Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 253 The clear sky spell actually failed

Early the next morning, after Lin Lan woke up from the soft arms of Emden and Egil, the first thing she did was to look out the window.

Well, the rain did not stop, it was even heavier than yesterday.

After washing up, Lin Lan called Sun Dewang again and asked him to send an autonomous large commercial vehicle with automatic navigation. He also sent the lottery software to Sun Dewang.

He stared at the pouring rain outside the window and the dim sky, and there was always an ominous premonition in his heart.

Originally, in order not to attract attention, he planned to go to the trade fair today and only call Egil, Nimi and Akashi.

At this time, he decided to ask all the ship girls and Broken Qiong to change into casual clothes and go with him.

The worst case scenario is that they should stop being with him and just pretend to be staff members of Tianou Group.

Be careful with the ten thousand year ship. It was messed up by Bolt, the leader of the Demon King's army, once before. Lin Lan learned the lesson and must not be stubborn in this other world.

After capsizing in the gutter once, he didn't want to experience it a second time.

Regarding Lin Lan's proposal, all the Iron-Blooded Ship girls agreed very much, especially the three little Lolita from the Wolf Pack who were extremely happy.

After all, they had already experienced Akashi's lottery software yesterday, and they couldn't wait to see others being tortured by it.

After waking up all the ship girls and having everyone eat the breakfast prepared by Ron, Tianou Group's unmanned large commercial vehicle also parked outside the villa.

Just as everyone got in the car and Sui Qiong switched the vehicle to manual operation and started to set off, Lin Lan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly heard a muffled sound.

Is this... thunder?

Lin Lan opened the car window a crack in surprise, and the cold wind instantly poured into the car through the gap in the window and slapped him on the face.

The muffled sound was also obviously louder - it was indeed thunder.

After Lin Lan closed the car window, he took out his mobile phone and turned on the news.

Sure enough, in addition to the attack on the Tomahawk Military Industrial Headquarters and the Western Continent Shipbuilding Products Trade Fair, which were two heavyweight news items that firmly occupied the headlines, the unusually heavy rain in Yunhai City had also made the front page headlines.

Commander, can you use the Clear Sky Talisman to disperse these dark clouds? I always feel that the rain is strange.

At this time, Nimi, who was sitting on the seat behind him, opened his mouth to make suggestions to him.

After hearing Nimi's words, Lin Lan was stunned:

Yes, why don't I use the Clear Sky Charm to disperse these clouds?

After being reminded by Z23, Lin Lan suddenly realized that he still had this ability.

Some time ago, in the port area, he used the offensive skills of the Liaozhou Brave to compete with Prince Eugen every day. He almost forgot that he could also make these ancient Liaozhou props.

Although using too much of this clear sky charm will definitely affect the local climate, in dealing with the current abnormal weather, isn't it just a good sword used on the edge?

Just do what you say, the little profiteer Akashi's ship space is originally a treasure chest, so he naturally carries talisman paper and pen and ink.

Lin Lan bent down directly on his seat, and drew a clear sky charm on the chassis under his feet.

And his drawing also attracted the attention of the ship girls in the carriage. They had all seen the power of Lin Lan's spell in the port area before.

Akashi, get a windproof lighter.

After taking the windproof lighter from the unprofitable businessman, Lin Lan opened the car window in front of everyone, took a few steps back, and used the windproof lighter to light the clear sky charm in his hand.

However, a few minutes after the spell burned out, the sky outside was still windy and rainy, without any change.

Commander, your spell is malfunctioning.

U37 looked at the sky through the car window and found that the clouds showed no sign of dissipating and said seriously to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan was also confused. What was going on?

The effect of the Clear Sky Spell was obviously very effective last time, so why didn't it work this time?

Lin Lan raised his hand, and a blue water elemental blade appeared in his hand.

There's nothing wrong with my hero's strength. Could it be that what I just drew was wrong?

Seeing Lin Lan falling into deep self-doubt, Egil smiled and said:

How about the commander drawing two more charms? Maybe there are too many clouds in the sky and one charm is not enough?

Lin Lan touched his chin and thought, it seemed that this was really possible.

Although drawing the Clear Sky Talisman will consume a lot of the user's mental energy, this consumption is insignificant for Lin Lan who has already restored his mental energy to full.

He drew two more clear-sky charms on the car, and even asked Broken Qiong to park the business bus on the side of the road, and walked out in person while holding an umbrella.

Since they had entered the city, many clerks in the shops on the roadside saw this scene through the glass.

A young man wearing a white navy uniform was holding an umbrella beside the bus, holding two paper charms in his hand and lighting them in the wind and rain. He was mumbling something as if he was possessed by an evil spirit.

A few seconds later, the young man's trousers were stained by the heavy rain, and he fled back to the bus in panic.

It's really weird. Why is this?

Lin Lan sat back in his seat, with a look of doubt on his face.

Broken Qiong had already restarted the commercial bus. The other Predator girls were wise enough not to harm Lin Lan at this time, while Nimi gently patted Lin Lan's head to express comfort.

Even Dezhi rarely mocked Lin Lan, but sighed helplessly.

Poor inferior creature, it was so miserable that it finally failed to have a chance to show off in front of everyone.

As for Lin Lan, who was comforted by Nimi touching his head, he was very sure that the Clear Sky Talisman was definitely not wrong, but the reality was that the Clear Sky Talisman had failed in Yunhai City.

At this time, Hu Teng, who had been silent, looked at the pouring rain outside and said thoughtfully:

Commander, is there a possibility that something is wrong with the rain?

I mean, could this rain be man-made?

Hearing Hu Teng's analysis, Lin Lan was suddenly shocked and took a deep breath.

If this heavy rain was caused by man, then it would be normal for his Clear Sky Spell to fail.

But two questions immediately popped into Lin Lan's mind.

The first question is, who caused this heavy rain.

Lin Lan himself can also make rain spells to cause rainfall in an area, but the problem is that he is a brave man.

Not to mention how rare it is to be a brave person who travels through time, his memory of making props is also inherited from Ancient Liaozhou.

I am afraid that these skills have been lost in today's Liaozhou Islands. Otherwise, when the Oran Fleet arrived at Liaozhou, it would not have been so easily taken away by the United Oran Army.

The Teaching Kingdom must also have this kind of rain magic.

But if a magician with this kind of strength was still in Oran, he would have been controlled by the Candle Sea Commercial Association.

Then it can't be the Liaozhou people, nor can it be the Taoist people, so it's obvious who the person who caused this rainstorm is.


Lin Lan couldn't help but think that in the large-scale battles in the game, Siren already had the facility of weather controller.

This facility can control the weather in an entire area, such as creating hurricanes, heavy rains, and heavy fog to affect the movement of players' ship girls.

But it was determined that the siren caused the heavy rain, so the second question is, why did the siren create this heavy rain?

If the sirens were going to attack, it had been raining for almost a whole day, but there was no sign of fighting around the coast of Unkai City.

This is not consistent with the Siren's cold, ruthless, and efficient attack style.

Could it be that Siren was counting on heavy rain to flood Yunhai City?

Such a speculation flashed through Lin Lan's mind, but he immediately rejected it.

Just kidding, Yunhai City is originally on the seaside. In addition, it is the most prosperous city in the Western Continent, and the city's drainage system is also well maintained by Tianou Group.

It’s impossible for Siren to do an experiment to test the limits of Unkai City’s drainage system, right?

Well...the Purifier might actually do that.

Forget it, everyone is being careful today anyway. The rain must be caused by the Sirens.

Even after thinking about it, Lin Lan couldn't figure out what the siren was doing with this heavy rain. He could only ask his ship girls to be careful today.

Soon, the vehicle entered the main urban highway and entered the central inner district of Yunhai City.

There are high-rise buildings all around. Even if it rains, the lights are still on in these buildings.

In Unkai City, even heavy rains cannot stop social workers from going to work.

After a while, Lin Lan saw a dense crowd of people holding umbrellas gathered at the entrance of a luxury building on the road ahead through the pattering rain in the car, queuing to enter the building.

Luxury cars were parked on the road next to the building, which showed that the building's underground parking lot was full.

The scene of the ship-mounted product trade fair has arrived.

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