Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 286 Breaking through the blockade (celebrating 200,000 total orders and 3,000 words plus upd

Because he asked Lafite to slow down the speed of the mass-produced destroyer, the sound of gunfire from the siren chasing behind was gradually approaching.

The sound of his shipgirls' uniforms cutting through the waves rustled in his ears, and no one spoke except for the sound of firing.

But Lin Lan knew that the fate of his girls was entirely in his hands at this moment.

The two SB2C Helldivers continued to advance, and as time passed by, cold sweat oozed from Lin Lan's forehead and slid down his cheeks.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Commander, I will soon reach the limit of controlling the carrier-based aircraft.

The fearless voice rang in his ears, and the two SB2C Helldiver bombers had already flown to an unimaginable distance.

Let these two planes make an emergency landing on the sea.

Success or failure depended on this move. Lin Lan gave the order to Wuwei in a solemn tone.

Wuwei did not respond, but simply did as he was told.

Through the vision shared with Wuwei, Lin Lan could see that the height of the two bombers was getting lower and lower, and they were getting closer to the sea.

Lin Lan even held her breath, and the hand holding Wuwei's hand trembled slightly unconsciously.

But the next second, he felt the gentle touch of a delicate palm on the back of his hand.

Commander, don't be afraid, just do it bravely. Regardless of whether your plan succeeds or not, we will always be by your side and face everything with you.

Wuwei's gentle voice sounded in his ears, as if an invisible force had been injected into it, dispelling the tension and anxiety in Lin Lan's heart.

After his tense nerves were relieved, he nodded slightly and looked around the SB2C Helldiver with more concentration.

It is getting lower and lower, getting closer and closer to the sea.

Until the two bombers were flying and circling almost close to the sea, a production Siren was still not found.

It is certain that the surrounding sea surface is completely free of the microstratified mixture.

Lin Lan's lips finally curled into a smile.

It seems that he won the bet.

In his fearless arms, he raised his other hand and pointed it forward.

The portal, which was always ready for release, was slowly summoned and generated as he silently recited Gu Liaozhou's unfamiliar spell.

This, this is?!

Because Lin Lan closed his eyes tightly and focused on looking at the SB2C Hell dive bomber, he could not see what the portal looked like, and could only hear the exclamation from Wuwei's mouth.

But South Dakota, Lafite, and even Cleveland and others who were still blocking the Siren Enforcer fleet were all attracted by the dazzling white light.

I saw a scorching white light emanating from the back of Lin Lan's right hand, like a distorted space.

And these substantial lights slowly rotated regularly in front of Lin Lan and Wuwei, becoming more and more substantial until they formed a white vortex floating in the air.

Everyone, move towards this portal! There is only one minute, hurry!

Lin Lan's urgent voice sounded through the communicator in the ears of all the girls on the White Eagle ship.

Yes! Everyone, come here! Go through the... portal created by the commander! I'm here to cut off the queen for you!

All the White Eagle girls immediately started to take action. At the same time, South Dakota quickly jumped from the mass-produced destroyer to the sea, unfolded its huge battleship outfit and shouted loudly.


The South Dakota's main gun roared, and three large-caliber shells sprayed out, instantly shattering the two Chaser IIIs who were still trying to chase Birmingham at the rear of the formation.

The four little Lolita of the Benson class also directly threw out all the filled torpedoes without leaving a single one. After looking at Lin Lan who was held in Wuwei's arms with concern, they quickly rushed into the portal. Inside.

After all the Benson-level girls entered, Cleveland also led Montpelier and a group of independent sea knights to the portal, and entered the white vortex one by one.

Denver originally wanted to say a few flirty words while looking at this mysterious portal, but before she could speak, Biloxi pushed her directly in behind her.

After the mass-produced destroyers also entered, Lafite, South Dakota, and Wuwei, who held Lin Lan with his eyes tightly closed, also entered.

When everyone left, the white vortex quickly shrank into a white straight line and disappeared on the night sea as if it had never appeared before.

When Wuwei passed through the white vortex, he heard the cheers of Benson and other little lolita for a moment.

We broke through the siege! The commander's magic brought us all out!

Fearlessly looked around in surprise.

Sure enough, there was no trace of the sirens and micro-layered mixture on the surrounding sea surface. Only a strip of white-gray sea fog could be seen in the direction where they were fighting just now.

The commander actually brought everyone out of a desperate situation!

She immediately looked at Lin Lan in her arms and shouted excitedly:

Commander, commander, you can open your eyes now. Everyone has escaped successfully. Commander...commander?

Wuwei soon realized something was wrong. Lin Lan in her arms couldn't wake up no matter how much she shouted.

It seems that he has fallen into a coma.

Lin Lan's coma was quickly discovered by other ship girls. They stopped cheering and quickly gathered around.

I mean, the commander is not like a superhero, sacrificing his life force in exchange for the ability to let us escape...

Seeing the unconscious Lin Lan being held in Wuwei's hands, Denver covered his mouth, his pupils shrank and he spoke tremblingly.

If you stop being so cunning, Commander won't die!

Birmingham pinched Denver's waist hard, causing Denver to grin in pain.

But this ability is too cheating. How on earth is this done...

Put the commander on the mass-produced model first. Anyway, we have to speed up and join Saratoga and the others first. The siren will chase them at any time.

South Dakota said in a serious tone, and at the same time reminded everyone that it was not time to relax yet.

The Siren fleet is still behind them.

Just when everyone's original joy was washed away by Lin Lan's coma, they were ready to move on.

Lin Lan, who was being carried by the fearless princess and heading towards the mass-produced destroyer, opened her eyes in a daze. long have I been sleeping?

Lin Lan had actually expected that he would fall into a coma, because this cheating positioning and teleportation skill would consume his mental energy by a percentage.

With such a long teleportation distance, his mental energy was almost 100% consumed, and it was almost certain that he would fall into a coma due to mental exhaustion.

However, Lin Lan was not worried about any permanent damage this would cause to him, because he had already maxed out the passive skills to restore his mental power.

Don't ask, asking means you can do whatever you want by cheating with the Mind Cube.

But he only had time to clearly see the concerned face of the girl in front of him and her beautiful pair of lake-blue eyes, when a fearless and joyful exclamation came from his ears.

Commander! I'm so glad you're okay!

The next second, Lin Lan felt himself being held tightly in the girl's soft and warm embrace.

Commander is awake?! Really or not! Commander, commander!

Hearing Wuwei's exclamation, all the White Eagle ship girls came closer with great joy.

I almost died from overwork just now. Did everyone escape successfully?

As soon as Lin Lan, who was hugged tightly by Wuwei, said the words, she knew that what she was asking was an idiot.

Because he had already seen all the girls from his White Eagle ship appearing beside him.

The micro-layered mixture in front of me had disappeared, and all around was the empty sea under the bright stars, and the sound of artillery fire had stopped.

Naturally, they had successfully broken out of the sirens' encirclement.

Seeing that even the always strong and optimistic Ke's father had tears in his eyes, Lin Lan couldn't help but smile weakly and joked:

Don't worry, I'm not like a superhero who will overdraw his life if I use this power, hahaha.

Huh? Commander, did you just hear what I said?

Denver, who had tears of excitement in his eyes, opened his mouth wide and was stunned when he heard that the commander could actually complain about the same content as her.

Ha ha ha ha!

Seeing Denver's dull look, all the White Eagle girls laughed relaxedly, and even South Dakota and Lafite had smiles on their faces.

Even though Lin Lan didn't know what was going on, he couldn't help but laugh when he saw the relaxed smiles of the girls on his ship.

After all, they had fought on such a severe battlefield before, and now that they had finally passed through the siren's blockade, they naturally had to use a smile to relax their tense nerves.

Just when everyone thought they had completely escaped from the Siren's pursuit, a low humming sound faintly sounded in the night sky.

This low buzzing sound was like tens of thousands of bees flapping their wings at the same time, making people feel as if their organs were being vibrated and painful.

Lin Lan immediately followed the sound and looked toward the sky above the sea ahead.

Under the shining stars, a dark cloud is approaching here.

And when he took a closer look, he saw that there were no dark clouds here. They were clearly a fleet of carrier-based aircraft covering the sky and the sun!

No, it's the Siren's carrier-based aircraft! The builder actually has so many fleets blocking the front?!

After seeing clearly what the dark cloud was, Lin Lan turned pale instantly, and the joy he had just felt was instantly swallowed up by despair.

A Siren carrier-based aircraft of this size cannot be completely wiped out even if all the ship girls around him trigger their air defense skills.

And a carrier-based aircraft group of this size also means that there is definitely an entire super-large Siren fleet heading towards them ahead!

Everyone deploys anti-aircraft formation! Protect the commander to the death!

Under Cleveland's loud orders, all the ship girls dispersed and pointed the ship's anti-aircraft guns at the sky.

Even if they die, they must guard the commander.

But just as everyone was watching the carrier-based aircraft group covering the night sky getting closer and closer as if facing a formidable enemy, both Fearless and Independent released the last carrier-based aircraft in the hangar and prepared to fight to the death.

South Dakota seemed to have seen something unbelievable, and unexpectedly rubbed her yellow eyes.

Wait a minute, this is not the Siren's carrier-based aircraft group...

This, this is our White Eagle aviation formation!!!

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