Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 268 Familiar yet inconsistent Blue Star’s daily routine (The White Eagle Chapter officially

“Remember me, if you don’t have enough protection, you won’t do your job, and if you follow the instructions, you won’t break the rules!”

If you don't work if you don't have protection, you won't violate the rules if you follow the instructions!

Safety first, quality first...

Safety first, quality first...

Standing on the podium at the gate of the construction site, Lin Lan, wearing a safety helmet and holding a loudspeaker, read out the daily safety speeches to the rows of workers standing below the stage, and the morning shift meeting ended.

After the meeting, after the team leaders of the workers arranged their tasks for the day, Lin Lan still felt empty as she watched the workers clock in and enter the construction site in batches.

This feeling was strange, as if he had forgotten something particularly important.

Hey, the forest workers have had a hard time working the morning shift. Come and take a walk?

Just as he was in a daze, a dark-skinned worker team leader came over. While saying hello to him, he took out a pack of Chinese seeds from his pocket and handed one to him.

He's a horseman. No matter how wind blows today, you'll be whipped.

Lin Lan instinctively called out the man's name. He remembered that the team leader had always had a good relationship with him.

So he dealt with it politely, took Hua Zi, and fumbled around for a lighter, only to find that he didn't bring it with him at all.

It's unscientific. Where is my anger?

Lin Lan wondered to himself, how could he forget to bring a fire with his ten years of smoking experience?

Hey hey hey, didn't I invite the boss to treat the supervisor to dinner yesterday? I took the opportunity to take a pack away. This fire is for you, I still have more.

When the horseman saw this, he smiled, quickly took out a lighter from his pocket and lit it for Lin Lan, and then put the lighter in Lin Lan's pocket.

Huh, okay, why don't you give me two more packets for all the brothers to try...cough! Cough! Cough!

Just as Lin Lan was joking, he put Hua Zi in his mouth and took a deep smack, and then an uncontrollable cough broke out in his throat.

Wow, what's wrong with Lin Gong? Isn't there any problem with this, this, this cigarette?

The naive horseman was so frightened by Lin Lan's sudden cough that he quickly stepped forward and slapped Lin Lan on the back.

Then he took a puff of the cigarette in his hand in confusion and found that there was nothing wrong with the cigarette.

Forget it, it may be that I haven't been feeling well these past two days, cough, cough, cough... you go in and do your work first. I'll wait for Lao Yang to bring me some food before I go in.

After Lin Lan finally regained consciousness, he didn't dare to smoke any more. He threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out with lingering fear.

Okay, forest worker, please take a rest for a long time. Remember to come to my panel later to see how the steel bars are tied. If there is no problem, call the supervisor for acceptance as soon as possible...

Okay, okay, I dare to delay this matter? Please tell your workers to be smart, don't let me get scolded by the supervisor again and then go back to work. Come in quickly.

Lin Lan waved to the horse workers to advance to the construction site, and then gave a few more instructions.

Yes, don’t worry about forgetting anything, but you still have to work to earn money and pay off debts, which is life.

At this time, the sun in the distance had already peeked out halfway. After eating the steamed buns and soy milk sent by Lao Yang, Lin Lan followed Lao Yang into the construction site gate.

A busy day has begun again.

As soon as he entered the construction site and descended into the foundation pit, Lin Lan went to the basement to check the progress and accuracy of the steel bar binding, and contacted the supervisor for steel bar acceptance.

I also didn’t forget to contact the commercial concrete station to prepare for concrete pouring in the afternoon, and asked the materials department how long it would take for the purchased materials to arrive.

At the same time, he has also been correcting various violations of workers within his field of vision who did not wear safety helmets and did not wear safety belts when working at heights.

After all, in addition to being the general contractor, he also works part-time as the safety officer for this project, so the workload is naturally extremely huge.

He has long been accustomed to the harsh dust environment and noisy noise caused by earth excavation in foundation pits and large vehicles hauling earth, and he is fully immersed in his work.

The whole morning passed in a hurry, and the temperature inside the construction site was getting higher and higher.

Just when Lin Lan finally finished all the things at hand and found a shady place to check the time and prepare to go back to the project for lunch, he suddenly received a call from the construction site guard.

Well, generally speaking, when the doorman calls him, it is because another truck delivering materials is coming to the site to confirm with him.

After all, he had to call the supervisor to inspect and accept the materials before the guard could let the vehicle into the construction site.

Hello? What materials have arrived again?

Lin Gong, someone came to bring you food. She said she was your...girlfriend?

After hearing the uncertain words in the guard's tone, Lin Lan was stunned.

Deliver food? girlfriend?

When will he have a girlfriend?

So Lin Lan didn't bother to rest, and while thinking about who was playing the prank, he walked towards the slope of the foundation pit under the scorching midday sun.

When he finally climbed up from the foundation pit and arrived at the gate of the construction site, he was panting.

The first thing he saw was a petite girl with long white curly hair and a black dress standing outside the gate.

She was holding a lunch box in her hand, and her golden eyes looked at everything around her curiously.

When he saw this little girl for the first time, Lin Lan couldn't help but exclaim in his heart. This little loli was so cute, cuter than any loli he had ever seen.

But here's the problem, he really doesn't know this little loli.

Good lunch~ You've worked hard. Come and eat the lunch I made for you.

Lin Lan was already covered in dust from the foundation pit. He was also sweating profusely and had not shaved his beard. His appearance was very messy.

But this little loli seemed very happy after seeing him, and came over with a smile and a warm greeting.


Lin Lan instinctively felt a sense of disobedience. The construction site was surrounded by big men. How could such a beautiful little girl come to the construction site to deliver food to him in person?

But the other party actually walked directly into the construction site, which was very dangerous.

Just when he was about to persuade this little loli who was getting closer and closer to leave the construction site and ask her questions, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because he saw that directly above the opponent, the big arm of the tower crane was lifting a bundle of thick and long steel bars.

One of the steel bars seemed to have not been arranged neatly by the workers, and most of it had slipped to the edge during the swing of lifting, and was teetering on the edge!

The next second, what Lin Lan was most worried about happened. The steel bar slipped down and fell hard towards the little loli!

Damn, be careful!

Lin Lan cursed angrily and moved almost instinctively. He strode towards the confused little Loli, then hugged her and jumped back.


The slender steel bar hit hard on the ground where the white-haired little Loli was standing, creating a small dent in the solid ground.

Fortunately, after the steel bar bounced up, it rolled down in the other direction.

During this pounce, Lin Lan turned his back down and held the little golden-eyed loli in his arms to protect her tightly.

Until he fell to the ground, his first thought was that he could still run so fast...

You stinky girl, what are you doing here at the construction site? Do you know how dangerous the construction site is!

Lin Lan couldn't care less about the severe pain in his back that made his bones almost fall apart. He endured the pain and scolded the little loli who was lying on top of him, as if she had been frightened.

But you will protect me, won't you?

The beautiful little white-haired little loli in his arms looked at him blankly, then suddenly said with a bright smile.

Lin Lan was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

At this time, the workers and doormen who heard the noise rushed over.

Forest worker! Are you okay?

I'm fine, you guys take a look at this girl first...Eh? Where is the person?!

Lin Lan had just turned his head and was talking to the person running towards him, but he suddenly felt a lightness on his body, and the little white-haired lolita who was lying on him disappeared out of thin air!

The severe pain in his body also disappeared. If he hadn't been lying on the ground at this time and the steel bars beside him had not stopped rolling, he would have thought that everything just happened was just his imagination.

What girl, are you stunned by the steel bar or are you crazy about women?

After several workers and janitors dragged Lin Lan up from the ground, they confirmed that Lin Lan was not hit by the steel bar, and then they laughed and joked to Lin Lan.

But it was obviously you who called me here...

Lin Lan looked around in confusion, and indeed there was no trace of the little lolita with white hair and golden eyes, and the food that had just been spilled on the ground had also disappeared.

The guard he looked at looked confused, as if he didn't understand what he was talking about.

Lin Lan immediately took out his cell phone from his pocket to prove it, but found that there was indeed no call record in the cell phone.

This strange scene even made Lin Lan touch his head... and the helmet on his head to make sure that he had not been hit by the steel bar.

Forget it, maybe I'm just too tired. Which team called for lifting the steel bars? Hey, this is no longer an ordinary violation. I need to issue a big fine to make them remember!

Since there was really no evidence, Lin Lan had no choice but to keep it all in her heart and choose to ignore it.

After almost being hit by a steel bar, he immediately started to liquidate the person responsible for the accident with an angry tone.

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