Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 272 Heading to the Military Base

Although Lin Lan still had a lot of questions to ask, when he smelled the delicious fish soup, his stomach was already growling unsatisfactorily.

The four oil field workers were also very enthusiastic and just let Lin Lan eat from the basin without having to ask them for details.

While drinking soup and eating fish, Lin Lan also roughly understood the identities of these four people.

The man who rescued him from the sea before was Lao Li, the other two uncles were Lao Zhao and Lao Qian, and the young man who finally brought him fish soup was Xiao Wu.

Lao Li is a veteran worker who has worked here for more than 20 years, and the other three are dispatch workers who were deceived by the Noah Deshin Consortium.

Originally, Lao Zhao, Lao Qian and Xiao Wu were all desperate for the dangerous seaside job. Lao Li was also worried that he would be laid off at any time as he got older.

They dare not speak out when they are angry at these two large consortiums.

But the appearance of the shipgirls some time ago changed everything.

Xiao Wu, your contract has been changed, right? Isn't it a dispatch worker?

While Lin Lan devoured the rice, he continued to listen to the daily conversation of the four people with his ears raised.

Hey, that's not true. The ship ladies do things vigorously and resolutely. How dare those bullies say no?

It's really good. Several of my brothers have also been converted into formal contracts. All the benefits they were supposed to have have been made up for. I no longer have to worry about being deducted from their money.

Look at your achievements. You only saw the cancellation of the blind deduction clause and supplemented the benefits that should have been there. You didn't see that your wages will increase with the length of service in the future, and you will even receive free treatment for work-related injuries. ?

When the three of them heard Lao Li's reminder, they immediately cheered:

Long live the ship girls! That's great!

At this time, Lin Lan also finished a bowl full of fish soup and fish meat, breathed a sigh of relief, and joined the four people's joyful conversation with a smile:

Congratulations to you, good times have come. That Gou Ilya and Noah Deshin are really nothing. They should have been dealt with harshly a long time ago.

Speaking of which, have you ever seen those ship girls who stand up for you?

It is undoubtedly something to be proud of when one's joy is recognized and congratulated by others. These four simple oil field workers now regard Lin Lan as one of their own.

Lao Li smiled and replied to Lin Lan:

Of course I have. The Ship Girls have now occupied the Xinyang Artificial Island, Gou Ilia's home base, and their base has also been built nearby.

Every morning we can see them patrolling the nearby sea, and from time to time there will be carrier-based aircraft flying over from the sky, which gives us a sense of security.

Originally, Lin Lan was not sure that the Lady Ship Lady these four people were talking about was the White Eagle Ship Lady in his port area.

But after hearing about the occupation of the artificial island of Goiliya and the construction of a base, he was almost 100% sure that the ship girls mentioned by these people were his White Eagle ship girls.

Then what he has to do next is very clear. He first goes to the White Eagle base closest to here, and then informs the Iron-Blooded camp that he has escaped from the Sirens.

I'm afraid I have to go to their base soon. How far is their base from here?

Oh, yes, you are the commander. You must have some information and you must hurry up and report it. It is not good to waste time...

After hearing what Lin Lan said, Lao Li was also very considerate. After thinking for a moment, he said to Lin Lan:

In this case, Commander, if you are in good health, I will ask Xiao Wu to drive a speedboat to the outside of the base for you. You will be there in ten minutes.

You can go into the base by yourself then, and we won't waste your time anymore.

Xiao Wu on the side proudly puffed up his chest and took off his coat, revealing his strong muscles that were tanned by the sun:

Commander, even though I'm about the same age as you, I won first place in the Anna City Speedboat Competition, don't worry!

That's great, thank you all workers!

Seeing how enthusiastic these workers were, even Lin Lan couldn't help but be deeply moved by their kindness.

Although he also wanted to thank these people, he was now penniless and even his mobile phone had long been lost.

So in the end, he could only express his gratitude in words and get ready to leave immediately.

After solemnly saying goodbye to Lao Li, Lao Zhao and Lao Qian, Lin Lan followed Xiao Wu out of the dormitory and walked towards the seaside.

Lin Lan also used this time to see the entire oil field clearly.

The hum of machines he heard when he woke up just now was the sound made by dozens of kowtow machines on this beach, which are equipment for extracting underground oil.

Many Goyilia workers wearing yellow jackets and hard hats are supervising the operation of the equipment next to these kowtow machines, and several tank trucks are also loading crude oil.

There are three or four large cargo ships parked at the dock on the coast. They look like oil tankers for long-distance transportation.

Lin Lan also found that these workers were very motivated at work, with smiles on their faces. They were completely different from the oppressed workers in the Eastern Continent that he had heard about before.

I'm afraid it's because the White Eagle Ship Girls ordered the consortium to make some reforms to their contracts and salaries.

The specific situation will have to wait until he goes to the base and reunites with the ship girls.

Anyway, it seems that these workers are living a very happy life at present, and they have no complaints at all even about doing such heavy work.

Soon he and Xiao Wu boarded a small speedboat at the dock. After starting the speedboat, Xiao Wu also controlled the direction while smiling at Lin Lan and said:

Commander, when you go to the base and meet the ship girls, you must convey to them that we are all very grateful to them.

That's natural, and I will definitely convey it.

Lin Lan replied with a smile, but he was also thinking about which White Eagle ship girls he would meet in a while.

As we all know, the number of White Eagle Ship Girls in his port area is at least nearly double that of Iron-Blooded Ship Girls.

Like Saratoga or New Jersey, they must be on the Xin Yang artificial island, which should be quite far away from here.

Well, no matter what, he was looking forward to it.

Lin Lan asked Xiao Wu the time. It was after three in the afternoon.

The sun in the sky is very warm on my body, and the sea breeze blowing from the speedboat does not feel chilly at all on my cheeks.

This is the climate difference between the eastern and western continents of the United States of Oran.

When winter comes in the Western Continent, there will be heavy snowfall, and even the sea will freeze, making it difficult to sail.

Although the Eastern Continent can also snow in late winter, winter has just begun and it is much warmer than the Western Continent.

It is said that the Liaozhou Islands are like spring all year round and there is no obvious climate change. This will only be known after he goes there.

Their speedboat was not very far from the land. It could be said that it drove along the coast. Soon Lin Lan saw a flat area protruding from the land ahead.

From a distance, he could still see that this flat area had walls, three- and four-story houses, and shore defense sentry guns and other facilities.

Not to mention, looking from a distance, it really looked like the photos of the White Eagle Military Base he saw on Blue Star.

Commander, I am approaching the shore. If we go further, we will block the sea area.

Under Xiao Wu's introduction, the two's speedboat also approached the coast.

Lin Lan was the first to jump off the speedboat and step into the shallow sea.

Thank you again. I really have nothing to repay you with, hey.

Lin Lan, who was stepping in the seawater, said with an apologetic smile to Xiao Wu on the speedboat.

Hey, Commander, please don't be polite. The Navy Department and the ship ladies can protect our safety, which is the best reward. Then I will go back!

After waving goodbye to the young oil field worker, Lin Lan turned around and stepped on the sea water alone towards the beach.

It was only a short ten-minute walk from here to the military base ahead, but Lin Lan felt more and more excited for no reason.

I wonder who the White Eagle Ship Girl will be the first I see?

Are they having a good time here? Are they worried about me?

How should I explain to them how I got here?

One question after another popped up in Lin Lan's mind, causing him to speed up and walk towards the White Eagle Military Base.

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