Because it was already dark when Lin Lan returned to the Iron-Blooded Fleet, and the fleet that Bismarck brought with him was too oppressive, directly cutting off the route to Dongyun City.

Therefore, Lin Lan did not plan to stay in Dongyun City for one night and returned directly to his Xingang District overnight.

Since Bismarck has already appeared here, he can guess without thinking that all the affairs in Dongyun City must have been handled by Bismarck.

The ability of an iron-blooded leader is no joke.

After everyone started to return in the dark, Lin Lan also followed Bismarck from his yacht to the Iron Blood command ship.

After all, the command ship is much faster than his civilian yacht.

As for Broken Qiong, Hu Teng temporarily took care of him and planned to wake him up the next day.

Meta Crystal Bismarck has just told him that it has indeed brought a lot, so there is no need to worry about running out.

Lin Lan also believed that Black Sea Mother would not harm her cubs. Since she said that it would be okay to use meta crystals, there was definitely no need to worry too much about Shattered Qiong's meta transformation.

But to be honest, Lin Lan wasn't sure how Sui Qiong would treat him and the ship girls after they woke up.

This can only be known after waking it up tomorrow.

When Lin Lan walked onto the command ship, he suddenly saw the green-haired little profiteer Akashi, following Hu Teng under the searchlight of the Iron-Blooded Fleet, and followed him in ship uniform.

This green-haired kitten seemed to want to discuss something with Hu Teng.

Seeing the sneaky Akashi, Lin Lan suddenly remembered that he had just been surrounded by fierce ship girls, and he actually forgot to settle the score with this green-haired little profiteer.

In the mirror sea, this guy quietly ran into another Tomahawk military industrial mecha to peek, but was shamefully packaged and teleported out, which made him worry about him all the time.

Forget it, I'll teach this guy a lesson later.

Fortunately, Akashi still looked full of energy and was not injured.

Lin Lan stopped thinking about Akashi.

He turned around and looked at Dongyun City under the night sky, and at the huge iron-blooded fleet that surrounded the city on the sea and began to turn around.

For such a large-scale mass-produced fleet, the news must be hidden.

I'm afraid that when he looks back, he will see the news on the Internet that Dongyun City was blocked by a mysterious fleet making headlines.

However, Lin Lan was not worried at all.

He is fully aware of the strength of the United States of Oran's Navy, and it is impossible to fight against the iron-blooded camp with only the chess pieces of the ship girl.

Tianou Group, one of the five major consortiums, has now come under his control.

Although the other party was definitely not loyal, the problem was that what Lin Lan wanted was not the loyalty of Tianou Group.

As long as the oil and supplies are delivered, does it matter to me whether you are loyal or not?

The barrel of the gun and the cannon are both in my hands, why am I afraid that you dare to resist?

What's more, the Tianou Group still relies on him to protect the route. If you really dare to have any evil intentions, you are really not afraid that I will kill you before the Siren.

After experiencing this mirror sea, Lin Lan not only lamented that the United States of Oran, which was once so strong and united, has now become like this.

The five major financial groups, each with their own ulterior motives, never thought about re-rising the United States of Oran, but instead thought about how to make themselves stronger and gain more benefits.

Tianou Group currently has a broad road ahead and can take advantage of it. As for Tomahawk Military Industry, Lin Lan had already drawn a big cross in his heart.

As for the Admiralty of the Western Continent...

Lin Lan planned to ask Bismarck in the next few days what she and Frederick the Great thought of the Admiralty's handling style.

If the other party is out of the way and can get along well with each other, then he will prepare to kill the Tomahawk military industry and let the Tianou Group completely control the Western Continent.

He led the Iron-Blooded camp to the Eastern Continent to find the White Eagle camp.

Of course, revenge must be avenged against the Tianxing Consortium, and Lin Lan has never forgotten it.

Shaking his head, Lin Lan quickly walked into the spacious command ship lounge.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Bismarck who seemed a little tired and put his military cap on the table.

This handsome and iron-blooded flagship did not regard Lin Lan as an outsider at all.

After placing the iron-blooded flag in his hand on the wall bracket, he began to neatly smooth his long golden hair that was slightly messy and blown by the sea breeze.

Lin Lan silently watched every move of Bismarck, whom he had not seen for a while.

For some reason, he always felt that the golden-haired, blue-eyed, iron-blooded flagship man didn't seem to have much rest during this period.

Seeing that the commander had not sat down on the sofa and was staring at him at the door, Bismarck stopped moving in his hands.

She looked doubtfully at the commander she had been longing to see for a while, and asked:

Commander, what are you doing standing here? Just sit down casually. This is a temporary command ship. There is no tea. If you are thirsty, I will ask Prince Eugen to prepare it.

Lin Lan burst into laughter when she heard Bismarck's direct words.

If you were an ordinary person, you might be intimidated by this blond beauty's charisma, and would not dare to approach her casually to talk to her.

But Lin Lan knew that this aloof and iron-blooded leader was just a paper tiger in front of him.

He walked up to Bismarck leisurely, looked directly into Bismarck's fair face and beautiful sea-blue eyes, and teased with a smile:

How can I dare to sit down if our Iron-Blooded Flagship Lord doesn't take his seat first?

Commander is joking, there is no such rule.

Lin Lan saw a faint blush rising on Bismarck's face that was pretending to be calm. She turned her face slightly to the side, not daring to look at him, and the smile on his lips became wider.

The contrast between Bismarck and cuteness is really cute. Sure enough, teasing Bismarck is the happiest thing in Iron-Blooded.

Seeing that Bismarck did not refuse him to close the distance between the two, Lin Lan took the soft and delicate body of the person in front of him into his arms.

To his surprise, Bismarck let out a surprised snort, and then said in a somewhat complaining tone:

Commander, this is still outside, so we can't do such intimate things...

Bismarck, Bismarck, haven't you had a good rest during this time, huh?

Hearing the commander's question, Bismarck, who was already aroused by the commander's bold move, felt his brain suddenly shut down.

How could it be possible that he was exposed so easily when he worked late into the night every day just to see the commander?

The commander's breath came to his ears, which plunged Bismarck's brain into confusion even more. He didn't even know how to answer, so he could only stand in a daze.

Smelling the faint fragrance coming from the Jagged Flagship, Lin Lan felt that Bismarck's body seemed to be a little stiff.

Hey, it seems that I was right.

Lin Lan sighed sadly.

After all, no one knows better than him what fatigue looks like due to long-term overtime work.

This iron-blooded general flagship, in order to see him as soon as possible, stayed up late and worked overtime.

I understand that you want to see me as soon as possible. I have seen your efforts. Well done, Bismarck.

Bismarck's eyes widened when he heard the commander's words.

She originally thought she would be complained by the commander, but she didn't expect that the commander didn't blame her.

But you have been working so hard during this period. When you get to Minato, you should take a good rest for a while. I will accompany you well.

Lin Lan gently patted Bismarck's back a few times and said in a gentle tone.

Bismarck worked so hard to see him and the other Predator girls as soon as possible. How could he blame Bismarck?

He has already experienced the pain of staying up late and working overtime every day, so naturally he will not let his ship girl do the same again.

Xingang District is currently on the right track and is not too busy.

Lin Lan decided that the chief flagship must take a good rest for a while.

It just so happened that he could also study hard during this period to see if he could create a new mechanical dragon ship suit for Bismarck.

Well, I understand, Commander...

To Lin Lan's surprise, Bismarck not only did not refuse, but instead agreed like a shy girl in his ear with a coquettish tone.

And while speaking, Bismarck also gently raised his hands and hugged his body, making their bodies closer to each other.

It's even as if they can feel each other's heartbeats.

What Bismarck did on his own initiative made Lin Lan feel guilty.

Anyone who laughs at your ship's uniform has a really bad conscience.

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