Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 193 The Teaching Kingdom Enchanted Armor

Although Hipper's teeth were itching with hatred, after all, Prince Eugen was her biological sister.

In the end, she could only accept defeat and put away the ship's equipment.

Okay, okay, Hipper, please be patient. This is an unprecedented move in the port area.

Seeing Hipper coming back with an angry face, Lin Lan smiled and joked.

Huh? It's not thanks to you!

Hipper glared at him fiercely, folded his arms and became speechless.

Seeing that Hipper was still angry, Lin Lan smiled and shook his head, picked up his phone and checked the time.

It was only half past three, so it was too early to go to the cafeteria.

Lin Lan put his phone back in his pocket and suddenly remembered the extreme person who came to attack him in the mirror sea yesterday.

He was planning to compete with the ship girl every day in the future to improve his actual combat experience.

The four sisters Huten and Hipper are all here now, and the place in front of Akashi Store is quite empty.

Isn't it the time to propose discussions?

Hipper, can you do me a favor?

Lin Lan walked to Hipper and said with a smile.

Huh? You have the nerve to ask me for help? Do you know that I want to beat you up now?

An expected answer.

Eh? How did you know that I just had this idea?

Lin Lan deliberately followed Hipper's words. Not only did Hipper's eyes widen, he looked at him in surprise.

Even Prince Eugen, who had just returned, and Blücher and Weser beside him, were stunned, thinking they had heard wrongly.

Commander, did the siren add some indescribable orientation to you in the mirror sea yesterday?

That's right, Commander, were you brainwashed by Siren yesterday? How could you say such a thing!

Seeing Prince Eugen and Blücher speaking with concern at the same time, Lin Lan smiled and explained the reason clearly:

Hey, where are you all thinking?

I just want to try to compete with you and improve my actual combat experience. This way, when I encounter danger in the future, I can support you enough to save me.

As soon as Lin Lan finished speaking, the cold voice of Iron-Blooded Battleship Hu Teng sounded from the side:

No, Commander, you are a human being, how can you compete with our 'ship'? The power of ship equipment is no joke. Commander, you know better than any of us.

After Hu Teng finished speaking, before Lin Lan could speak, Weiser also came over after recovering the carrier-based aircraft, and said to him with a worried look:

Commander, Lord Ulrich is right. Our normal attacks, even without the use of ship equipment, are not something ordinary people can withstand.

And Hipper said to him angrily:

Idiot, what do you mean? Do you think we can't protect you with our iron blood?

Seeing that her explanation aroused public outrage, Lin Lan had no choice but to continue explaining quickly:

Why would I think so? I didn't say I was using ship uniforms to conduct drills with you. You all misunderstood.

After coughing twice, Lin Lan continued:

What I mean is that on the premise that you don't use ship equipment, you just use melee weapons to compete with me.

And I told you during the previous meeting that I am no longer an ordinary person, I still have some fighting ability.

After speaking, Lin Lan raised his right hand, and a pure white elemental blade composed of light elements appeared in his hand.

As a commander, I can't possibly not know any combat skills, so just think of it as helping me train.

Seeing that the commander could summon magic-like sharp blades at will, all the ship girls felt very inconsistent except for Sui Qiong who was still looking at all this with a cute look on his face.

After all, before, their commander was just an ordinary person.

But now, the commander actually has such transcendent power, which really makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

But even so, can the commander really spar with them without getting hurt?

No matter what the ship girl said, even if she didn't use the power of the ship suit, her physical fitness was far beyond that of ordinary people.

You know, after they run out of ammunition during an attack, they will also engage in close combat with the Sirens.

Every ship girl in the port area has rich experience in ripping sirens apart. Can the commander's fragile body really withstand a ship girl in a fighting posture?

Just when Hipper glared at Lin Lan and was about to refuse, Hu Teng's calm voice came:

In that case, Hipper, just accompany the commander through two moves.

Huh? Ulrich, are you crazy?

Hipper looked at Huten in shock, thinking she had heard wrongly.

You don't need to use the ship's suit. Just control your strength. If I'm by your side, there shouldn't be any accidents.

After Hu Teng finished speaking, he looked aside and saw the little green-haired profiteer standing next to Broken Qiong, holding a bag of biscuits and chewing them.

Akashi, do you have any armor in your store?

Of course there are some, meow, there are even enchanted magic armors, meow~

When Akashi heard that there was business again, his two little kitten ears stood up happily.

Very good, then go get some sets of magic armor for the commander. The stronger the better.

Wrap it around me, meow~

Akashi stuffed the uneaten biscuits to the cute Sui Qiong beside him and ran back to the store to get the armor.

When Lin Lan saw this, he immediately understood that Hu Teng wanted him to put on armor and then compete with Hipper.

As expected of Hu Teng, he was so thoughtful. He really didn't expect that he could have such a way to improve his defense.

Commander, if you are injured during the sparring with Hipper, please just exercise peace of mind in the future and don't try such dangerous things again.

However, Hu Teng changed the subject and focused on him, speaking seriously.


Lin Lan was stared at by dark golden eyes and could only agree.

He also knew that if his shipgirl accidentally hurt him, she would definitely feel extremely guilty.

Then it will probably be difficult for him to continue his plan to improve his actual combat experience through competition in the future.

Soon, Akashi walked out of the store holding a wooden box that was wider than her small body.

The box was filled with armor parts made of dark silver metal.

Lin Lan's mouth twitched when he saw Akashi throwing the big box on the ground casually with a dull thud sound.

Even Akashi, the maintenance ship girl, can easily pick up such a heavy box.

As a powerful front-row heavy cruiser that has experienced hundreds of battles, Hipper's strength will probably only be even more terrifying.

Previously in Lihu County, the evil dragon girl Ruprecht was able to move as if she were teleporting with her physical strength, which he still remembered vividly.

The strength of the ship girls themselves is already strong enough.

Not to mention, he had been in the game before, cultivating them into full-level attributes by constantly attacking and feeding them practice data.

Even the rare one-star ship girls in his port area were all upgraded to the full level.

One ship can defeat seven or eight mass-produced sirens. It's just casual.

Don't ask, just ask to open fleet technology.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan couldn't help but look at Hipper twice more.

I can only hope that the passive attributes that the brave skill bar has filled up can improve his body enough that he will not be unable to withstand even one blow.

However, speaking of enchanted armor...

Lin Lan focused on the box of metal armor that Akashi held.

The appearance of these dark silver metal armors is typical of the Knights of the Teaching Kingdom.

It looks thick, with silver as the main tone, and there are some decorative patterns on it.

Needless to say, these patterns should be enchanting magic runes.

He stepped forward and picked up a metal wristband, and found that the weight of the wristband was lighter than he thought.

With the help of Prince Eugen and Blücher, Lin Lan quickly put on a full set of armor and even put on a helmet that covered his entire head.

Commander, you look quite handsome. You have the style of a knight of the Iris Theocracy. Commander, you can take a photo with us later~

After Lin Lan took a few steps and gradually adapted to the armor on his body, Eugen's comments about him came from behind.

Taking a group photo was a good suggestion. He also wanted to see what he looked like wearing this armor.

But at the moment, he still hopes that the armor he is wearing, which is not too heavy, can be worthy of the name of the enchanted armor of the Teaching Kingdom, and that he does not regard it as useless.

Akashi, bring me a mind cube. I want to activate the magic on this enchanted armor and see how it works.

Since the magic runes on the teaching country's magic weapons, he can use the power of the Mind Cube to replace the magic source crystal drive.

Then this enchanted armor also uses the Mind Cube to drive the enchantment, so it shouldn't be a problem.

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