Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 222 Broken Qiong is actually an experienced driver

The sad Feng Tao finally adjusted his mood after almost ten minutes, when his voice was completely hoarse.

Brother Lin, I owe you another favor. I don't even know how to repay you for this favor.

After leaving the living room with Lin Lan and walking to the first floor of the office building, Feng Tao looked at Lin Lan with extremely grateful eyes and said.

As I said, this is just a matter of duty. Are you really not going to take some rest in Lihu County?

Lin Lan, Tirpitz, and August all held gift boxes sent by Feng Tao. He looked at the haggard Feng Tao and asked with concern.

No, the Admiralty Fortress has ordered me to go immediately for two consecutive days. There is not much time left.

Feng Tao shook his head and refused Lin Lan's offer to stay. Then, seeing that there were no other people around except the two ship girls, he approached Lin Lan's ear and whispered:

The new commander of Lanjiang City, if nothing else, is my good friend Zhao Rui. You may know him in the academy.

After saying that, he took out two business cards from his pocket and stuffed them into the pocket of Lin Lan's black cotton coat.

This is his contact information. If you have any difficulties, you can contact him and I will say hello to him.

Also, if you are transferred to the Eastern Continent in the future, my cousin Feng Lei, who has the strongest relationship with me, will serve as the port commander in Hengyue City over there. If you encounter difficulties in the Eastern Continent, you can ask him for help. He will not Will refuse.”

After saying all this, Feng Tao hugged Lin Lan hard.

Brother Lin, that's all I can do for you. I wish you and your ship girls a safe future. See you again.

Lin Lan also expressed her gratitude and comfort to Feng Tao again:

Thank you, Brother Feng, for taking the trouble and lending you some good words. The same goes for you. I hope you and your ship girls are safe, and I hope you can start a new life as soon as possible.

Watching Feng Tao and the three chess piece girls waving goodbye to him, they left the county Navy Department office building in the falling snow.

Lin Lan sighed deeply.

Once Feng Tao leaves, the two will probably never have the chance to meet again.

Naturally, he knew Zhao Rui. He was the senior who was rescued by Leviathan together with Sun Dewang when he first met Leviathan.

The two business cards in his pocket showed that Feng Tao really planned to entrust him with all available resources.

Sometimes, interpersonal relationships are more useful than resources such as materials.

Although this was the first time the two of them had met, judging from his intuition, this Feng Tao was considered an upright person.

My familiar, now that the matter is finished, shouldn't we enter the business time today?

Just when Lin Lan was in a daze, August's voice brought him back to his senses.

Well, it's time to take you shopping and shopping. I didn't expect things to go so fast.

Lin Lan turned around and looked at the Iron-Blooded Witch and the Lonely Queen of the North, with a smile on her face.

He would never allow himself to experience the same sadness as Feng Tao in the future.

But right now, it's business to accompany his ship girls.

He took out his cell phone and checked the time. He originally thought he would have lunch with Feng Tao before saying goodbye, but it turned out that it was not even ten o'clock at this time.

Commander, should we take all these things with us?

Tirpitz held the gifts sent by Feng Tao in both hands, looked at Lin Lan with his blue eyes, and asked.

I just took a look. These are Lanjiang specialties such as dried meat, dried fruits, and wine. Leave half of them here for Sun Xiaozhu. You can put the rest in the ship's storage space first.

Lin Lan thought for a moment and then made a decision.

After handing four bags of gift boxes to a passing office clerk and asking them to be handed over to Sun Xiaozhu, Lin Lan led the two of them out of the office building and back to the bus.

Of course, he sat directly in the main driver's seat, but because of this, he didn't notice that the Iron-Blooded Ship girls who stayed behind in the car were all looking at his back in unison.

It seems that some evil plan has been discussed.

So slow, so slow, so slow! Why did it take you so long to come back!

As soon as he sat down, the evil dragon girl Ruprecht, who had stopped smiling, rushed to the passenger seat next to him and complained angrily to him.

Garlic Little Shark U110 and Lively Little Lolita Z16 also held Sui Qiong’s hands and came over.

Lin Lan could see that they had already regarded Sui Qiong as a good friend.

Commander, where are we going to play later? If we go shopping, are there any candies~

U110 stared at Lin Lan and asked.

We've already figured it out quickly. As for sugar, there must be some. There are all kinds of flavors. I'll make sure you eat enough later.

Lin Lan, who was questioned, smiled and answered the questions one by one and began to try to start the bus.

But at this time, he suddenly discovered a serious problem.

The driving style of the Oran United Bus seems to be different from that of Blue Star!

Huh? Why haven't you started yet? You can't be...not able to drive, right?

After he tried two or three times and failed to start the engine, Ruprecht had discovered the clue and asked doubtfully.

Faced with the Evil Dragon Girl's doubts, Lin Lan's pride made him immediately retort:

Why can't I drive? I have passed the A-class driver's license test before, but this car in the United States of America is different from the one I drove before...

Hey~ What should I do, Commander? Are you going to call back the fat driver from before?

Hearing U110's words, Lin Lan also felt troubled and thought about whether he really had to call Sun Dewang back.

But just when he tried a few more times and still couldn't start it, and when he made up his mind to call Sun Dewang back, Sui Qiong, who had been silent, suddenly spoke:

Commander, can Broken Qiong give it a try?

Sui Qiong's words immediately made everyone look at her. Lin Lan looked at the petite white-haired girl with some uncertainty and asked:

Yes, yes, but can you really drive?

Shattered Dome's system library contains methods on how to drive a vehicle, and Shattered Dome wants to try it out.

Since the machine girl said so, Lin Lan stood up and vacated his seat, letting Sui Qiong sit in the main driver's seat.

Then, Sui Qiong, who looked indifferent, finally turned the car key inserted on the steering wheel after a very skillful operation.

There was a roar and the bus was finally started.

Awesome, Broken Qiong, I didn't expect you to have such a skill!

Lin Lan looked at Sui Qiong in great surprise and exclaimed.

Wow! Broken Qiong, you are so awesome!

Z16, a little girl with black hair and white highlights, also exclaimed and applauded Broken Qiong.

Hmph, there's a moment!

Even the always arrogant evil dragon girl Ruprecht looked at Shattered Qiong with admiration.

That's actually not a big deal...

When Sui Qiong was praised by so many people, a blush appeared on his white face and he spoke in a low voice.

Okay, okay, you all sit back first, I will guide Sui Qiong from the passenger seat.

Under Lin Lan's shouting, Ruprecht and the two little girls returned to the seats at the back.

I have to admit that Sui Qiong's driving skills can definitely be regarded as that of an experienced driver. The bus drove smoothly and quickly.

It only took ten minutes to drive, and soon, under Lin Lan's guidance, Sui Qiong drove the bus and parked it in an open-air parking lot near the commercial street in Lihu County.

We're at the station, get off! Why did Ruprecht fall asleep? Nuremberg wake her up quickly.

After waking up the evil dragon girl who had been waiting until she fell asleep, Lin Lan happily walked into the commercial street with a group of iron-blooded ship girls.

Thanks to the Tianou Group's efforts to deliver more resources to his port area, the commercial streets in Lihu County have become much more prosperous than last time.

Every shop on the street is open, including restaurants, milk tea shops, snack shops, and clothing stores. There is no end in sight.

Since it was almost lunch time, they smelled the aroma of various delicacies as soon as they walked into the street.

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