Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 196: Those who are close to vermillion are red; those who are close to ink are black

Let Blücher accompany you. She is your secretary ship today. Let's go to the cafeteria first to see if we can help.

Hu Teng said calmly.

No one had any objection to this, and Blücher happily hugged Lin Lan's arm.

Ah ho~ Commander, do you want me to take a sweet double bath with you?

Cough, cough... let's go back first.

Feeling a soft squeezing sensation on her arm, Lin Lan coughed twice in embarrassment.

By the way, Broken Qiong, you are also coming with me.

Lin Lan naturally did not forget about the girl Sui Qiong. After asking Sui Qiong to go back with him, he looked at the green-haired little profiteer and said:

Akashi, I remember there is a spare room next to my bedroom. You can ask Sister Brie and Manjiu to decorate it later and prepare the beds. From now on, that will be Sui Qiong's bedroom.

Sui Qiong, who was following the commander closely, suddenly felt several slightly hostile gazes on her for some reason.


The innocent girl tilted her head in confusion, trying to find the owner of these sights, but found that she could not be found at all.

After arranging everything, except that Akashi had to feed and replenish energy for Manjiu and Muscle Cat, Lin Lan and others left Akashi's store.

They didn't see any other Iron-Blooded Ship Girls along the way, and it seemed that most of them had already headed to the cafeteria.

After saying goodbye to Hu Teng, Hipper and others for the time being, Lin Lan also took the sweetheart Blücher and the mouthless white-haired girl Sui Qiong and returned to the attic of the office as soon as possible.

Entering the bedroom, Lin Lan was about to take off his clothes when he found Blücher and Sui Qiong sitting on his bed.

And the girl from the Iron-Blooded Heavy Patrol of Yuanqi was looking at him with extremely expectant eyes.

Commander, you really don't need me to take a shower with you to enhance your love for me?

Seeing Lin Lan stop unbuttoning his clothes halfway, the girl with creamy yellow ponytails and the Iron-Blooded Heavy Patrol asked with a smile.

Take a bath together to enhance your love?

Broken Qiong repeated this sentence in a low voice after Blücher in a cute manner, and his blue eyes were also focused on the commander in front of him.

Naturally, Lin Lan didn't hear Sui Qiong's whisper. He just stared at Blücher speechlessly.

Don't make trouble first, you two go to the balcony first...

But halfway through his words, he was interrupted by Blücher's energetic words:

No! My favorite commander, you will never escape Blücher's loving offensive today!

After the girl with red eyes and twin tails finished speaking, she stood up immediately and began to unbutton her gray-red iron-blooded military uniform.

Don't! It's your turn tonight. We're in a hurry now!

Looking at the heavily commanding girl in front of him, Lin Lan panicked and quickly waved his hand to tell Blücher to stop.

He really wanted Blücher to take a bath with him. The bath would take who knows how long. It would be bad if he was late.

Well... that's right, then we can only stop the offensive temporarily. Commander, please hurry up.

After all, Blücher is also a ship girl who belongs to the iron-blooded camp, and she still knows how to deal with important matters.

Broken Qiong, you also go to the balcony with Sister Blücher. I'll be out right away.

After the two girls, one tall and one short, went to the balcony to watch the scenery, Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly entered the bathroom and started taking a shower.

After arriving on the balcony, Sui Qiong gently pulled the corner of Blücher's clothes, who was looking at the ocean, and asked in a curious tone:

Blücher...sister, if you like the commander, do you have to take a shower with the commander?

That's right. In addition to taking a bath together, it would be best if you can stay together with the commander.

Blücher was feeling bored while waiting for the commander to take a shower. When he heard the question from the smaller white-haired girl next to him, Blücher immediately became interested.

Although she is the second sister of the Hipper class, whether it is the third sister Prince Eugen, the fourth sister Weser, or the younger sister Tallinn who joined the Northern Alliance.

They all treat her, who has an upright personality, as the younger sister who needs the most care.

Blücher is not stupid, so he can naturally see all this.

She just didn't understand why her sisters would regard her as innocent if she showed her feelings directly.

Now, having a younger generation to call her sister, Blücher was satisfied and patiently explained in detail to the cute-looking Broken Qiong:

Whether you are eating or sleeping, whether it is day or night, you must tell the commander directly the full love in your heart.

There are many ways to express love. In addition to taking a bath together, there are also ways to express love, such as dating, kissing, hugging, sleeping together, etc.

Only in this way can the commander fall in love with you, and the commander also has the power of love.

You must not imitate Sister Hipper. Well, she is the flat-chested blonde who beat up the commander today. She is always teased by Eugen because she is too dishonest.

Anyway, Broken Qiong, you have to know that love is omnipotent!

And after the Commander has love for you, he will give you this treasure.

Blücher said so much in one breath without feeling tired at all. She showed her right hand to the stunned broken sky in front of her.

Broken Qiong saw that on the ring finger of Blücher's black fingerless sports gloves, there was a beautiful and bright wedding ring that was illuminated by the sunset and reflected orange light.

When you also make an oath with the commander and have this exclusive ring given to you by the commander, you will be able to feel the power of love more directly!

Broken Qiong stretched out her little hand and gently touched Blücher's wedding ring.

At this time, Blücher, who has a simple and straightforward personality, has already regarded Shattered Qiong as one of his own.

Afterwards, Blücher continued to teach Broken Dome endlessly about how to defeat the commander, as well as interesting facts about the commander.

Broken Qiong, on the other hand, listened extremely carefully to the experiences described by her new companion, and kept them all in mind.

Just like when she was still a mecha, she listened to her comrades who were also Tyrant mechas teach her combat skills.

If Lin Lan knew that Blücher would impart these experiences to Sui Qiong, he would definitely regret why he let Sui Qiong and Blücher stay together.

However, at this moment, Lin Lan knew nothing about all this and was happily taking a shower in the bathroom.

After he finished taking a shower and put on a black evening gown sent by Tianou Group, he called the two people on the balcony back.

Yah! My favorite commander, are you ready to go?

After being hugged tightly by the energetic heavy patrol girl, Lin Lan reluctantly stroked little Lu Bu's head.

Well, we're almost ready. Let's go quickly. It's almost seven o'clock now.

Lin Lan finished speaking lovingly and looked at Sui Qiong again.

He had just been thinking about whether to bring Broken Qiong with him to the party.

After all, Sui Qiong's current identity is very special, and many ship girls don't know her.

He decided to hold a special meeting tomorrow to formally introduce Shattered Qiong to all the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls.

Right now, it was impossible for him to leave Sui Qiong alone.

Blücher, when we get to the cafeteria later, you should take Sui Qiong to your sister's table first.

After the party is over, you can bring her back with me.

During the party, he would definitely be with Bismarck, so it would be fine if Broken Dome was with Hipper and the others.

After Lin Lan gave the instructions to Blücher in his arms, he then said to Broken Qiong:

When we get to the cafeteria later, you should follow her closely and don't run around, okay?

The white-haired girl nodded slightly and said with great seriousness:

Zhiqiong received it, Broken Qiong's favorite Commander.

Lin Lan had just let go of Blücher and was about to walk towards the door. His body instantly froze as if he had been struck by lightning.

His eyes widened, as if he heard something shocking.

Turning around to look at the cute white-haired girl, Lin Lan said in surprise with a trembling tone of disbelief:

Shattered Sky, you, what did you just say?

Zhiqiong received it, Broken Qiong's favorite Commander.

Sui Qiong looked at him doubtfully, then spoke again in a daze, and replied unchanged.

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