This detail discovered by Prince Eugen made Lin Lan take a breath.

This is the mirror sea area created by the Siren, and it is obviously the background of the war between the United States of Oran and the Natlan Empire hundreds of years ago.

After they entered the mirror sea, whether it was the architectural style of Huaiwu City, the fleets of the two countries on the sea, or the battle between the Extremes and the Tyrant Mecha.

It can be said that everything they saw was very consistent with this background.

Apart from……

The machine-girl girl Sui Qiong who was scouting in the sky was obviously out of tune with the background of the mirror sea!

And it was clear that what Liyun told him at the end was that the body of captain Qiongying had changed, so why was it the machine girl Suiqiong who appeared in front of them at this time?

The more Lin Lan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Countless questions full of contradictions popped up one after another after Eugen woke him up.

Logically speaking, the sirens were caused by the siren disaster that came to this world just over ten years ago.

Even if the Siren can simulate any scene through the mirror sea, how can the Siren, who only came to this world in modern times, interpret the war of more than two hundred years ago so realistically?

This is really unreasonable.

But Lin Lan knew that for Siren, it was not impossible to do all this.

As long as you can find a guy who has personally experienced this war, based on his memory data, Siren can also use the mirror sea to simulate the scene of this war.

But the Oran veterans who experienced that war were all ordinary humans. After so many years, they had all been buried long ago.

If the Siren wants to obtain the memory data of this war, he has only two options:

Either capture the longevity limiters who participated in this war from the Natlan Empire, extract memory data, and simulate this battlefield.

Either he is the owner of this battlefield memory, and he is simply——

Not human.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan's back suddenly felt cold.

He suddenly remembered what Huo Dai, the driver captain of the Tomahawk military industry group, said to him:

It all started when our general agent was threatened by the Siren.

However, such a large and unrepaired Tyrant mecha disappeared out of thin air in our underground mecha research room.

Huo Dai's words kept echoing in his ears, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

However, before he could continue thinking, Egil also came over, close to his ear, and said truthfully what he had just felt from Sui Qiong, which was very similar to the feeling of the ship girl:

Commander, I wonder if you have noticed that the girl named Sui Qiong is really very similar to us. It feels like we are the same kind.

Lin Lan was immediately surrounded by two tall girls with silver hair and red highlights, but he couldn't care less about joking with them.

He could understand what Egil meant. Egil wanted to say that Shattered Sky was not a pure chess piece, but a creation of the Mind Cube just like the ship girls in his port area.

And in this different world, apart from his port area, the only one who can use the mind cube technology is...


Only then did Lin Lan realize that he had clenched his fists without knowing it.

In his right hand, there was still a faint residual warmth from when Broken Qiong held him, which forced him to take several deep breaths to calm down.

Let's ask for clarification after Broken Qiong comes down first. wary of her.

Lin Lan spoke bitterly, he really didn't want to believe it all.

But he also understood that only by destroying this mirror sea could they return to Dongyun City.

But right now, all the contradictions are focused on the petite white-haired girl Sui Qiong.

After flying in the sky for nearly ten minutes, Broken Qiong finally returned and landed steadily in front of Lin Lan and others.

Reporting to Commander, Shattered Dome has successfully completed its high-altitude reconnaissance mission. Unfortunately, Shattered Dome has not found any special targets worth reporting.

Lin Lan looked at the white-haired girl in front of him who saluted him with complicated eyes, and slowly asked:

Shattered Sky, you are the Tyrant Mecha. Do you still remember how you became what you are now?

The white-haired girl slowly lowered her raised arm, looked at him with blue eyes, and replied calmly:

Report to Commander, Broken Qiong has the same specifications as other Tyrant mechas of the same generation, and the body has not been modified in any special way.


Lin Lan heard Sui Qiong's words and captured the word keenly.

The first batch of Tyrant mechas that were put into the war at the beginning of the war were definitely different from the models of Tyrant mechas that were put on the battlefield at the end of the war.

The later the new Tyrant mecha is put into the battlefield, the stronger its combat effectiveness will undoubtedly be, and it will be more adaptable to the combat environment of the battlefield at that time.

So Broken Qiong, which generation of Tyrannical mecha are you?

Lin Lan already knew how to confirm whether Sui Qiong's identity matched the methods of this world, so he asked again.

Report to Commander, Broken Qiong is the ninth generation Tyrant mecha.

Based on the previous generation, we have made all-round improvements in overall performance.

Compared with the previous generation, our wing power core and engine use the latest trial version, which improves the efficiency of the wing system by 30% compared with the previous generation.

The main responsibilities of our ninth-generation Tyrant Mecha are: to seize air supremacy with the Natland Empire's Extremes, and to conduct long-term air navigation without supplies to support our own combat areas...

Looking at the petite mecha girl in front of him who introduced herself in detail, Lin Lan had already gotten the answer he wanted, and his heart felt cold.

Shattered Sky...

Lin Lan spoke bitterly, interrupting the white-haired girl's words.

The iron-blooded ship girls beside him have firmly protected his body behind the ship's suit.

Commander, Shattered Sky is always at your disposal.

After Lin Lan opened his mouth, Sui Qiong stopped introducing himself and looked at him with confusion on his face. He wanted to get closer to Lin Lan but was forced back by the iron-blooded ship-suited dragon.

You said you are the ninth generation Tyrant mecha, right? But look at everything around you.

Lin Lan pointed with his finger at the burning sea of ​​​​fire around him, the burned and collapsed buildings of the Natland Empire, and the large bodies of corpses in the open space, with a trembling voice.

Everything in this Huaiwu City shows the architectural style that can only be found in the territory of the Natlan Empire.

In the middle and late stages of the war, the main battlefield between the United States of Oran and the Natlan Empire has basically shifted to the battle for the ocean and islands!

Only in the early stages of the war, Oran had the military mission of covering the evacuation of citizens from the territory of the Natlan Empire!

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he looked at the petite mecha girl who had widened her eyes and fell into confusion, and said his conclusion in a deep tone:

As a ninth-generation Tyrant mecha that specializes in air combat and long-duration air navigation support, how did you end up in Huaiwu City, the battlefield in the early stages of the war?

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