He didn't know the size or model of the attacking siren, and just relying on two destroyer girls couldn't give him a sense of security.

The categories of ship girls in this world are exactly the same as those in the games he played before. The main categories are:

Submarine (SS), destroyer (DD), light cruiser (light cruiser CL), heavy cruiser (heavy cruiser CA), shallow water heavy gunship (heavy gun BM), battlecruiser (battlecruiser BC), battleship (BB), light aircraft carrier (Light aircraft carrier CVL), regular aircraft carrier (aircraft carrier CV).

However, in this world, battleships and aircraft carrier girls are very rare. After all, these ship girls have powerful skills and power even in the game.

Lin Lan knew very well that the power of a destroyer had its limit after all. Unless it could achieve the level and equipment in the game, the destroyer would not be able to fight against the large Siren battleship.

The most urgent task is to know the information about the siren that is coming to attack them.

Without wasting much time, he pushed open the door to the captain's cabin.

After the war with the Sirens in this world, even civilian ships will be equipped with radars to scan nearby sea conditions.

But when Lin Lan looked into the captain's room, he found that it was empty.

The empty captain's room first made Lin Lan stunned for a moment, and then he immediately cursed angrily: These damn guys actually just abandoned this ship of civilians and ran away in an escape boat?

There was only one small escape submarine on the ship, and there was no one in the captain's cabin. He could guess where these irresponsible guys had gone without even thinking.

But at this moment, Lin Lan didn't care about looking for the captain of the ship. He immediately rushed to the command platform.

On the radar screen of the command station, dense red dots appeared directly in front of the bow of the ship.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lan's heart seemed to stop for a moment.

Ahead...is an entire Siren fleet?

He raised his head sharply. The front of his field of vision was transparent tempered glass, and he could clearly see the deck of the ship and the sea ahead.

The storm was raging outside, and visibility was extremely low on the rough sea.

The sky was so dark that even the churning sea surface seemed to be dyed black ink.

It was two or three o'clock in the afternoon, but the passenger ship seemed to be traveling in the dark.

Although Lin Lan could not see the Siren fleet ahead with his naked eyes, he already knew clearly that this passenger ship was now heading towards hell!

Turn around! You must turn around immediately!

Lin Lan, who suddenly came to his senses, found that his back was soaked in cold sweat.

He forced himself to calm down, trying to find the passenger ship's driving system and switch the automatic navigation to manual operation.

But before he could do all this, he saw a ball of yellow flame flickering through the heavy rain in the black waves ahead.


The next second, a huge wave several meters high bloomed directly in front of the ship.

Although the passenger ship was already bumping due to the rushing waves, the thunderous explosion still made Lin Lan's heart tremble.

They have been discovered by the sirens!

Lin Lan understood that he had to turn around as soon as possible to escape the attack range of the Siren fleet's main guns. Only by taking advantage of the bad weather could he escape the Siren attack.

Such a huge Siren fleet definitely has Siren aircraft carrier pieces or Siren flagships. Once the Siren carrier-based aircraft chases them, they will definitely die!

It didn't take him a few seconds to find the manual navigation system. He began to re-plan the course for a U-turn while trying to contact the nearest port for assistance.

But he soon discovered to his despair that his communication seemed to have been cut off, and he was completely unable to contact the outside world.

Captain! This ship has been bombarded by sirens. Please turn around immediately! We are about to attack. Please reply when you receive it!

At this time, an anxious girl's voice sounded from the communicator.

Lin Lan knew without guessing that this must be the communication sent by the two escorting destroyer girls just now.

Come to think of it, these two destroyer ladies didn't even know the number of siren fleets ahead.

He immediately picked up the communicator and said:

This is the captain's room. The captain has abandoned the ship. I am now responsible for the command of the ship. You should report the ship's equipment information and configuration immediately.

Who are you……

Hearing the doubtful questioning in the other party's tone, Lin Lan immediately continued:

I am the commander trainee of Hongye Naval Academy. I repeat, the captain has abandoned the ship, and a large Siren fleet has been spotted ahead. Once you attack, you will be seeking your own death!

After Lin Lan's words silenced the other party for a moment, another ship girl's voice came:

Roger, this is the Royal B-class destroyer Big Bulldog, and with me is the same class ship Beagle. We have enough ammunition and are ready to fight at any time.

You guys will immediately start escorting the ship. If you find an enemy plane, don't turn on the anti-aircraft guns as soon as possible unless you have no choice but to fire again.

Lin Lan issued his first order. At this time, they were still a certain distance away from the Siren fleet, and the opponent's artillery bombardment could not accurately attack them.

But if the firepower of the anti-aircraft guns attacks the carrier-based aircraft of the Siren aircraft carrier, it is equivalent to completely exposing their position to the Siren.

In this bad weather, hiding yourself is the most important thing.

Receive it, receive it!

The voices of two little girls came, and they chose to trust Lin Lan.

After unfolding the ship's armor, the ship girls can move on the sea. The speed is exactly the same as that of ships of the same class, and they also have the same performance and firepower. So Lin Lan didn't have to worry about the two little girls being swallowed by the waves.

This is the power of ship girls. Before coming to this world, Lin Lan always thought that this would only appear in games.

He loved that game very much. As a player who started the server, he once had a full illustrated book and a full-level ship girl who owned the entire port area.

It's just a pity that the world he traveled to does not have the port area that belongs to his game.

Standing in front of the glass of the captain's cabin, the next thing he could do was pray that the Siren Fleet would have no interest in their poor civilian passenger ship.

The bulky passenger ship began to slowly turn around in the heavy rain. The two ship girls unfolded their destroyer outfits and jumped into the sea. They flexibly surrounded the passenger ship and began escort operations.

The terrifying cannons of the Siren fleet did not attack again. Looking at the two small figures patrolling on the sea outside the window, Lin Lan felt slightly calm.

Fortunately, he had just arrived at the captain's cabin, otherwise the ship would have continued to move forward on its own, and the consequences would have been disastrous.

Not long after, the surrounding waves gradually calmed down, and except for the fact that the sky was still gloomy, the storm seemed to have passed.

However, the originally calm ocean should have brought people a sense of security, but Lin Lan instinctively felt that he was not out of danger.

Something's wrong. I'm obviously out of the rainstorm area, but why hasn't the signal on the ship been restored?

As soon as he said this to himself, he suddenly remembered a terrifying thing.

He has not seen relevant information in this world, but in the games he played before, the Siren camp mastered a terrifying technology.

Create a mirror sea.

Once entering the mirror sea area, all communication systems will fail, and the entire sea area will become the sea state that the Siren wants to become.

Moreover, the Siren will receive various buffs in the mirror sea, and its whereabouts will be more difficult to find.

After swallowing, Lin Lan walked to the podium.

On the radar system, there was nothing but two blue dots surrounding the ship.

But Lin Lan's uneasiness became even stronger.

Captain! Where are we now... where is the captain?

At this time, several crew members pushed the door open and were startled when they saw Lin Lan alone in the captain's room.

Lin Lan raised his head and was about to explain to them that the captain had abandoned the ship and ran away when a huge explosion suddenly sounded.

The entire captain's cabin glass was shattered in an instant, and the entire ship was shaken by the explosion.

Lin Lan and several crew members were also knocked to the ground. He felt as if the entire space was shattered at this moment.

Fa...what happened?

Lin Lan held on to the table and staggered up with a pale face. When he saw the radar screen, his mind went blank.

The radar that was empty just now is now filled with red dots.

The passenger ship was surrounded by sirens at some point!

The blue dots that were escorting them just now...have all disappeared.

He looked out the broken window. On the calm sea, at least a dozen strange black and red warships had already aimed their cannon holes at him!

The desperate pressure made Lin Lan's scalp numb.

Lin Lan has seen these battleships countless times, whether in the game before or in the videos he watched after coming to this world.

Siren's mass-produced unmanned battleship chess piece.

Big fighting dog, little beagle, please answer when you receive it, please answer when you receive it! Lin Lan tremblingly picked up the communicator at hand and shouted, but the only reply he received was dead silence.

Those two little girls are probably in danger.

How to do how to do?

Lin Lan had never felt that death was so close to him. Even if he was chased by people from the consortium in the academy, he was not as desperate as he was now.


Along with a huge muffled sound, the entire hull of the ship suddenly trembled violently and began to tilt.

Lin Lan stabilized his body and immediately realized what happened - the bottom of the boat was attacked by a torpedo!

These damn sirens actually want them all to drown alive in despair!

Help, help! Help! The crew members at the door were so frightened that they lost their minds and ran back in panic.

But Lin Lan showed a desperate bitter smile.

run? On the vast sea, not to mention the vortex suction caused by the sinking of the passenger ship, there are siren chess pieces all around, where can these people go?

Humans are so desperate when facing sirens on the ocean!

I can't believe it, I can't believe it. Lin Lan held on to the command platform, feeling the ship gradually tilt and sink, and mocked herself desperately: I haven't even seen my own ship girl, so I'm going to ship it.

He was unwilling to do so. He traveled to a world with ship girls. After suffering for a year, he didn't even reach his own port area. He was about to go to the sea to feed the sharks.

Just when he was desperate, a voice came into his ears.

Strange, why is your data not recorded by the natural calculation system of this experimental site?

I beg all readers to subscribe. The author is here to thank you on his knees!

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