Dr. Aosta, hahaha, long time no see. This is the detailed list of funds and the list of energy cubes we have approved for you this time. Please sign here.

Okay, I wonder why you have time to come to such a remote Somers Island in person. Your Ocean Federation military must be very busy recently, right?

Haha, it's actually not bad. The main reason is that the Forward Front has been messing around again recently... Ah, thank you. Doctor, is this the rumored artificial intelligence weapon ANTI-X? It's so beautiful. It's fundamentally different from the rumors outside. It's difficult. To imagine that such a cute girl could have more power than our most advanced warships.

Excellent. Her name is Builder. She is my latest machine. The language module has not been completed yet. The ANTI-X who received you outside before is called Zero, and she is the original ANTI-X.

Huh?! Wait, isn't this girl the same person as the one outside?

Hahaha, do you think they are similar? It seems that the next time you design a tester, you should consider adding some different elements to distinguish them.

Hey, then I suggest you become a girl with long legs. This will not only make you more stylish, but also effectively improve the morale of our army.

Ahem, does the military really require this?

Hahaha, doctor, I'm joking, don't take it seriously.

I don't know how much time passed, but Lin Lan finally gradually regained consciousness.

It's just that his eyelids are very thick and he can't even simply open his eyes.

The surroundings were very quiet. Except for the faint chirping of birds, which told him that it was morning, he had no idea how long he had slept.

I should have arrived at the Xinyang artificial island, right? What were those conversations just now?

Lin Lan first sorted out the memories before he fell into coma, remembering the girls he saw on his White Eagle ship at the last moment.

But what are those language fragments just now?

Dr. Aosta…

Lin Lan always felt that it was very familiar, but couldn't remember anything for a while.

But he clearly heard the other party talking about builders and testers, and even zero.

Sure enough, I was recently given PTSD by a siren. Can I even dream about the siren?

Lin Lan wanted to smile bitterly, but he couldn't even smile in this state.

Think about it carefully, how many times has this been the first time you woke up from a coma after traveling through time?

In his memories, he soon felt his strength gradually reviving, and he finally gained control of his body.

He finally had the strength to open his eyes.

Slowly raising his eyelids, Lin Lan vaguely saw the pale yellow light and the unfamiliar white ceiling.

He could confirm that this was not the cabin of a mass-produced ship, and it must have arrived at the Xinyang artificial island.


But before he could turn his head and look at his surroundings, a young woman's voice with a vibrato sounded beside him.

The next second, a heroic face that he was very familiar with suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

Her long silver hair, purple crystal-like eyes, and that classic white off-shoulder shirt.

Lin Lan recognized this heroic ship girl almost instantly.

Enterprise...Long time no see.

Lin Lan forced himself up, squeezed out a smile from the corner of his mouth, and softly called out the name of this heroic silver-haired shipgirl who covered her mouth with both hands and had distress written all over her face.

That's right, the first thing that appeared in front of him when he woke up was Bai Ying's real God of War, Chong Ying's nightmare.

Gray Ghost, Queen of the Pacific, CV-6 Enterprise, who was awarded twenty battle stars.

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment when he looked at this silver-haired ship girl who had joined the port area since he was a freshman and spent almost all of his time in his main formation until he graduated and traveled through time.

Because he really likes the company so much, it can even be said that he has been in love with this silver-haired heroic ship girl since before the game was launched.

He originally chose to pre-order the game because he saw the handsome poster of a company drawing a bow in a promotional poster before the game was launched.

Countless times when he encountered difficulties in life, he would open the game and look at the company's portrait with a confident smile.

Reminiscent of the times in history when companies made a comeback in such a desperate situation, were not knocked down by war, and won the final victory, Lin Lan would get inspiration from it.

When the company's favor towards him reached the level of love, he saw that this Pacific Queen was so strong that she actually told him that she was willing to follow him after the war was over and let him take her with her.

Thinking of how the company lost its eldest sister York City and its younger sister Bumblebee in the war, and then alone took up the responsibility of White Eagle, and was finally dismantled by Blue Star's White Eagle after victory in the war...

Lin Lan immediately broke through the defense at that time.

Vow rings, arrange now!

The new look is out, buy it now!

Graduation equipment, all are given priority to enterprises to experience!

It can be said that Lin Lan almost achieved what he could do as a commander, giving everything he could to the heroic silver-haired ship girl in front of him.

Although he is very kind to every ship girl, he also loves every ship girl deeply.

But he undoubtedly invests the most time and emotion in the enterprise.

But at this moment, he looked at the company and felt a little guilty in his heart.

Thinking that after inexplicably traveling through time, the Enterprise had been looking for him for so long, and even fell into a coma again, the Enterprise and the other White Eagle ship girls were worried...

Commander, don't say anything yet. I'm going to get you the porridge that the Kitchen Goddess has just cooked. Commander, wait for me for a while! I'll be back to feed you right away!

The keen enterprise saw that Lin Lan spoke in a very weak tone and couldn't even speak for a long time.

So the silver-haired heroic ship girl wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and gently reached out to caress his cheek.

After leaning down and saying all this in his ear with a gentle tone, Enterprise stood up and left as quickly as a gust of wind.

“With such vigorous and resolute actions, we are truly worthy of being an enterprise.”

Lin Lan smiled weakly as he listened to the company's footsteps disappearing.

But speaking of the Kitchen Goddess... the porridge she cooks seems to be something we can really look forward to.

The Kitchen Goddess is the maintenance ship of the White Eagle camp. She once served as the company's exclusive nanny, and created a story of fighting and repairing the company at the most difficult moment of the war against Chongqing.

And Lin Lan also remembered that the female kitchen goddess who became the ship's wife in the game was not only a gentle, childlike and big-breasted girl with the attributes of a doctor, but also an excellent cook who lived up to her name.

When he first entered the industry, he always fantasized about being able to eat food cooked by the Kitchen Goddess one day, but he didn't expect that it would actually come true now.

Lin Lan turned his head and began to take stock of his current environment.

He was now in a clean and tidy bedroom, lying on a white bed with a quilt covering him.

There is a silver iron shelf next to the bed on his right hand, with a hanging bottle hanging on it. The infusion tube is connected to his right hand, and the dripping pot is dripping with transparent liquid.

Good guy, you are truly worthy of being part of the White Eagle camp. You actually have such professional medical care?!

Lin Lan couldn't help but feel surprised when she saw that she was actually being dragged into the water, and secretly complained.

He thought that ship girls wouldn't get sick and wouldn't have these medical facilities.

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