The main reason is that I happened to meet Hipper and the others in the cafeteria to participate in a drill, and I happened to not know what to do today, so I had no choice but to disturb you.

With the help of the dark red light, Lin Lan walked to Bismarck.

On the largest fluorescent screen in front of you, there were clearly two teams of Iron-Blooded Ship Girls.

Group A, aircraft carrier Peter Stratsee; battleship Tirpitz; battlecruisers Odin and Scharnhorst; heavy cruisers Prinz Heinrich, Prince Adalbert, Admiral Graf Spee ;

Group B, aircraft carrier August von Parseval; battleship Ulrich von Hutten; battlecruisers Seydlitz and Gneisenau; heavy cruisers Admiral Hipper and Blücher Er, Prince Eugen.

Both sides have one aircraft carrier, one battleship, two battlecruisers and three heavy cruisers.

The previous exercises in the port area were all organized by you personally. Do you want to try it today?

Bismarck asked while controlling the translucent sci-fi keyboard suspended in the air.

Lin Lan smiled awkwardly: It's my first time here today. Just treat it as a study and organize the exercises as usual.

Just kidding, in his previous exercises in the game, he just clicked on the screen to watch the ship girls perform on their own.

Now if we really talk about tactical command, he is definitely not as good as girls like him.

Looking at Bismarck who was carefully operating the keyboard and adjusting the screen lens, his flawless face had a serious look like a soldier.

Under her black military uniform, she has a proud figure that puts countless women to shame, and her every move reveals the elegance of a leader.

As if feeling Lin Lan's eyes on him, Bismarck turned his face sideways and looked at Lin Lan doubtfully:

Commander, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with me?

Well, as the noble Iron-blooded flagship, Bismarck, in addition to conducting combat training, also manages the Iron-blooded administration.

She rarely spends time on her private life and does not understand the lethality of her appearance to men.

The exercise hasn't started yet. I can't understand your operating system, so I can only look at you.

Lin Lan spread his hands and said helplessly.

Ah... yes, I'm sorry, Commander, I neglected this point. Please allow me to explain it to you.

Only then did Bismarck remember that she had indeed not explained the command system of the data processing center to Lin Lan.

Realizing his dereliction of duty in front of his lover, Bismarck flashed a blush on his face, lowered his military cap slightly, and hurriedly began to explain.

Under Bismarck's unreserved explanation, Lin Lan became roughly familiar with the Iron-Blooded Fortress operating system.

Even though he thought he wouldn't have much chance to use it, it was okay to get to know it.

But unfortunately, before he could get started with the actual operation, Bismarck said to him:

Commander, it's time for the exercise. Let's start watching the exercise.

Lin Lan nodded. There will be plenty of time to experience the operating system of the Iron-Blooded Fortress in the future, so there is no rush for this moment.

Then he watched Bismarck enlarge one of the screens floating in the air in front of him and take out a small communicator.

Predators of Team AB participating in the exercise, I am Bismarck. Next, please listen carefully to your introduction to today's exercise operations.

This exercise is a battle for the harbor. August, your team B will serve as the sea attackers, and Peter, your team A, will serve as the harbor garrison.

Team B, as the attacker, will have a large number of mass-produced warships. However, correspondingly, your ammunition and carrier-based aircraft have an upper limit. Once the harbor is not breached within the specified time, the exercise will be considered a failure.

Team A, as the defender, does not have mass-produced warships, but it does have defense facilities and mines, as well as unlimited ammunition and carrier-based aircraft.

As Lin Lan listened to Bismarck's mission introduction, he saw on a screen in front of him that illusory distortions began to appear on the originally empty sea surface.

Within a few seconds, the island-like military harbor terrain was generated, like a miracle. the power of the Siren.

Of course, now this has become the power of iron blood.

In the game plot, the Iron-Blooded camp obtained a large amount of Siren technology by pretending to cooperate with the Sirens.

The two most famous technologies of the Sirens, the Mirror Sea and the Floating Island Fortress, are both controlled by Iron Blood.

Then, please ask teams AB to enter the mirror sea and get into position quickly. In five minutes, the exercise will officially begin!

After Bismarck finished speaking, he glanced at Lin Lan who was eating melon next to him, and suddenly the idea of ​​teasing him arose in his heart.

Today's exercise, I will watch the battle with the commander, and the winning team's mvp will be qualified to become the commander's secretary ship tomorrow.

Communication ended.

Lin Lan, who was watching the ship girls from both sides enter the exercise venue through the light curtain at the edge of the mirror sea area, was stunned. Why does this have to do with him?

And what the hell is this MVP reward for being his secretary ship?

Pfft, sorry Commander, I couldn't control it when I saw your expression.

Lin Lan's dull expression was noticed by Bismarck, who turned off the communicator. Bismarck, who was originally serious, suddenly laughed like a little girl.

Hey, Bismarck, Bismarck, I really didn't see that you would still make such a joke at work.

Lin Lan looked at Bismarck who couldn't help but smile even though he still wanted to keep a serious expression. He was a little surprised. This was the first time he saw Bismarck smiling so easily.

After all, Bismarck has always looked serious and meticulous, both in the game and after he arrived.

Such a naughty Bismarck refreshed Lin Lan's understanding of her.

“I must be uncompromising and courageous when I appear before my fellow citizens.”

At that time, I couldn't be Bismarck with his own emotions, but I had to be an invincible iron-blooded leader.

Bismarck turned around, approached Lin Lan, raised his arm, and gently put it on Lin Lan's shoulder.

The iron-blooded black military uniform formed a sharp contrast with the white commander's uniform he wore.

Paired with long black boots, the absolute realm brings out Bismarck's queen-like noble temperament.

However, you once told me that I can let go of this burden a little in front of you. don't hate me like this, right?

Lin Lan looked at Bismarck who was so close to him. This iron-blooded leader was breathing rapidly at the moment. It could be seen that she had mustered up great courage to say what she just said.

Lin Lan remembered that these words seemed to be the lines in the game about buying a black dress for Bismarck.

His hands naturally hugged Bismarck's waist, and he felt the gentle trembling from his soft body.


Bismarck's voice was almost too low to be heard. Lin Lan took the iron-blooded leader who only showed his shy side into his arms. The two hugged each other, feeling each other's heartbeat and temperature.

Bismarck, you are so beautiful. It's too late for me to like you. How can I hate you?

Lin Lan gently stroked Bismarck's back in her arms, sniffed the scent of the long, silky golden hair, and said in her ear:

So, in front of me, you don't have to carry those burdens anymore and just be yourself.


Bismarck had a happy smile on his face and agreed gently.

Five minutes passed quickly, and with the buzzing sound coming from the screen, it was announced that today's confrontation exercise had officially begun.

Thanks to: [丶潶药丶店笁, Original Sky Demon, Stars Accelerate, Long Time No See, Like Smoke, Dongfang Zero, Blood Bug, I Am Your Big Pigeon, Little Cool Cat, Lonely Lonely Back, Yixinghe , True *Slate Alpaca (qq reading)] See the recommendation votes of the officials for support!

Thanks to: [Lonely Lonely Back] Boss for your monthly ticket support! The boss is awesome!

I sincerely thank the above readers for their encouragement and support. Thank you for your recognition!

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