Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 282 Siren’s carrier-based aircraft fleet disappeared like snowflakes

After breakfast, Kedi took the sea knights to the sea and deployed their ship equipment to protect the surroundings. Independence and Fearless also released carrier-based aircraft for reconnaissance.

Since they did not take a normal route, the surrounding sea was empty and not a single merchant ship or passenger ship was seen.

If Saratoga asks you to return to the headquarters, will your companions from other military bases also have to return to the headquarters during this time?

Lin Lan sat on the sofa in the cabin, stroking the sleeping little head of Lafite, while flipping through the comics and magazines that Columbia and Denver had left for him on the table.

He asked casually to South Dakota, who was sitting next to him.

That's for sure. When everyone comes back, we can go back to the old port area with the commander.

South Dakota perfectly fulfilled the tasks given to her by Saratoga, her eyes always fixed on Lin Lan.

Before, Enterprise and the others originally planned to go to the Western Continent and come to the Iron-Blooded Camp to assist you, but they encountered the blockade of the arbitration agency halfway and had to turn back.

What did you say? The company has encountered an arbitration agency, which one is it?

When Lin Lan heard this term, he immediately became alert.

Helena meta also mentioned to him before that the arbitration agency expelled all his meta ship girls from this world.

Although they are both sirens, the Arbitration Agency and the Experimental Agency are different. They are departments responsible for combat. Their strong strength can be seen in the large-scale monthly difficult battles in the game.

It's Stelenkus, but don't worry, Commander. According to the company, Stelenkus didn't have much hostility towards them. Instead, he took action to destroy the testers.

What South Dakota said made Lin Lan fall into deep thought.

Arbiter Strenkus VII, of course he remembered the black-skinned and silver-haired arbiter.

As a heavy cruiser type, in addition to the terrifying ship-mounted main gun attack, it also has the terrifying ability to control gravity. The most important thing is that in the game, the true strength of the Arbitration Agency has not been fully demonstrated.

Why would the arbitration body take action against testers...

South Dakota was not a ship girl who liked to joke around, so it was difficult for Lin Lan to understand that there would be internal strife between the two major agencies.

And why did the other party prevent the White Eagle Ship girls from going to the Western Continent?

Lin Lan really couldn't figure out the motivations of the arbitration organization in this world. After all, he had too little information.

The only thing that is certain is what Helena meta told him. The Arbitration Agency has an obsession with meta ship girls, and will immediately attack them once they notice it.

In the past, the meta ship girls in his port area only separated in order to search for him all over the world, giving the arbitration agency the opportunity to defeat them one by one.

If he wants to protect the meta ship girls in the future, he will definitely fight with the arbitration agency.

Forget it, the internal strife in the Sirens is also good news for us at the moment. We still need to get all the camps back to the port area before we can have the strength to challenge the arbitration agency.

Lin Lan came to a conclusion after thinking for a while.

Although the Arbitration Agency has not fully demonstrated its strength in the game, it has now broken the game restriction of having to use four teams of ship girls to fight against the Arbitration Agency.

When the time comes for him to really fight, he will use ship and sea tactics, and the arbitration agency may not necessarily be his opponent in the port area.

So the top priority is to get all the camps back first.

Most of the day passed like this.

The Siren fleet that Lin Lan imagined was coming did not appear. Instead, Ke and others sank many mass-produced Siren I models along the way.

At the same time, while crossing the route, Kedi and others also rescued two long-distance passenger ships that were besieged by the Siren Executor I type.

Lin Lan quite agrees with this kind of behavior of saving people from fire and water - not because the two passenger ships are printed with the Tianou Group's logo.

However, after seeing the two passenger ships, Lin Lan also realized that he should quickly get a mobile phone when he arrived at the Xinyang artificial island.

He also has to use his status as a behind-the-scenes director of the Tianou Group to cause trouble for the Tianxing Consortium in the Eastern Continent.

He is still much more familiar with the Eastern Continent than the Western Continent. After all, he spent his first year at Hongye Naval Academy in the Eastern Continent after traveling.

Watching the sun gradually set over the sea, Lin Lan couldn't help but recall his previous year in the Eastern Continent.

Xinyang City is not far from Hongye City, where the Naval Academy is located.

It was now the end of the year, and Lin Lan calculated the time carefully. If he waited in the Eastern Continent until school started next year, he could even go to the college to attend a graduation ceremony.

After having an independently prepared dinner with everyone, the sea outside the ship was already shrouded in darkness.

Just when Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief and thought he could get through the day safely, a deafening explosion came from outside the cabin.

And this also officially announced that things would not go as he wanted.

Is this a main gun bombardment?

Lin Lan suddenly stood up from the sofa, and soon a fearless voice came from outside:

A large number of Siren III mass-produced models and Executor fleets were found on the side and rear! And...that's the Builder!

Lin Lan couldn't help but clenched her fists after hearing what Wuwei had discovered through carrier-based aircraft.

The Type III Siren Fleet plus the Builder, a Siren Fleet of this size, except for the time in Unkai City, has never taken action against Oran so far.

It would be a ghost if he didn't come for him.

Sure enough, it is impossible for the observer to let him go so easily.

Everyone! Join me on behalf of the moon and the commander to destroy the enemy! Lafite, you will follow South Dakota by the commander's side and protect the commander!

Under Benson's declaration of war, the four Benson-class girls left the cabin and unfolded their respective ship equipment.

Lin Lan also brought South Dakota and Lafite to the edge of mass-produced destroyers.

Under the starry sky, he could even see the flames of fire from the Siren fleet behind him, and the flames of battle with the carrier-based aircraft groups in the sky.

And even though they were so far apart in the night, Lin Lan could still see the fluorescent blue luster in the distance with his naked eyes.

It is undoubtedly the energy shield of the builder's huge ship.

He couldn't help but think of the memory of meeting the builder's eyes on the passenger ship.

Everyone should not be in love with fighting. Fight and then retreat.

Benson, you use torpedoes to block the path of the Siren Explorer III. Independently, you immediately send two carrier-based aircraft to conduct reconnaissance in the direction of the artificial island to ensure that we are not surrounded by the Siren fleet!

Hobi, after releasing the torpedoes, you also go directly in front of us and turn on the water detection. There will be no ambush from the Siren submarine fleet!

Lin Lan used the communicator handed to him by South Dakota to quickly issue orders to the girls on the White Eagle ship.

Independently received!

Hmph~ Leave it to Hobi!

Reminiscent of the fact that in the game, as the builder of a submarine carrier type, Lin Lan had to be fully prepared.

The number of fearless and independent carrier-based aircraft was obviously unable to outnumber the Siren fleet. Soon Lin Lan saw that the Siren's carrier-based aircraft had arrived in the night sky that he could see with the naked eye.

He could even imagine that a Siren carrier-based aircraft of this size could completely destroy a city in an instant.

But Lin Lan was not worried about the safety of himself and the White Eagle girls at all, because...

The distance is almost there, everyone listen to my orders! Fire!

As Cleveland gave instructions in a heroic voice over the communicator, the ear-trembling sound of artillery suddenly resounded across the sea.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

In an instant, the ships of the Sea Knights and the Benson-class Lolita hidden in the darkness on the sea all flashed with sparkling flames.

Their anti-aircraft guns opened fire.

A large number of dense anti-aircraft barrages were fired into the sky like flowing fire, and even the starry sky was obscured by the black clouds produced by the explosion of anti-aircraft shells.

For a moment, the Siren carrier-based aircraft groups in the sky disappeared like snowflakes, and they turned into balls of fire and fell to the sea under the baptism of anti-aircraft barrages.

In just a few breaths, the huge Siren carrier-based aircraft group had disappeared, leaving only a few scattered fish that had escaped the net and withdrew from the range of the anti-aircraft gunfire of Cleveland and others.

And the result was just as Lin Lan expected.

That's right, compared to the Iron-Blooded camp, which has weak air defense capabilities, the White Eagle camp's air defense capabilities are ranked second, and no other camp dares to be ranked first.

The Cleveland-class light cruiser Sea Knights, represented by Kedi, not only have excellent ship-mounted air defense panels, but also all members have [air defense mode] or other skills that increase air defense power.

After being equipped with the anti-aircraft gun golden round cake, the anti-aircraft attributes of each of them will reach an astonishing level.

Even South Dakota next to him also has extremely expensive air defense panels.

In front of the dense anti-aircraft barrage of all the White Eagle girls, if Siren could still have a carrier-based aircraft fly in and injure him, then Lin Lan felt that he would not have to run away tonight.

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