Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 270 The great escape under the sea (2900 words)

On the screen was an outline map of the eastern and western continents of the United States of Oran, and four red crosses and a blue circle had appeared on the outline of the western continent.

On the outline of the eastern continent are two blue circles and a black and purple skull.

This is... forget it, don't worry about it anymore.

Lin Lan also knew that he could not waste time at this time, and the piercing sirens urged him to leave here quickly.

So after recording all the images on the screen in his mind, he quickly fled out the door.

After rushing out of the hall, what came into view was a long sealed corridor. The aisle lights above the corridor were all flashing red, which was extremely strange.

At this time, we have to rely on the wind element.

Since he didn't know where the exit was, Lin Lan could only use the power of a brave man to help him escape.

The exit must be ventilated anyway, regardless of whether there is a door or not, even if you find a window first.

After sensing the flow of wind elements, Lin Lan determined the direction and ran towards the right side of the corridor.

However, the siren guards he imagined he would encounter along the way did not appear, as if the entire stronghold was deserted.

He successfully ran to the end of the corridor, and a huge steel grid gate stood in front of him.

It's broken. Is this door so strong?

Lin Lan tried to attack the gate, but it was obvious that this gate was used to block roads, and its strength was obviously not comparable to that of the glass tank just now.

Just when he was at a loss and thinking about whether to escape in another direction, the hard gate slowly rose automatically.


Lin Lan looked at the rising gate and looked around to see if there were any cameras on the wall.

After all, it was such a coincidence that the gate was pulled up as soon as he got here.

But he couldn't find the monitoring equipment no matter how hard he searched, and time was running out, so he gritted his teeth, passed through the gate and moved on.

Soon, he came from the corridor to a tall and empty hall with black metal walls. In the center of the hall was a huge circular pool.

Parked at the edge of the water are a large number of Siren's mass-produced warships.

And on the ground around this circular pool, there were many people with their eyes closed...

So many game breakers and chess players, my dear!

Lin Lan took a breath. Ten figures of Game Breaker III and Chess Player III were waiting and sleeping here.

He had already seen the game breaker in Yunhai City, and the chess player was the executor of the Siren's aircraft carrier type, and the prototype of the ship's equipment was the sea anemone.

Like Gamebreakers, they exist in the game as elite enemies in difficult maps or map bosses in large-scale battles.

Lin Lan originally wanted to go back the same way, but when he looked back, it was just like the script in the bad street. The gate had fallen again, blocking his escape route.

So he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue walking into the hall, which was still flashing red lights, praying in his heart not to be discovered by this group of waiting executioners.

After arriving at the water's edge, Lin Lan looked at the water and found that the water was actually bottomless.

So he squatted down, put his right hand in the water, closed his eyes, and began to use the water element power of the brave to explore the underwater range.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes with surprise.

This is actually not a pool, but the docking area of ​​the Siren Sea Undersea Base, which ignores the water pressure and is directly connected to the sea floor of the outside world.

But here comes the problem. The hero's power allows him to hold his breath in the water for a longer period of time than ordinary people, but it is absolutely impossible for him to swim out of here with his physical body.

He must find a vehicle such as a submarine, otherwise he will have to face not only the water pressure on the seabed, but also what kind of sea monsters in the ocean may treat him as a snack.

That's right, a mass-produced submarine!

Lin Lan had an idea and looked at the large number of black Siren production models parked by the water.

As we all know, the mass-produced models used by ship girls in each camp are almost identical to the mass-produced sirens.

They are all products of Rubik's Cube technology, and they may also have automatic driving functions.

So Lin Lan immediately tiptoed toward these Siren mass-production fleets, and he had to pass between the waiting Game Breakers and the Players.

Since the ground area beside this circular water surface is very narrow, when Lin Lan passed through, the bodies of the game breaker and chess player in the standby state were almost close to each other.

He could even clearly see their eyelashes and white hair.

In addition to finding that the appearance and figure of these executors were first-rate, Lin Lan's heart almost rose to his throat, and he did not even dare to take a breath.

Fortunately, it was not until he successfully arrived at the mass-produced fleet that the group of executors were still waiting with their eyes closed. Lin Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he quickly found the Siren's mass-produced submarine formation and jumped directly onto the bow deck of a black mass-produced submarine.

After taking a few steps across the front of the deck, he quickly climbed onto the raised hatch in the middle of the deck, grabbed the handle outside the hatch with both hands and pulled, successfully opening the hatch.

Is it going so smoothly? It feels weird. It's a little too smooth.

Lin Lan looked at the interior of the Siren mass-produced submarine after opening the hatch. After hesitating for a moment, he got in, closed the hatch again, and confirmed that it was closed tightly.

The internal space of a mass-produced submarine is very narrow, but because of this, Lin Lan quickly found the driving platform.

I hope that even if Siren's mass-produced submarine does not have automatic driving, manual operation will be easier than driving a real submarine. Otherwise, I really won't be able to drive a submarine...

After all, Lin Lan had never driven a real submarine, let alone a mass-produced submarine manufactured by Rubik's Cube Technology.

But as soon as he sat on the seat in front of the driving platform, a wide and long transparent screen appeared in front of him as if the electronic system was activated.

Manual driving/automatic navigation, please confirm.

Black fonts appeared on the screen, making Lin Lan look at it for a moment.

Is this so intelligent?

Lin Lan clicked on the automatic navigation option on the screen, and then felt the whole space tremble slightly, and there was a buzzing sound.

After the screen went black for a short time, the view directly in front of the submarine appeared.

It's broken. Where is his autopilot going?

Lin Lan stayed for a moment, watching the submarine slowly dive into the water, and then quickly tried to find the button on the driving platform to modify the automatic navigation destination.

But no matter which button he pressed, he couldn't find the function to change the destination.

So he could only watch as the Siren mass-produced Type III submarine dived into the water with a purple light and automatically sailed to the outside world along the underwater passage.

Forget it, we can only wait until it sails close to the sea and then find a chance to escape.

Lin Lan continued to try pressing the buttons on the operating platform to no avail, and had no choice but to give up.

He just hoped that the autonomous navigation route would be closer to the mainland, otherwise he would be doomed in the vast ocean.


Ten minutes after Lin Lan left in the Siren mass-produced submarine, the sirens and red lights in the Siren underwater stronghold returned to calm.

In the command center room of the Siren stronghold, a girl with short white hair and golden eyes wearing a white gothic nightgown controlled the complex equipment in front of her expressionlessly.

It is the high-level siren of the experimental facility - the builder.

A large amount of equipment data and monitoring interfaces in red font passed on the screen in front of her, including the surveillance video interface of Lin Lan running from the corridor to the Siren waiting hall.

It's just that the builder completely ignored it and allowed it to continue to pass as if he didn't see it.

Just when all the data had completely passed away and the builder breathed a sigh of relief, a young and tender voice with a smile suddenly came from her ears:

Hehehe, I have seen all of this~


When the builder heard this voice, a hint of shock finally appeared on his originally expressionless white face.

She immediately wanted to turn around, but found that her body seemed to no longer belong to her, and she could not move at all.

While I was going to deal with the singularity, you not only let him go, but you also specially prepared a mass-produced submarine and gave him piloting authority.

You disobeyed my orders, modified the data of 'Laplace Demon' privately, and directly broke through the set thinking given to you by the host. It really shocked me.

The observer's body slowly emerged from the void, and her golden eyes were like two bright lights in the dim environment.

She smiled charmingly, walked behind the builder who couldn't move, raised her hands and rubbed the back of the builder's white neck, and then gently pinched the builder's pink cheeks.

At this time, the builder found that he could still speak, so he opened his mouth and asked coldly:

Why did you come back so quickly? According to the data, you should have returned at least 34 hours and 21 minutes later.

The observer chuckled and replied:

Because I deliberately made fake data to deceive you. The singularity was not generated at all. I have already begun to doubt you. You are still too young~

The builder who got the answer sighed softly and slowly closed his eyes, seeming to accept his fate.

The observer seemed dissatisfied with the builder's dull response, so he continued to smile provocatively:

As someone who also has high-level permissions on the host, you must know how the host will deal with abnormal sub-individuals, right?


The builder still closed her eyes tightly and spoke calmly, as if everything that was going to happen next had nothing to do with her.

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