Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 241 Tianou Director Yang Fengbo

Even at night, Yunhai City is still bustling with activity.

As the economic and trade center of the Western Continent, Yunhai City is still extremely prosperous even after experiencing the Siren Disaster.

Thanks to Tianou Group's heavy investment, Yunhai City's coastal defense facilities are indestructible. Since this is also the research and development site for Rubik's Cube technology in the Western Continent, the Navy Department also has heavy defense forces here.

Some people often even joke that Unkai City has a stronger defense than the Western Continent's Admiralty Fortress.

Yunhai City is located at the core of the Six-City East China Sea Alliance. Once attacked, the port commanders of other cities can immediately provide support.

In the past few years, other major cities have suffered more or less large-scale siren invasions, except Yalang City, which has not been attacked by large-scale sirens.

Yunhai City, on the other hand, has repelled five large-scale siren offensives. It is also the only city in the Western Continent that has defended against five siren offensives head-on.

It is precisely because of such a glorious record and such a solid defensive force that Yunhai City is far more prosperous than other cities, even Haifeng City is beyond its reach.

If in other cities, Tianou Group's influence is only reflected in logistics, transportation and media, then in Yunhai City, Tianou Group is an out-and-out local leader.

As the hometown of Tianou Group that has been operating for hundreds of years, all important government officials in this city are from Tianou Group.

In the central city at night, various bars, KTVs, game halls and other entertainment venues are all open, and the dazzling array of neon lights is dizzying.

Baiou Hotel is a high-end restaurant hotel wholly owned by Tianou Group. It also has a history of more than a hundred years.

This luxurious high-rise restaurant built in the center of the city is the place most often chosen by senior executives of the Tianou Group to hold important banquets or receive high-level foreign guests.

At this time, the top floor of the White Ou Hotel had been cleared.

In a spacious private room shrouded in various exquisite art ornaments and statues, a dinner party for senior staff of Tianou Group was taking place.

Come, let's toast to Director Yang. Thanks to Director Yang's support this year, you can all sit here.

At the revolving dining table filled with fine wine and delicacies, a dozen or so young or middle-aged Tianou Group senior elites, under the leadership of a man, all stood up with their wine glasses in hand.

Their eyes were all looking at the old man who was sitting on the sandalwood elephant head chair, showing no anger and self-respect.

This old man, who is still holding a metal crutch in his left hand even though he is sitting on the chair, is one of the three directors of Tianou Group, Yang Director, Yang Fengbo, who has great influence in the entire Western Continent.

My thoughts are with you all. I understand. If you are not feeling well, please drink tea instead of wine.

Yang Fengbo glanced at the cronies he had cultivated in front of him, slowly put down the chopsticks in his right hand, picked up the tea cup and said calmly.

These people are his team members, and they are also people he specially selected to have resentment towards Jian Qianou.

After drinking, everyone sat down.

Since you all know that it was me who promoted you to important positions, you can naturally understand my trust in you.

Today, I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with you.

Seeing that everyone was seated and the food was almost finished, Yang Fengbo lightly tapped the metal crutch, cleared his throat, and spoke calmly.

After hearing this, the hotel waiters who were waiting for service around the door of the private room all retreated knowingly.

There are internal secrets to discuss. These hotel waiters have all received professional training and naturally know that they should avoid it at this time.

Everyone, what do you think of 'Director Jian' obeying the orders of the head of state?

The elites of Tianou Group sitting at the dining table originally thought that Yang Fengbo would talk about some work arrangements for the coming year.

For example, continue to maintain secret contact with Tomahawk Military Industry.

But they never expected that Director Yang would actually come up and ask Wang Zhao!

The word Director Jian sounds easy to say, but ordinary middle- and lower-level employees don't even know that Tianou Group has such a director.

But as high-level elites, they know far more secrets than middle- and lower-level employees. They know the true identity of Director Jian——

Gull lurker.

This is a topic that everyone avoids among the top management of Tianou Group.

Tianou Group has always had such a rumor:

The Sky Owl Stalker has the ability to know everything. The United States of Oran has no secrets that can be hidden from this Sky Owl Stalker.

There used to be external competitors who intended to lure the top management of Tianou Group and plan to split Tianou Group.

But those who accepted the inducement were all killed with bloody thunder that night, and no one was spared.

And no one who disobeys the orders of Tianou Stalker will have a good end.

Either they will be deprived of all their property and thrown into prison, or they will die without a burial place. Even the directors of the board of directors cannot escape the fate of being removed.

The private room fell into a dead silence for a while. Everyone looked at me and me, but no one dared to say a word.

The fact that they secretly cooperated with Tomahawk Military Industry was based on the premise of giving Tianou Group one more direction to choose for its future development.

As long as what they are doing is considered to be beneficial to the development of Tianou Group, Tianou lurkers will generally not come to clean up the company.

But at this time, Yang Fengbo actually openly asked them to comment on the order issued by Tianou Stalker himself.

This is a matter of principle. If you say the wrong thing, you will really lose your head!

Heh, mentioning Director Jian will scare you.

The panicked expressions on everyone's faces were clearly visible to Yang Fengbo.

There was a disdainful sneer on his old face.

To tell you the truth, he is just a soul. I have used the teaching country's magic to block the soul monitoring in this space. You can all speak freely and he cannot find it.

After speaking, Yang Fengbo slowly raised his metal crutch with his left hand as if he was afraid that everyone would not believe it.

I saw that at the tip of the cane, there was actually a dark purple mysterious magic circle that was constantly rotating.

Unexpectedly, Director Yang, you, you can actually do magic...

After seeing this, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and some of them began to flatter Yang Fengbo crazily.

Then, everyone seemed to have opened up a chat box and began to denounce Jian Qianou, and the topics became more and more bold.

Then what kind of head of state, we have never even met, why should we submit to him?

That's right! We actually have to send him so many supplies and resources on schedule. Why? Just a word from Director Jian?

And the company regulations set by Mr. Jian require that employees and branch staff must be guaranteed labor insurance and holidays. Are you kidding me?

Don't tell me, Gou Ilia and Noah Deshin over there in the Eastern Continent have never given such good treatment to those people below!

That is to say, if we give those people so much free time and benefits, how can we earn enough money to buy more luxury cars and luxury goods? As a result, when we go to the Eastern Continent, we cannot hold our heads high in the circle and are scolded for being Westerners. Poor country bumpkins from mainland China!”

Director Yang is still kind to us and thinks of us in every good thing. This is the best candidate who can truly serve as the Submariner!

Yes, especially Director Yang's proposal to purchase grain on a large scale from various places is really great. After the war with Tomahawk Military Industry next year, various parts of the Western Continent will definitely be in a food shortage. By then we will raise the price of food and we will definitely make a lot of money. !”

Everyone became more and more angry, starting from criticizing the so-called head of state for providing so much unnecessary assistance, to expressing dissatisfaction with the various policies that Jian Qianou asked them to implement.

Even if they were dissatisfied before, they dared not speak out when they thought of the terrifying legend about Jian Qianou.

Now that Yang Fengbo has used magic to eliminate Jian Qianou's surveillance, they can speak their minds freely.

Perhaps many of them have been promoted from the bottom.

But now that they have been in high positions for many years, their mentality and values ​​have already undergone earth-shaking changes.

If a person does not serve himself, he will be destroyed by heaven and earth.

Since he has climbed to the ruling class by virtue of his own ability, he naturally has to make more profits for himself.

As for the life and death of ordinary people, it's none of their business.

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