too powerful.

Lin Lan suddenly remembered that after Akashi woke up, he gave him a medicine instruction manual. In order to scare Akashi, he just stuffed it into his pocket before he could take a closer look.

Magdeburg, take that instruction sheet out of my pocket and read it to me.

Lin Lan looked at the black-haired, red-eyed girl beside him who was holding his arm, and motioned for her to take out the manual from his pocket and read it.

Let me see……

Magdeburg originally had a melon-like smile on her face, but when she suddenly heard Lin Lan call her name, she thought he was going to scold her.

But after knowing that he just wanted her to help read the manual, he breathed a sigh of relief, took out the manual from Lin Lan's pocket, and read it while reading.

Item name: Coitus potion.

Source: Teaching Country Alchemist Association, handmade by C-level certified alchemists.

How to use: Just open the lid and drink.

Effect: Greatly increases the user's desire for the opposite sex. The effect lasts until...the user's body is completely hollowed out.

Comments from the experts of Yunhai City Tianou Magic Props Business Association:

Brothers who buy this thing, please listen to my advice. There is absolutely no problem with the effect of this thing, but please make sure that your partner's physical fitness is as strong as yours and can withstand your onslaught.

After all, I heard that the claimed use of this thing in the Teaching Church is to breed dragons.

By the end of reading, Magdeburg was rolling on the ground laughing.

Even Emden, who continued to support Lin Lan, couldn't help laughing.

Lin Lan's face turned pale after listening to the instructions Magdeburg read.

I asked, how can this thing be so effective? This, this is actually for dragons?!

Hahahahaha, Commander, you are fortunately in the port area. If you were outside, you would kill so many ordinary people. Oh no, your stomach hurts from laughing, hahaha...

Magdeburg was already laughing beyond words.

Looking at Magdeburg who was already numb from laughter on the ground, Lin Lan gritted his teeth and said:

Stop laughing, go and tell Hu Teng now to increase Lützow's punishment ten times... no, nine times!

How can I, Lin Lan, be worthy of such a powerful potion?

Lützow, you really think highly of me!

After watching Magdeburg laughing and running downstairs, Lin Lan suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to ask Magdeburg not to spread the news.

However, the black-haired sports girl had disappeared.

Hey, paper can't cover up the fire after all, so just keep an open mind.

With Emden's help, Lin Lan finally returned to the bedroom door.

He took out the key and opened the bedroom. His room had been cleaned by Manjiu, and it was tidy again, without the messy mess in the morning.

However, as soon as he was helped to lie down on the bed by the white-haired light patrol girl, he saw Emden actually walked to the door and closed it.

Okay, human-san~ don't look at me with such cute eyes~

As Emden, who was wearing a white dress, finished speaking, Emden, who was wearing a black dress with red rose eyes, also emerged from mid-air and came closer with a smile on her face.

Today it's our turn to be Emden's secretary ship. Since you're not leaving, Human-san, we're about to start today's work~

Approached by two white-haired young girls, Lin Lan's face was filled with panic, and she kept retreating on the bed:

I really have nothing left, nothing at all. Spare me, Emden! Emden!!!

Of course, Emden didn't do anything to him, he just lay down next to him and performed intracranial massage.

With the help of Emden's gentle massage, Lin Lan was finally able to sleep peacefully in the arms of the two girls.

After all, what bad intentions can ship girls have?

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