Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 201 Dongyun Ghost Sees Sorrow (500,000 words added)

On the river next to Lihu County, the sun has just risen, spreading the morning light on the river.

A white double-decker yacht was traveling straight in the middle of the river, heading towards the downstream estuary.

The first floor of the yacht was filled with more than a dozen cute little lolita and petite girls.

On the second floor terrace, there were two young people, a man and a woman.

They were all wearing white navy uniforms, and they were the two county port commanders heading to Linlan Port District.

I have to say, it's great that that bug Li Banan died. Once he died, our work pressure was reduced a lot.

The person who spoke was a cheerful young commander with brown hair. His name was Lu Yangshu, and he had graduated from Hongye Naval Academy three years ago.

Taking off the navy hat on his head, he felt slightly surprised as he looked around at the fishing boats that had gotten up early to catch fish while enjoying the cool river breeze.

He passed through Lihu County a year ago. At that time, Lihu County was surrounded by ruins, and there was not even a fishing boat in the river.

But when they docked at the Lihu County Pier and waited for the staff of the Navy Department Office in Lihu County, they discovered that the entire outer area of ​​Lihu County had been completely renovated.

Whether it is the children playing in the water by the river or the residents with smiles on their faces who are starting to rebuild their houses, they all illustrate one thing.

That is, this place is already in absolute safety, and residents no longer worry about the intrusion of sirens.

You know, this Lihu County once had the nickname Dongyun Guijianzou in the Western Continent Navy.

In just one year, Lihu County was able to change more than three commanders. This is not a ghost.

Lu Yangshu could not believe that the once bleak Lihu County had been transformed into this state. The commander here was just a new intern who had not yet graduated.

It would be a shame for that guy to die.

A cold and absent-minded voice came, causing Lu Yangshu to look at the colleague in front of him.

This woman with long black hair and shawl sitting on a chair, holding an unknown book in her hand, is a very rare female port commander in the Navy Department.

His handsome appearance and proud figure outlined by his white military uniform can be said to be more exciting than most TV models.

Her name was Qi Yue, and she was looking down at the book seriously at this time, without even looking at him.

Regarding the other party's indifferent attitude, Lu Yangshu just sighed and did not continue to talk.

After all, even this yacht was provided by the other party, and he couldn't ask for trouble if the other party didn't want to talk.

This beautiful commander Qi Yue, who is wearing black stockings, is not just a showman who became the port commander based on her appearance, but she is really capable.

Not only did he successfully obtain the qualification of port commander with excellent results in the academy, but he also wiped out most of the sirens in the sea area around the port in just one year.

Although there are rumors that he may be the direct relative of a certain Lord in the Admiralty.

But rumors are rumors, and looking at Qi Yue's achievements, he actually achieved them with his outstanding leadership.


Just when Lu Yangshu was looking at the reconstructed scenery by the river and thinking about how he would inevitably have to face those nasty sirens again after entering the ocean.

The sound of a book closing interrupted his thoughts.

Did Luo Tao also tell you last night that for this rescue operation, it is best to follow the arrangements of the port commander here named Lin Lan?

Qi Yue put the book on the table between the two of them, rolled up her long hair and looked at Lu Yangshu and asked coldly.

Well, how do you know that? Since the hero must have a reason for saying this, do you want to...

Anyone who can become the commander of the port area is not stupid. Lu Yangshu naturally understood the meaning of Qi Yue's words.

Each mission assigned by the Navy Department will accumulate merits for the port commander upon completion.

Meritorious service is very important to the port commanders.

This is not only the promotion capital to be transferred to a big city in the future and obtain a certain amount of merit threshold, but also the necessary threshold to apply for ship girl equipment from the Navy Department.

If it is a joint operation of multiple port areas, the majority of the merits awarded for the operation will be to the leader of the operation.

He is just a trainee commander, and as far as I know, he and Luo Tao were classmates in the academy.

Qi Yue spoke calmly, her words filled with indifference towards Luo Tao and Lin Lan.

Lu Yangshu couldn't help frowning, looking at the powerful and beautiful commander in front of him and said:

I know you are dissatisfied with Luo Tao's sudden promotion to the position of commander of Yalang City, but as a colleague, I would like to remind you that it is best not to underestimate anyone.

Right now, Luo Tao is a great hero of the Navy and has a bright future. If you want to offend his good classmates for that little merit, don't bring me with him.

Having just noticed the changes in Lihu County, how could Lu Yangshu still regard Lin Lan as a cute new trainee commander?

Now this woman actually wants to encourage him to offend Lin Lan together, and there is Luo Tao standing behind Lin Lan. He is not a fool, so why should he be taken advantage of.

However, he did not tell Qi Yueming about the details he had just discovered.

Many things have to be settled, and even if the other party insists on hitting this iron plate, he will not stop him.

After listening to the words of the young man in front of him, Qi Yue did not directly refute, but silently weighed them in his heart.

Lu Yangshu was right. She was indeed very dissatisfied with Luo Tao's sudden acquisition of that position.

In order to prove to her pedantic family that girls can also become excellent port commanders, Qi Yue has worked twice as hard as others in order to gain meritorious service over the years.

But the position she regarded as her target was suddenly taken over by a trainee commander, which made Qi Yue instinctively feel dissatisfied with Luo Tao.

In her opinion, even if Luo Tao is a genius trainee commander, he has the real ability to expose Siren's conspiracy in Yalang City and defend Yalang City.

It's impossible for a genius to do it again that day, right?

What's more, how many ship girls can a total of trainee commanders have?

In Yalang City, Luo Tao relied on the remaining ship girls in the port area after Li Banan died to defend the city.

So why should Lin Lan, an intern who serves as the port commander in the county town like her, be the leader of this operation?

Just because of his relationship with Luo Tao?

Thinking of the elders in her family who wanted to persuade her to give up her status as a commander and marry as a tool to create a new relationship.

Qi Yue's hand placed under the table was slightly clenched into a fist.

Whether it was because Lin Lan's relationship with Luo Tao reminded her of her family's past, or it was because of the safety of her girls during this rescue operation.

She would not easily give up the leadership of the operation to Lin Lan.

In this way, in the silence between the two of them, the yacht soon arrived at the mouth of the river.

But when the two stood up and turned their gaze to the deserted harbor area on the seaside, they all gasped.

I... Shit, was this port area just bombed by sirens? How could it be like this?!

Lu Yangshu couldn't suppress the shock in his heart, widened his eyes and exclaimed.

Qi Yue also looked at the port area in front of her, which was no different from the ruins, in shock, and couldn't say a word for a long time.

No wonder the two of them were so shocked.

Because the port area on the seaside can no longer be called a port area.

What a bleak scene it was, a seaside ruin that looked like it had been carpet-bombed several times, with only a few lonely tents set up in the open space.

And beside the dilapidated riverside pier, stood a young man wearing a white navy commander's uniform.

This young man with a sense of vicissitudes of life in his eyes, surrounded by several destroyer lolita and two girls, looked at them with an apologetic smile.

Needless to say, the only naval commander waiting for them here is Lin Lan, the port commander of Lihu County.

The moment they saw Lin Lan, Lu Yangshu and Qi Yue understood at the same time why Luo Tao had given such an obvious hint to them to let Lin Lan be the leader of this operation before they left.

It's not because this Lin Lan has outstanding abilities, nor is it because of the imagined dirty relationship of using power for personal gain.

But purely because the port commander of Lihu County is so miserable! It’s so miserable that even a person can’t bear to see it!

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