Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 255 The Ship Equipment Product Fair begins! (3400 words)

There are many rows of seats on the second floor of the building, and in the center of the entire hall is a spacious stage.

At this time, many people were already sitting on the seats. From the floor-to-ceiling windows of the surrounding buildings, you could clearly see the violent wind and rain beating on the glass.

But most of the people here are naval commanders and ship girls, and they are used to this kind of wind and rain.

In addition, this is indoors, so the wind and rain outside cannot affect the lively atmosphere of the trade fair at all.

Soon, Lin Lan, led by Qi Yue and the others, took Sui Qiong and the ship girls to sit in the seats near the back.

I heard that the ship equipment for this trade fair is not simple. The senior officials of the Navy Department have sent out big shots. I don't know who will come.

Lin Lan naturally sat next to Qi Yue and the others, while Sui Qiong, Nimi and others sat on the right side of Lin Lan.

Qi Yue's expression changed slightly after hearing the words of one of the Yalang City County Port District Commanders.

Maybe some general.

Qi Yue said in a forced tone, seemingly not very interested in this topic.

Well, I think so. I heard from my classmates who work at the Naval Base Fortress that General Li Hongjun seemed to be absent from the meeting last night.

After the commander finished speaking, another county commander from Yalang City was intrigued:

General Li Hongjun? Really or not? He is the spiritual leader of our Navy Department. It is impossible for him to come to Yunhai City in person, right?

Why is it impossible? Yunhai City is only a day's drive from the base and fortress. If he had set out yesterday morning, he might really be able to catch up today.

Listening to the conversation between the two people, Lin Lan noticed that Qi Yue's face was getting more and more ugly.

It seems that Qi Yue has some ulterior relationship with General Li Hongjun, but I guess it won't be a good thing for Qi Yue.

Lin Lan secretly speculated.

Who is Li Hongjun? He is the most powerful person in the Western Continent's Navy, nicknamed the Iron-Blooded General.

Even though the old general in Oran's navy was basically wiped out in the battle against the Sirens, he still relied on his iron-blooded skills to prevent Tianou Group and Tomahawk Military Industries from taking control of the Navy Department.

Whether it was the people in charge of the Navy Department in the Eastern Continent or the Western Continent, they resisted to the death against the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce without any compromise. This is why they retained the Navy Department that is now not controlled by the Chamber of Commerce.

If Qi Yue has a good relationship with Li Hongjun, he should be assigned to work at the top level of the Navy Ministry.

Instead of being a county-level port commander like now.

Of course, all this is just Lin Lan's own speculation, and it has nothing to do with him anyway.

However, General Li Hongjun was also one of the senior officials of the Western Continent's Naval Department who had connections with Bismarck and Frederick.

Although he was not controlled by August, Li Hongjun also admired the iron-blooded camp very much and basically met all the requirements put forward by the iron-blooded camp unconditionally.

It is not difficult to persuade Li Hongjun to let the Western Continent Navy Department cooperate with Tianou Group. After all, Lin Lan can assure Li Hongjun that Tianou Group will not act as recklessly as before.

At this time, Lin Lan felt Nimi beside him gently tugging on his sleeve.

He looked at Nimi and saw the little Loli pointing him in another direction.

Looking in the direction Niemi pointed, it turned out that Huten, Count Zeppelin and others had also entered the second floor of the building and were sitting on the seats behind them.

Seeing Lin Lan's gaze, the three wolf pack girls all smiled and waved hello to him.

Lin Lan smiled slightly, and they just came in.

The time is almost up, let's see what treasure the Western Continent Academy of Science and Technology has come up with this time.

A few minutes later, as all the seats were filled, Sun Dewang also walked onto the central stage, and the noisy people around him gradually became quiet.

Seeing a cylindrical object covered with red cloth slowly rising from the ground next to Sun Dewang on the stage, Qi Yue whispered beside Lin Lan.

Sun Dewang, who walked onto the stage in a blue suit, looked around at the crowd and showed a bright smile on his face:

Ahem, cough, cough, all the port commanders of the Navy and the executives of various enterprises in Oran, good morning, everyone, and welcome to the annual ship-mounted products trade fair!

Although many people know me, I still want to introduce myself. I am Sun Dewang, the current acting director of Tianou Group and the host of this trade fair!

Lin Lan was slightly surprised to hear the plump-looking Sun Dewang introduce himself.

Unexpectedly, Sun Dewang actually officially became the acting director of Tianou Group. It seems that Jian Qianou plans to focus on cultivating Sun Dewang.

This is of course a good thing. Sun Dewang was a senior Tianou person who was close to the Navy Ministry. Many port commanders have good relations with Sun Dewang.

After Sun Dewang was exiled to Lihu County, many port commanders had no one to issue entrustments to, and their lives were very difficult.

At this time, when they heard that Sun Dewang had not only been reinstated, but had even become the acting director of Tianou Group, they all smiled and applauded to congratulate him.

First of all, I would like to introduce the important guests of this trade fair——

General Li Hongjun from the Western Continent Navy! Please give General Li Hongjun a round of applause!

Taking advantage of the applause, Sun Dewang raised his hand and reached for the escalator on the second floor of the building as he spoke.

After his words fell, everyone present looked towards the escalator.

I saw a white-haired old man wearing a white Oran navy uniform, standing upright, slowly ascending the escalator to the second floor of the building with his hands behind his back.

Although he is old, everyone feels a strong military temperament from this old man, which is a chilling temperament forged by years of accumulation of war.


All the naval port commanders present stood up from their seats and saluted the old man with a naval salute.

And Lin Lan is naturally the same.

Not to mention that he still considers himself the Commander of the Port Area of ​​the Navy Department.

After he traveled through time and came to Oran, he was also cared for by the navy teachers at Hongye Naval Academy, so he thought it was natural for him to salute him.

As for the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls and Broken Qiong, they completely ignored them. The other chess piece Ship Girls just stood up without saluting.

In addition to the port commander, the executives of the Tianou Group subsidiaries in the hall also applauded the arrival of the veteran general.

Everyone present was thinking about one thing.

Sun Dewang on the stage was a senior member of Tianou Group who was inclined to cooperate with the Ministry of Navy. Now he has been promoted to acting director of Tianou Group.

As the head of the Western Continent's Navy Department, Li Hongjun actually came in person to participate in the Tianou Group's ship-mounted products trade fair hosted by Sun Dewang.

In addition, the Tomahawk Military Industrial Headquarters has now suffered an unknown attack. Although the big boss Ye Zhanke has publicized that his life and death are unknown, everyone with a discerning eye knows that Ye Zhanke may have narrowly escaped death.

Without Ye Zhanke, the general agents of Tomahawk Military Industry will be defeated one by one and eaten up by Tianou Group.

The two men appearing at the same time at this time, what they represent is very intriguing.

Whether it was the naval port commander or the executives of Tianou Group's subsidiaries, they all understood one thing at this moment.

The Western Continent may really be changing - and for the better!

Everyone, I'm just here to participate in this trade fair. No need to be polite. Please sit down.

Li Hongjun walked slowly through the seating area with his hands behind his back, turned around after reaching the bottom of the stage, looked at the naval port commanders saluting him around the hall, and spoke slowly.

Lin Lan was keenly aware that General Li Hongjun glanced in his direction a few more times.

Not looking at him, but looking at Qi Yue beside him.

At this time, Qi Yue's face was pale and very ugly.

After Li Hongjun's voice fell, all the port commanders sat down one after another, and Li Hongjun also sat in the front seat under the stage.

Forget the polite words, Sun Dewang, let me see what your Western Continent Science and Technology Institute has created this time.

Li Hongjun looked at Sun Dewang on the stage in front of him with eyes like an eagle's eyes, and said in a calm tone.

Haha, don't worry, General Li. Before that, I have to introduce the rules of this trade fair to you.

The fat man Sun Dewang was not afraid at all when facing Li Hongjun, he laughed.

After all, he represents the face of Tianou Group at this time and must not appear weak.

Presumably everyone here has downloaded the software when entering the venue. This trade fair also relies on this software.

Please open the software. Can you see the lottery wheel on it?

The detailed rules have been written next to the carousel, so I won't go into details. But I have to remind everyone in advance that in addition to money, it is also feasible to use oil payment in exchange for lottery opportunities.

Among the prizes in the carousel, the blue boxes can randomly contain the ship equipment of the ship girls. As for the quality of the equipment, it is all random and depends on luck.

After Sun Dewang finished speaking, a mysterious smile appeared on his face:

As for the highlight of this trade fair, it is...this!

Sun Dewang, holding the microphone in one hand, raised his fat arm and pulled off the red cloth beside him, revealing the cylindrical fuel filter.

As it officially displayed the fuel filter in front of everyone, an enlarged image of an illusive, translucent blue three-dimensional fuel filter full of technology also appeared in the center of the stage.

Everyone could clearly see the appearance of this ship-mounted equipment.

This piece of equipment is called the fuel filter. It is the latest cutting-edge ship-mounted equipment created through the mind cube technology. It can greatly improve the durability and maneuverability of the ship girls!

Before this, all ship-mounted equipment was weapon-related. This is the first non-offensive ship-mounted equipment in the United States of Oran, and it does not occupy the ship's weapon-carrying space at all!

This will definitely be an epoch-making ship equipment!

Lin Lan, who was sitting on the seat, was stunned when he heard Sun Dewang, who was blushing on the stage, giving such a grand and high-pitched introduction to the fuel filter.

Just a broken fuel filter, which Sun Dewang said so, turned out to be like a limited-edition color dress.

If the fuel filter hadn't been taken out from his warehouse, he would have thought that the fuel filter was a magical tool.


Lin Lan suddenly heard an uncontrollable chuckle from beside him.

He looked sideways, and sure enough, the two iron-blooded scientific research ships Egil and August had covered their mouths and were trembling.

Egil, in particular, burst into tears with laughter.

As for the green-haired profiteer Akashi, he had already covered his face with his hands and curled up into a cat ball on his seat. He was also shaking all over and was trying his best to hold back his laughter.

Junior Lin Lan, what happened to your ship girls?

Qi Yue, who had finally adjusted her mentality, noticed the behavior of Lin Lan's ship girls and asked Lin Lan with concern.

Hmm... don't mind, seniors, they may have never seen such powerful equipment, so they may be a little shocked.

As Lin Lan lied without a red face and a heartbeat, not only did the three people's bodies tremble more intensely, but even the calm Ru Nimi couldn't help but turn his face to look at Sui Qiong, and his body began to tremble.

The four ship girls discovered for the first time how difficult it was to suppress laughter.

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