Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 232 The “Intruder” in the Son of God’s Backyard (Part 2, additional updates)

So, you must make up for all this. From now on, you will be my attendant.


Not only did the black-haired girl, who was in despair, feel that all the oppression she had just felt instantly collapsed, she made a sound of surprise.

Nagato, Mutsu and Jiangfeng also looked at Mikasa in surprise, wondering why the senior would suddenly extend an olive branch to the other party.

Anyway, you are already homeless. You have no memory and don't know where to go, right? Looking at your confused eyes, I can tell that you must have experienced a long story.

Mikasa reached out her hand and gently stroked the head of the black-haired girl in front of her before standing up with a slight smile.

In that case, you will stay with us first, and when the real owner here comes back in the future, we will go find the person who controls you and ask him for today's losses.

I see.

Nagato looked at the handsome senior Mikasa in sudden realization, with admiration in his eyes.

Indeed, as Mikasa said, the losses they suffered should be sought from the caster, the culprit who controlled this girl.

Instead of blaming this innocent girl.

Thank you, thank you, thank you...

After hearing all this, the black-haired girl was choked with sobs and buried her head in tears.

I really can't remember where I came from and why I appeared here... Thank you very much, thank you for being willing to take me in...

At this time, Jiang Feng, at Nagato's signal, stepped forward and untied the girl's hands.

At this time, the attentive Jiang Feng keenly noticed that there were many calluses on the palms of this girl's hands.

She couldn't help but be a little surprised. If these cocoons were ordinary humans, they wouldn't be able to grow without decades of training in wielding weapons.

There is also a large scar on the back of the girl's right hand, destroying all the fair skin on the back of the hand.

Jiang Feng kept these details in mind and prepared to report to Master Nagato and Master Mikasa later.

Seeing the slender black-haired girl standing up from the ground with Jiang Feng's help, Mikasa asked:

Do you still remember your name?

Yuki...I can only remember so much.

At this time, the sky outside was gradually getting brighter, and a light morning mist shrouded the Chongying buildings. Some destroyer girls had already gotten up early and started cleaning the road.

The sound of rustling from sweeping the floor and the sounds of little lolita playing and playing started a new day for the stronghold of the Chongzakura camp.

Yuki, what a great name.

Mikasa nodded, then looked at Nagato and said:

If you don't have any objections, the matter will be settled.

Ah, I, we don't have any objections. We just listen to senior's arrangements.

Seeing Mikasa looking over, Nagato hurriedly answered.

Nagato, you don't have to be so reserved in front of me all the time. You are the current flagship of the combined fleet and the divine son of Shige Sakura. I have told you so many times.

Mikasa said to Nagato with a doting smile like an elder looking at a junior.

Senior, why do you have to say this to your sister every time? Why is my sister so nervous every time in front of senior? Why...

Hearing Mutsu's cute series of questions, Mikasa couldn't help but the smile on her face froze and she took a small step back.

Curious Baby Mutsu is so scary.

Mutsu, stop asking.

Nagato looked at his sister angrily, her fair face slightly red.

Jiang Feng, you take Lu Ao and Yuki to have breakfast first. Nagato and I need to discuss some things and come back later.

After Mikasa took care of her waist-length hair, she suddenly seemed to remember something important and said to Jiang Feng.

After receiving Mikasa's order, Jiang Feng first looked at Nagato.

Seeing that Nagato nodded slightly, she took the order and led Luo and the girl named Yuki out of the room.

At this time, only Nagato and Mikasa were left in the room of this tower-like building.

Nagato, have the commander or Bismarck had any contact with you during this time?

After closing the door, Mikasa walked up to Nagato, looked at the junior who was currently the flagship of the United Fleet of the Shige Sakura camp with a solemn face and asked.

No...the last time I contacted the Iron Blood camp, the person who connected the communication was Frederick the Great.

According to her, most of the ship girls in the Iron Blood camp have already headed to the temporary new port area where the commander is currently located, led by Bismarck.

After hearing Nagato's narration, Mikasa touched her chin like an old man, thinking in a low voice:

Bismarck and Frederick the Great are currently not in the same place. If the stronghold is moved, it is normal for the commander to be unable to conduct long-distance communications.

After listening to Senior Mikasa's analysis, Battleship Loli Nagato rubbed her temples sadly:

Akagi and Dafeng have been coming to me recently, saying that the Iron-Blooded camp must be hiding the commander.

At this time, you have to assume the responsibility as the flagship of the combined fleet. You have to find a way to put pressure on the Iron Blood side and ask the commander to contact us as soon as possible so that Akagi and the others can wait with peace of mind.

Although Mikasa misses the commander very much, she hopes to meet him as soon as possible.

But she also knew that this matter could not be rushed. Chongying had to be stabilized internally first.

Akagi and Dafeng are both the type who would lose half their lives without their commander.

If the news that the Commander had been recovered by Iron-Blooded came out, and the video of the conversation between the Commander and Nagato was recorded and sent to them, I'm afraid these two people would really go crazy and do something with serious consequences.

You know, Akagi once also guided the radical Kanji girls of the Sakura camp to make many major changes, and even cooperated with the Sirens for a period of time.

Many of Chong Ying's current mysterious powers and techniques were obtained by analyzing the Siren's techniques.

If it weren't for the help of the reborn Amagi and the commander who was extremely sincere to him, Akagi finally had an epiphany. Otherwise, I really don't know if his original actions would have brought the Shige Sakura camp into the abyss.

Yes, I will assume the responsibility as the chief flagship. But senior, can I persuade 'her' to use her power to make the commander meet us in our dreams?

Nagato obediently looked at Mikasa, who was calm and steady in front of him, and put forward the idea that she had been thinking about these days.

There is such a long distance between us and the United States of Oran. Can 'her' power reach it?

When Mikasa heard Nagato's words, she was a little confused at first, and then understood who the 'her' in Nagato's words was.

A certain heavyweight member of the Shigesakura Night Club.

When she wakes up, I'll go ask her.

Well, if we can really contact the commander in his dream, we will definitely be able to better help the commander to take us back to the port area as soon as possible.

Soon, the plan was finalized by the two.

As for Lin Lan at this time, he was still far away in the western continent of the United States of Oran, sleeping soundly on his bed with two white-haired girls in his arms.

Obviously he didn't know that the girls from the Chongsakura Ship had begun to focus on his dreams.

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