Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 177 The Current Situation of Dongyun City

Two hours ago.

Jian Qianou, the stalker of the Tianou Group, took the form of a human and stood with his hands behind his back on the top floor of the former Tomahawk Military Industrial Building in Dongyun City, in the former office of Zhu Mobo.

As soon as he learned that Dongyun City was taken over by the Tian'ou Group, he used his spiritual body's teleportation ability to arrive at the Tian'ou Group Building here.

Dongyun City is the dock city with the shortest transportation distance between the Western Continent and the Eastern Continent. Tianou Group and Tomahawk Military Industry have been competing here.

Only because Zhu Mobo of Tomahawk Military Industry established a mecha research laboratory and a large number of mecha production lines in this city, most of the area in Dongyun City was previously controlled by Tomahawk Military Industry.

This has always made the board of directors of Tian'ou Group grudge, and they have always wanted to take this city into the hands of Tian'ou Group.

However, the city they had always wanted to capture had been successfully captured with the help of the head of state.

As expected of the head of state, I admire this method, I admire it.

Jian Qianou looked at the report on the Tianou Group that no one was injured on the table. Even though he had lived for hundreds of years, he couldn't help but click his tongue.

He originally thought that the head of state would send ship girls to directly destroy the Tomahawk military industrial base and buildings in this city, which would require the cooperation of their Tianou Group.

But he never thought that a message from Tianou General Agent in Dongyun City told him that after the city was filled with heavy fog in the morning, all the personnel and mechas of Tomahawk Military Industry were missing.

Their Tianou Group took over the city without even a single shot being fired.

Coupled with the powerful ship girls who later arrived in Dongyun City, Jian Qianou could already guess who did all this even if he thought about it with his buttocks.

Such an unheard-of method of killing without blood made Jian Qianou's assessment of the head of state's strength directly comparable to that of a god.

At the same time, he was also very fortunate that it was the right choice for the Tianou Group to seek refuge with that head of state.

Originally, he wanted to talk to the ship girls under the head of state who arrived in Dongyun City.

But the other party seemed to be searching for something very anxiously and ignored him.

Jian Qianou didn't care about this, but directed the Tianou Group here to speed up the turmoil at the Tomahawk Military and Industrial Personnel Missing Center in Dongyun City as soon as possible.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. This is the most valuable experience that Jian Qianou has summed up in his long life.

Only by doing the things at hand well will the head of state not dislike their Tianou Group.

In the afternoon, corpses of Tomahawk military personnel and damaged mechas appeared out of thin air all over the city, and were discovered by Tianou Group personnel.

But under Jian Qianou's control, these corpses and mecha wreckage, which seemed to suddenly appear from other worlds, were quickly recovered by the professional team of Tianou Group.

Even some of the surviving Tomahawk military personnel spoke like lunatics.

Words like traveling back to the ancient battlefield and meeting the Natlan Ultimates made Jian Qianou, who had experienced that war, feel ridiculous.

Naturally, he arranged for all these insane members of the Tomahawk military industry to be arrested and thrown into the Tianou Group's prison.

Let's not talk about the nonsense of traveling back to the ancient battlefield of Natlan. Even if they really traveled through time, Jian Qianou would not offend the head of state in order to investigate the truth.

Tianou Group is now bound to the same profit chariot as the head of state, and there is no need for him to get to the bottom of what the head of state has done.

However, apart from these trivial matters, what gave Jian Qianou the biggest headache was the Admiralty Port Area in Dongyun City.

As a large city port area, the commander here, Tang Yanxing, is an extremely difficult guy to deal with who has experienced several wars against the Sirens.

Tang Yanxing is different from Li Banan of Yalang City. He is a port commander who has no money and salt and is only loyal to the Navy.

The ship girls under him are also elites who have experienced the last decisive battle with the sirens. Even on weekdays, they will often take the initiative to clear out the surrounding siren fleets.

The other party had noticed that the white mist was unusual, and concluded that the incident was an attack by the Tianou Group and the Sirens, and put the entire city on alert.

Even the Tianou Group Building has been surrounded and blocked by those ship girls.

What a frog in the well. Do those ship girls deserve to be called ship girls?

Jian Qianou couldn't help but smile scornfully when he thought of the magnificent mechanical dragon suit he saw outside the Führer's port area in Lihu County, and the battleship lady with short black hair who exuded a terrifying coercion like an empress.

Even if there were ten ship girls in Tang Yanxing's port area, they would never be a match for that one battleship girl.

Hmph, the Admiralty... I want to see how long you, Tang Yanxing, can continue to be crazy.

Looking at the black and red fleet surrounding Dongyun City on the distant sea, Jian Qianou smiled coldly, and his body transformed into a human and slowly dissipated.

He still has something to do, which is to arrange for personnel to implement comprehensive restrictions on all network signal media in Dongyun City.

The signal towers in the city have fallen under the control of their Tianou Group. By then, any news that people in Dongyun City want to send will have to get the permission of their Tianou Group.

And Jian Qianou understood very well that the head of state did not want to be exposed, so he would do everything cleanly.

Just when Jian Qianou was heading to the signal tower, he was in the Admiralty Port Area of ​​Dongyun City.

A thin middle-aged man wearing a white navy uniform was looking at the terrifying black and red fleet on the sea outside the port area.

Jian Qianou was right. As the port commander of Dongyun City, Tang Yanxing was indeed loyal to the Navy, and he was indeed immune to all kinds of coercion and inducement from the consortium.

Tang Yanxing looked down upon Li Banan, the commander of Yalang City, and he had no good impression of any consortium of the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce from the beginning to the end.

Whether it is Tianou who does anything for profit, or the Tomahawk military industry who directly puts human lives at risk, he treats them equally.

He had seen the thick white fog that swept through Dongyun City in the morning and could block all signals. It was Siren's technology.

In the afternoon, Tianou Group seemed to be well prepared and quickly occupied all the facilities and areas in the city that originally belonged to the Tomahawk military industry.

This made Tang Yanxing immediately alert. This might be a conspiracy between Tianou Group and Siren!

So he immediately dispatched his ship girls to strengthen sea patrols, surrounded the Tianou Group building, and constantly tried to contact the Navy Department.

But just now, his shipgirl reported to him that the entire sea off Dongyun City was blocked by a terrifying fleet.

This made his heart stop in fear, and he thought it was the Siren main fleet attacking.

But when he rushed to the port area and saw the person coming, he was stunned.

Because this terrifying black and red fleet should not be their enemy.

In the bloody battle he participated in before, the Navy Department was determined to fight to the death and prepared for a desperate decisive battle with the Siren.

The mysterious ship girl force that suddenly appeared at that time, destroyed the sirens and saved them, was in this black and red style.

After that, the top brass of the Western Continent's Navy signed a treaty with this powerful mysterious ship girl force. As the commander of a large port area, he naturally knew about it.

In a sense, the other party should be their ally at the moment.

But why did the other party suddenly come to Dongyun City and surround and block the entire city's waterways?

Moreover, this mysterious ship girl force actually possesses so many black and red oppressive battleships, which makes Tang Yanxing feel chilled in his heart.

Originally, these old-fashioned battleships were no match for the sirens and had been replaced by the warships.

But since the other party can dispatch so many old-fashioned warships at will, it shows that the other party does not take Siren seriously at all.

What kind of courage is this!

Just when Tang Yanxing was shocked by the huge iron-blooded mass-produced battleship, he saw several ship girls breaking through the sea in his direction, and his pupils shrank sharply.

Because among several ship girls, he saw a tall figure with blond hair and a shawl wearing a black military cap, holding a black and red cross flag, and wearing a black military uniform.

Tang Yanxing had seen this battleship girl who was like an emperor tearing apart the siren front and joining the battlefield first in that desperate decisive battle.

It’s unmistakable, this ship girl full of leadership aura is the chief flagship of this black and red mysterious ship girl force!

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