Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 186 Idyllic Contentment and Peace

After an exhausting night, Lin Lan could not sleep any longer.

When Bismarck woke up in Lin Lan's arms, he glanced at the clock beside the bed with sleepy eyes.

It was already past eleven noon.

Looking at the face of the commander who was sleeping soundly on her body, Bismarck was slightly absent-minded.

As the spiritual leader of the Iron Blood camp and the most majestic flagship of the Iron Blood camp, she had never slept so late before waking up.

But at this moment, sleeping with the commander in each other's arms, her heart was already filled with happiness and satisfaction, and she had the sweetest sleep in her life.

Is this... the happiness I pursue?

Bismarck gently touched the sleeping commander in front of him, and whispered softly as if he was asking himself.

Since her birth, she has shouldered the burden of Iron-Blooded's rise. This burden has fallen on her shoulders, both as a battleship and as an Iron-Blooded shipgirl.

And she has always regarded this ethereal and distant goal as the happiness she pursues.

Once upon a time, she thought that leading the Iron-Blooded Fleet out of the control of the Sirens and out of the royal blockade was the happiness she pursued.

But that's not it.

Because after breaking away from the control of the Sirens and joining the Port District, she found that there were more challenges and enemies waiting for her.

Once upon a time, she thought that her happiness was to have the Iron-Blooded Fleet defeat one enemy after another under the leadership of her trusted Oath Commander.

But it turns out, that's not it either.

Because after the commander she was accustomed to accompanying them disappeared, endless confusion and regret came to her like a vast ocean, torturing her all the time.

All the ship girls can clearly feel that the commander is not dead.

This also gave them a glimmer of hope, preventing them from falling into desperate metamorphosis.

But they can also feel that if they don't find the commander, he may never come back.

In order to stabilize her other companions, she had to stand up with Frederick the Great to prevent the Iron-Blooded camp from falling into chaos.

After holding a meeting with other camp flagships and discussing that the royal camp would stay in the port area, she and Frederick the Great led the Iron-Blooded Fleet to leave the port area and embarked on a journey to find the commander.

On the way to find the commander, Bismarck thought more than once about what he would do if the commander never came back given his physical condition when he disappeared.

It was not until last night that Bismarck finally understood after sleeping with his beloved commander in a real sense.

It turns out that the happiness she pursues is to live a peaceful life forever with her beloved commander and other companions.

That idyllic contentment and tranquility is the ultimate destination she pursues as the shipgirl Bismarck, not as the iron-blooded flagship.


Lin Lan, who was sleeping, grumbled and changed his sleeping position.

Commander, since you will bring back all your comrades from other camps sooner or later, now...

Bismarck, who had reached the destination of his heart, his blue eyes were like clear lake water, looking at the face of the commander lying on her chest in confusion.

Then, she gently raised her hand, pulled up the commander's cheek, lowered her head and kissed him.

Just let me selfishly occupy you for a while longer.

Following Bismarck's series of actions, Lin Lan naturally woke up leisurely.

Looking at the rosy and beautiful face that came into view, there was an expression of expectation and confusion.

How could Lin Lan sleep when being kissed by the iron-blooded and majestic flagship who was completely different from his usual cold and rigorous style?

How can you sleep at your age? There is no hope!

So it wasn't until the afternoon that the two of them finally walked out of the bedroom after washing and changing clothes.

With you by my side, I guess no secretary will dare to come to the office today.

The refreshed Lin Lan put on a clean and neat white navy uniform. As she walked down the stairs, she smiled and teased Bismarck, who had already put on a black iron-blooded military uniform.

That's not necessarily true. I believe in the discipline of the Predators... Look.

Under Bismarck's proud tone, Lin Lan saw that the door to his office had been opened.

Good guy, there really is one. It is indeed a fine tradition of iron-bloodedness. Let me see which wife will be the secretary ship for me to persecute today?

After fighting in the same bed, Lin Lan was able to joke with Bismarck casually.

And when he walked into the office first, he saw four familiar Iron-Blooded Ship Girls sitting carelessly on the sofa in his office.

Hipper, Blücher, Prince Eugen and the Weser which was transformed into a light sailing ship.

Except for Tallin, who joined the Northern Alliance, the Hipper-class family is actually here.

What surprised him even more was the short red-haired light sailing girl Weser who stood behind Hipper and greeted him with a smile when he came in.

What are in the hands of the other three heavy patrols and on the coffee table are... iron-blooded playing cards?

After seeing Lin Lan walk in, Blücher directly raised the cards in his hand, happily rushed forward and hugged him, like a pistachio, and shouted sweetly:

Ah! Commander, you are finally awake! You are going to make love with Blücher today too!

Seeing this disgusting scene, Hipper stopped talking and stood up angrily without saying a word.

Lin Lan secretly felt happy when she caught a glimpse of Hipper's appearance.

Alas, Tsundere really can only be a loser in front of the natural affection that takes the initiative.

Prince Eugen also saw the eldest sister's angry look, and the corners of his mouth rose crazily.

Seeing her eldest sister suffer and suffer was one of the happiest things for her.

As she stood up and cleared away the pokers on the table, she looked at Lin Lan and asked with a teasing smile:

Uh-huh, the commander finally got up. Where is Lord Bismarck? Did you last night...

Prince Eugen stopped abruptly mid-sentence.

Because Bismarck, who was following Lin Lan, happened to walk into the office at this time.

Seeing Eugen standing up and saluting Bismarck with an embarrassed look on his face, Lin Lan burst into laughter.

Compared with Hipper being deflated, the opportunity to see Prince Eugen deflated is really rare.

Blücher and her other three sisters, who let go of Lin Lan, stood up straight after seeing Bismarck and saluted Bismarck.

Ogen, you...

Bismarck motioned to the four of them not to be so reserved, then looked at his silver-haired old comrade Prince Eugen, smiled and shook his head.

Eugen smiled evilly and blinked at Bismarck, seeming to have guessed everything.

Lin Lan had already guessed that Eugen would definitely talk to Bismarck privately to exchange experiences in detail.

After all, Bismarck's only military expedition in history was with Prince Eugen.

The relationship between the two is naturally extraordinary and very good.

Getting back to the topic, Lin Lan looked at the four Hipper-level sisters with different personalities in front of her and asked in confusion:

Why are the four of you here? Who is the secretary ship today?

It's me, it's me! I'm the commander's secretary ship today!

As soon as Blücher heard Lin Lan's question, he happily finished speaking and leaned over to hug his arm tightly again.

Huh, we already knew that you would wake up in the afternoon, so we came here with Blücher early in the morning to prevent her from being bored alone.

Hipper, the golden-haired, small-breasted eldest sister, made her signature gesture of folding her arms around her chest and groaned dissatisfied.

Last night, I should have asked Hu Teng to tell you that I have a problem today.

Lin Lan touched Blücher's little head apologetically, but it could be seen that sweetheart Blücher's good mood was not affected by his lateness.

Commander, you and Lord Bismarck probably haven't had lunch yet. We brought lunch boxes for you in the cafeteria.

Weiser pointed to the two lunch boxes placed on Lin Lan's desk and said with a smile.

As the saying goes, people are like iron rice and steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will feel hungry.

Lin Lan, who wasn't originally hungry, heard that her stomach started to growl when she heard that she hadn't eaten lunch yet.

Oh, it seems that he didn't even eat breakfast and yesterday's dinner. In total, he didn't eat anything for a whole day.

So they did not refuse the good offer. Lin Lan and Bismarck finished the German lunch boxes brought by the four Hipper sisters on the sofa and coffee table in the office on the spot.

Speaking of which, Commander, Ulrich came to submit yesterday's battle report to Brünnhilde this morning. She asked us to tell you that when you wake up, you must come to Akashi's store.

After clearing the coffee table, Prince Eugen sat next to Lin Lan with a smile.

At this time, Prince Eugen and Bismarck sandwiched him on the left and right. The heavy patrol girl with silver hair and red highlights smiled provocatively close to his ear.

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