What are you talking about? The lucky crystal has been written down in the rules in black and white. How dare you ask me to explain it to you if you don't have eyesight?

After being yelled at by the executive, the scene in the hall fell into silence again. When Sun Dewang saw that it was one of his own who was ruining his good deeds, he immediately angrily scolded the executive.

Only then did the executive suddenly realize that he had offended the future director of the headquarters out of desperation. He lay pale on his seat and did not dare to say another word.

Please rest assured that both the lottery probabilities and the props in the carousel are written in the rules. The probabilities have been carefully verified by us, and there will never be any omissions.

Oh, while I'm talking, the second and third lucky winners of fuel filters have also appeared. Please work harder!

Following Sun Dewang's voice, passionate music was played in the hall, and people soon became excited again to try to convert bicycles into motorcycles.

I even used music to arouse people's emotions. It's really good.

Lin Lan pretended to smoke twenty or thirty rounds casually, then looked at the people around him who became emotionally excited again under the music, and thought to himself.

Although there are still some Europeans who can get the fuel filter before they save up to 80 Prestige Gems, but they are still in the minority.

Most of the unlucky people who want to win by quantity have seen what the dual force sword is, and they never dare to draw it a second time after winning.

The same was true for the official personnel who came to purchase from the Navy Department. All their budgets were invested in it, and they were tortured to death by the parallel sword.

In the end, just as Lin Lan expected, the official procurement officer of the Navy Ministry applied to Sun Dewang to exchange oil for lottery tickets.

Although the lottery process for ten fuel filters was painful, all were drawn and none was left.

As the saying goes, as long as the reward you give is irresistible, you will still bite the bullet no matter how unpleasant the game process is.

Looking at the background statistics of the lottery software installed by Akashi on his phone, Lin Lan smiled crookedly at the astronomical amount of revenue and the amount of oil obtained.

It can be said that the money he earned from this transaction was equal to the net income of the entire Tianou Group for most of the year.

This does not include the oil from the Navy officials and some wealthy businessmen who are executives of Tianou Group subsidiaries.

And Lin Lan finally understood why Blue Star's krypton gold lottery game companies were so profitable.

Capitalists will cry when they see this profit.

Lin Lan finally tasted the sweetness from it.

He watched Sun Dewang announcing on the stage that the trade fair was successfully completed, allowing the winners to come to Tianou Group to pick up the fuel filter at any time with the mobile lottery software.

There were shouts and lamentations all around.

Even Li Hongjun looked very ugly after knowing that his Navy Department had replaced five fuel filters.

The price spent this time was too great, and the final blow of the Binglibao Sword was something that the old general did not expect.

If the lottery system wasn't produced by Tianou Group, Li Hongjun wouldn't even be able to help but want to grab it openly.

When he thought that they would have to spend more high prices to purchase fuel filters from other wealthy businessmen of the Tianou Group, he only then understood why there were so many Tianou Group products at this ship-installed product trade fair. Wealthy businessmen from subsidiaries came to participate.

Sure enough, the consortium is still a group of guys who put profits first.

It can only be said that fortunately they also received a lot of equipment boxes during the lottery. They can use these boxes as military merit rewards in the coming year and give them to the port commanders to stop losses.

Just as everyone in the lobby was chatting noisily, they took the escalator from back to front and returned to the first floor of the building in an orderly manner.


A crackling sound like a thunderbolt suddenly came and echoed in the trade fair hall for a long time, causing the entire hall to fall into a deathly silence.


Several female Tianou Group subsidiary executives screamed in panic and squatted on the ground holding their heads, but were quickly calmed down by the people around them.

Many people were frightened by the sudden thunder and turned pale. Although Lin Lan was startled, he did not panic.

He looked at Broken Qiong and his ship girls. They were completely unaffected by the thunder. Even Germany in the distance sneered at him and made a face.

The thunder and movement are too loud, so scary...

Qi Yue beside her said in a low voice with a pale face, and was held by her two destroyer chess pieces and ship wives with concern.

Although she is the port commander, she is also a woman. She is still more or less instinctively afraid of such sudden and terrifying mines.

It's indeed a bit strange. Let's go to the first floor and take a look.

Lin Lan looked at the storm outside the floor-to-ceiling window of the building, and slightly restrained the joy of seeing the profit from the trading meeting.

This extremely bad weather made him feel uneasy, and coupled with the failure of the clear sky spell before, it reminded him that this rain was definitely the Siren's conspiracy.

As he spoke to Qi Yue, he turned to look at the crowd lining up to go down the escalator to the first floor.

At this moment, Lin Lan suddenly noticed that Li Hongjun, who was talking to Sun Dewang below the stage, answered the phone.

Then the old general seemed to freeze, and his face turned pale in an instant.

This strengthened Lin Lan's idea that something bad was happening.

Just as Lin Lan was about to go downstairs with Nimi, Sui Qiong and others, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

Who is calling me at this time...Jian Qianou?

He took out his cell phone and looked at it. The caller ID turned out to be Jian Qianou, the Tianou lurker of Tianou Group, which surprised him.

Hello? What's going on?

Lin Lan first asked Nimi and Sui Qiong to walk in front of him, put some distance between him and Qi Yue and the two Yalang City commanders, and then answered the phone.

Your Majesty the Head of State! Something bad is happening! I, I discovered the pattern of Leviathan's attack on ships through the crash site of the recently crashed voyage ship!

Jian Qianou's tone on the phone was very anxious and trembling, completely unlike the confident and calm look before.

At the beginning, Lin Lan didn't care about Leviathan, thinking that it was just an indigenous creature from another world.

But since Bismarck and he analyzed that Leviathan was most likely a biological weapon of the Siren, Lin Lan had raised Leviathan to the same level of threat as the Siren.

Upon hearing what Jian Qianou said on the phone, Lin Lan immediately asked seriously:

What is the pattern of Leviathan attacks?

At this time, a loud and chaotic voice suddenly came from Jian Qianou on the phone. After two or three seconds, Jian Qianou said in a trembling tone:

It, no, they are getting closer and closer to Yunhai City... Mr. Head of State, the Lord of Natural Disaster Sea is here!

The next moment these words came from Jian Qianou, Lin Lan heard a violent explosion on the phone, and then the call was cut off.

Before Lin Lan had time to react, all the lights in the entire trade fair hall suddenly went out, and everything around him became as dim as the outside world.

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