Early the next morning, before dawn, Lin Lan and others arrived at the door of the Teaching State Church in Yunhai City.

This church stands on the outskirts of Yunhai City. Since Oran people are generally not interested in churches and theology, the surrounding streets here are very deserted.

The church is not very grand, and is nowhere near as shabby as the Iron Blood Fortress, but it can still be seen that the area is not small.

Lin Lan, who was wearing a formal dress, stood outside the church. Looking at this theocratic building that resembled a blue star Western country, she couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy.

This church was built in the early days of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States of Oran and the Teaching State of St. Rosolon. It is old and lacks maintenance. The original white walls of the church have turned gray, and there are many dry vines around it that are still attached to the outer walls. superior.

Even so, you can still feel the sacredness contained in it at a glance, which is something that the land of Oransi continent cannot breed.

After all, the two civilizations have embarked on two completely different development paths.

But for Lin Lan, who was born in Donghuang, this old church is nothing more than a building worth looking at more, and there is nothing worthy of too much attention.

If the conditions were not limited, he would prefer to make an oath with Sui Qiong in the same way as he did with the girls of the Donghuang ship.

To be honest, this church is far inferior to the one built by Richelieu and others in the port area. Whether it is temperament or style, although they are similar, they are not on the same level at all.

August next to him looked at the church and made a comment.

Lin Lan was convinced of this, although he had not yet returned to the old port area, and the game did not show the specific appearance of the church in his port area.

However, through the copywriting in the game activities, the appearance of the magnificent churches once built by the Iris Theocracy camp was described.

He could still understand that the church built by the ship girls in the Iris camp would definitely not be any worse.

Broken Qiong had already put on a white strapless wedding dress and a rose hair ornament on her head. She was a girl with blue eyes and white hair, although her face was still calm.

But when she glanced at Lin Lan secretly from time to time, a flash of blush and shyness flashed across her face, revealing that her heart was not as peaceful as it seemed.

Two little lolita, Nimi and Leonie, were behind Sui Qiong, helping Sui Qiong pick up the long skirt of the wedding dress.

The three little girls from the wolf pack also smiled and carried baskets filled with red rose petals, grabbing handfuls and raising them from time to time.

As for Huten, Egil and others, they all stood in the back with smiles on their faces.

Around the crowd, there were several residents of the Teaching Country who got up early to worship.

The devout believers of the Teaching Nation ignored Lin Lan and others, knelt on the ground, and performed the Teaching Nation's prayer ceremony in the church with their eyes closed.

Lin Lan also noticed that when these people worshiped, a light yellow transparent halo would appear on their heads, just like angels in Western mythology.

This also reminded Lin Lan that this was a different world.

Perhaps the gods that these believers believe in are not just imaginary like Blue Star, and they might actually exist.

After Akashi inserted the big golden key into the church's thick door keyhole, which was carved with various reliefs, the door slowly rose with a soft yellowish light flashing.

The power of this gate should come from magic. It doesn't look like it's powered by electricity.

When the door was raised, Lin Lan curiously looked at the surrounding walls and thought to himself.

Hey, this gate can't withstand a shot from my shotgun. I really want to give it a try.

Sister, this is rented by us, don't mess around...

Just as he was wondering in his mind what the reason for the raised door was, the whispered conversation between Deutsch and Spey drifted to the side, making his mouth twitch slightly.

It can be difficult to figure out how something works, but it's much easier to destroy it.

Soon, as the church door rose, Lin Lan and others also walked into the church.

The expected darkness did not appear. When the door opened, the interior of the church was already illuminated by the bright lamps hanging from the dome above.

The soft light of light gold fills the church, making people feel a sense of security, warmth, and solemnity.

The first thing that caught Lin Lan's eyes was a road leading directly to the lecture hall inside the church lobby, with a red carpet on the ground.

This road divides the entire lobby into two sides, and rows of seats with red cushions occupy a large amount of the church space.

Behind the innermost lecture hall, stood a huge white statue holding a giant sword in both hands, with the sword pointed upward, wearing armor, with a halo above his head, and six wings spread out.

It must be a certain war angel from the mythology of the Church of the Teaching State.

The little profiteer Akashi glanced around the lobby with his golden eyes and smiled:

It seems that the clergy are quite trustworthy and the cleaning is very clean.

Lin Lan also nodded. The inside of the church looked much cleaner and tidier than the outside. They had indeed put in the effort to clean it.

So the group walked through the lobby, walked to the main podium, and began to arrange the oath ceremony.

Ron took out a long table from the ship's space and filled it with fruits, cakes and desserts.

The three lively little lolita, U37, U81 and U96, happily waved rose petals - of course I don't know if they threw more on Lin Lan intentionally.

Music, Akashi, music.

Hu Teng reminded Akashi just right.

When the little profiteer heard Hu Teng's words, he immediately took out an external amplifier from his sleeve.

After playing around with it for a while, Lin Lan soon heard the background music of the oath interface that he was very familiar with in the game.

Then, please invite today's two protagonists, everyone's favorite commander, and our new companion Broken Qiong, who has joined the port area, to step onto the podium, meow~

Lin Lan stared wide-eyed at Akashi, who was holding a small microphone and starting to guest host.

This external amplifier actually has an amplifier function.

Refer, Commander...

A shy whisper came, and the cute girl in a pure white wedding dress gently held his hand.

Well, let's go up.

Lin Lan held Sui Qiong's palm with his backhand, and the two walked side by side to the podium of the church.

At this time, all the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls were looking at these two people, with smiles and blessings on their faces under the sacred oath music.

Although Broken Qiong is a new partner who joined the port area, during this period of time, Broken Qiong has been recognized by most of the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls.

The most important thing is that this kind of thing happened often before, so they are used to it.

After all, swearing an oath to someone alone might make other ship girls jealous, but since everyone has already sworn an oath to the commander, it doesn't matter to anyone.

It's nothing more than a lot of good sisters.

Even Ron, who was extremely possessive, twitched his lips when he saw the two of them walking to the podium, but he finally took a deep breath and relaxed.

The worst thing is, just go to the commander's bedroom tomorrow night and find him on the bed to vent your dissatisfaction.

Commander, please take the oath, meow.

Akashi had completely assumed the role of host and emcee, and said to Lin Lan with a smile.

Lin Lan looked at the cute girl watching him beside him, raised his hand to gently caress Sui Qiong's fair and tender cheeks, and said solemnly:

I swear that no matter where I go in the future, no matter how much time passes, my love for Sui Qiong will not diminish. I will love her, respect her, help her, and be loyal to her...

Never leave until eternity.

These oaths are Lin Lan's true words, and of course they are equally valid for every ship girl in his port area.

As Sui Qiong listened blankly to the words of the young man in front of him, many images suddenly flashed through his mind.

It was manufactured by countless technicians in the war factory. As soon as it stepped out of the war factory, it was immediately sent to the frontline battlefield.

Destroyed the Natlan fleet, fought brutally with the Extremes, witnessed his companions sacrifice for Oran, and was seriously injured but still insisted on returning to the base...

These scenes were like memories from the past life, which made Sui Qiong once think that she was just a tool serving the war and would never be cared for by anyone.

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