A few hours later, Lin Lan was lying on the bed, caressing the little head of the original ship who was leaning on his chest, with a sweet smile on his lips even though he was asleep.

She seemed to enjoy being touched by him, and Nimi rubbed against him affectionately twice more in her sleep.

I will never let my ship girls be in danger. Even if I am not strong enough, as their commander, I must do everything possible to protect them.

Looking at Nimi's cute sleeping face, Lin Lan secretly swore in her heart.

Thinking that the arbitration agency had expelled all the meta ship girls in his port area from this world, a gloomy look flashed across Lin Lan's face.

Arbitration body...

He began to recall how Dang Dang fought against the arbitration agency in the game.

As well as the attributes, attack methods and weaknesses of each member of the arbitration organization.

He understood that the strength of the Arbitration Organization was not fully revealed in the game's large-scale monthly battle bosses.

In the future, in order to bring the meta ship girl to the port area, he will definitely have a fight with the arbitration agency.

In order to protect his ship girls from being hit hard and defeat the powerful arbitration agency, he must recall more information about the arbitration agency in the game.

And be more cautious in the future and look for more ways to improve your strength.

While thinking about plans for the future, Lin Lan held the little Lolita in her arms and fell asleep.


United States of Oran, Western Continent Sea, Siren Fortress.

In this mirror-like sea, which is different from the color of the ordinary ocean and has a weird purple tint, five or six huge black metal devices stand on the surface of the sea.

A large number of Type II Siren Executors of various ship types, controlling the blue ship uniforms, patrol the sea between these metal equipment.

Every once in a while, many bubbles will rise in the purple seawater inside these black metal equipment.

It's like refining something in sea water.

Except for the large number of explorers, trackers and ocean leaders around.

Four tall women with straight faces and long straight silver hair, with a cyan transparent data window floating in front of their right eyes, were patrolling these devices like robots.

Behind them, there is a blue ship suit that looks like a long-legged Japanese spider crab with its teeth and claws dancing.

Several exaggeratedly large-caliber main guns mounted on the ship illustrate their models:

Experimental agency battleship executor, Breaker II type.

The Breaker is one of the most powerful beings among the executors of the experimental agency, and is often responsible for guarding important Siren strongholds.

However, these four game breakers at this time are not the most powerful beings in this Siren Fortress.

In this mirror sea, which was as silent as a cold arsenal, a girl's panicked voice suddenly sounded:

It's over, it's over, it's over! Builder, please save me!

Next to a black metal equipment, the Purifier panicked and controlled her hammerhead shark suit, slowly falling from the air.

The petite, barefoot, white-haired, golden-eyed siren girl who was carefully controlling this metal device sighed deeply and raised her head to look at the flustered Purifier.

The builder said in a cold voice with a bad tone:

I think you should be very clear about the consequences that will affect my work.

Don't worry about your work. The observer called me. Please help me deal with it!

The Builder was slightly startled when he heard the Purifier's anxious tone of voice asking for help.

Has her communication system been restored? Logically speaking, our communication with Huanyang City, according to estimates, should be restored in 46 hours and 21 minutes at the earliest.

Seeing the Purifier's embarrassment as the control ship suit landed in front of her, the Builder also knew that the Purifier wouldn't joke about such a thing.

So in the purple water around her, two mechanical tentacles extended out, connected to the hammerhead shark ship at the Purifier's feet.

The next second, a suspended electronic screen appeared in front of the two people.

Hehehe, good evening, Builder, Purifier.

Accompanied by the delicate Loli laughter, the smiling face of the observer slowly appeared on the screen.

Good evening observer! Long time no see, how are you doing on land?

At this time, the anxiety on the Purifier's face was wiped away, and he showed a bright smile and greeted the observers on the screen.


The observer on the screen did not answer the Purifier's question, but watched as the Purifier sneered, and the Purifier's back felt cold as he laughed.

The builder, on the other hand, kept his expression unchanged and looked at the observer without saying a word.

Do you think I should contact you after 46h19min?

After subduing his laughter, the observer suddenly zoomed in on the screen, squinted his eyes, smiled and continued to question:

If I hadn't taken a moment to look at the report record while I was busy, I might still be kept in the dark by you.

Upon hearing the observer's words, the purifier felt his heart thump and his face turned pale for an instant.

Even though her face was very pale.

She quietly looked at the builder aside, but found that the builder's expression was still the same as before, without any change.

Tell me, why did the experimental sites of AL02 and AL06 fail?

However, just when the Purifier thought their little tricks had been discovered, the question raised by the observer made her sigh in relief.

She wouldn't be worried at all if the observers were just here to hold people accountable for work lapses.

Do you understand the gold content of hob meat?

When the Purifier was calm in his heart, the Builder replied calmly to the observer on the screen:

The test subjects at the AL02 experimental site were too showy in the last step, which attracted the interference of the test subjects from the previous world. The testers were defeated in battle with them, so the experiment failed and the experimental site was destroyed.

Due to the over-metaization of the Yuan Rubik's Cube in the AL06 experimental site, the mirror sea area was unable to restrain its tendency to self-destruct, resulting in the failure of the experiment.

After listening to the builder's explanation, the purifier quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and added:

Yes, yes, that's it. The experimental subjects of AL06 could not withstand the power of the Yuan Rubik's Cube, and they perished together with the mirror sea.

After the words fell, the observer on the screen remained silent, as if he was thinking about something.

The Purifier and the Builder looked at each other, and they didn't know if all this could be hidden from the observer.

You know, the observers are the ones with the highest authority in the experimental organization. Even if the other party is not here currently, they can still feel a lot of pressure from the screen.

Almost half a minute passed in silence, and then the observer slowly spoke:

Constructor, your work location has changed. Come to the Eastern Continent immediately. Purifier, please stop causing trouble in the AL area. From now on, you will be responsible for the jurisdiction of the LD area.

Upon hearing the observer's work arrangements, the Purifier's eyes widened and he couldn't help but question:

Transfer both of us away. Don't you want the AL04 experimental site? The tester hasn't come back yet. Who will be in charge of the AL04 experimental site if we leave?

It was also the first time that the builder's face showed a fluctuating expression, and he looked at the smiling observers on the screen with some surprise.

She also couldn't figure out why the other party suddenly transferred the two of them away from here.

As soon as the Purifier finished speaking, the transparent screen turned into a blurry screen.

This shows that the observer actively cut off the communication.

Just when the two senior sirens were a little confused, a delicate and charming voice with a smile suddenly came to their ears from behind them like a ghost:

Of course, I will be responsible for it myself.

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