Lin Lan, who was holding Eldridge, heard the familiar voice and already guessed who was coming.

As the voice fell, a lavender long-haired ship girl walked out carelessly, wearing a one-piece black stockings and white handbag that outlined her tall and perfect figure, and a handsome large silver-white navy windbreaker over her shoulders.

This tall and sexy ship girl first saw the three sisters from York City, Anchorage and Baltimore who were looking towards her. Her handsome face was full of surprise.

Why is it that everyone is here? She was just discussing work with Saratoga, but she didn't hear Saratoga say there was a meeting today.

Then the next second, her eyes were attracted by the back of the young man who bent down and put down the little lolita that no one usually dared to touch, and the expression on his face instantly froze.

Could it be that……

"New Jersey, the commander is back."

After Eldridge was put down by Lin Lan, he just finished speaking to the ship girl who strode over.

Lin Lan straightened up, and before he could turn around to look at the famous White Eagle Battleship New Jersey, he was hugged fiercely from behind.

"Honey~ Have you finally woken up? I just said that when I woke up today, my heartbeat kept speeding up. I knew you were definitely fine!"

Feeling the soft touch from behind, Lin Lan, who was hugged tightly by New Jersey, slowly turned around.

He was just about to hold the battleship girl who had been waiting for him for so long in his arms, but the voice from New Jersey came:

"Honey, open your mouth~"

Before Lin Lan could see New Jersey's face clearly, she felt her mouth wet.


He was actually forcibly kissed in public by New Jersey!

Anchorage on the side met Lin Lan's lips in New Jersey. Baltimore, who was anticipating what would happen, reached out from behind to cover his eyes.

"Huh? What, it's dark?"

"Ahem, the commander is whispering to New Jersey. It's not convenient for us to see."

"New Jersey sister, teacher, whispered? But, Anchorage, didn't hear it, the voice..."

"Well, their whispers are the kind that don't require words."

Baltimore said to Anchorage with a blushing face.

This kind of thing is too early for Anchorage. Why is New Jersey so impatient that it forgets that there are real children here.

"Yes, whispering is not appropriate for children~"

When Bumblebee saw the commander being kissed tightly by New Jersey, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly and he repeated Baltimore's words.

If she had known that the commander was so undefended, she should have taken the lead just now.

What a mistake, what a mistake!

Although Enterprise didn't say anything, he looked away with the same rosy face.

Only York City seemed to have expected this, and his expression remained unchanged as he still looked at the two people in front of him with a gentle smile.

But in her lake-blue eyes, she seemed to be planning some plan.

After a long time, New Jersey let go of Lin Lan. With a sweet and happy smile on his face, he looked at Lin Lan who was also as red as an apple and said with a smile:

"Honey, how are you? Do you feel the longing for New Jersey?"

"I feel it. I feel relieved when I see you are still so enthusiastic..."

Lin Lan was stared at by New Jersey's star-blue eyes, and she wiped her mouth and said guiltily.

New Jersey, as the powerful White Eagle battleship girl who replaced her eldest brother, the once royal Prince of Wales, she is not ordinary enthusiastic about the commander.

In the game setting, this enthusiastic but powerful elder sister met him once at the Naval Academy before serving in the army.

To put it simply, it is actually installed and has full favorability. Compared with the commander-controlled Blücher, which comes with full favorability, it can be said that it is not bad at all.

Although this is a game setting, no matter what, New Jersey's overflowing love for him is real.

Who wouldn't like a strong and beautiful ship girl who has a direct affection for you?

And although New Jersey looks like a handsome royal sister, Lin Lan knows that this hot-bodied New Jersey has a surprisingly lively personality.

Whether organizing parties to liven up the atmosphere on weekdays or directing operations on the battlefield, New Jersey is always the most eye-catching and bright protagonist.

And when Lin Lan laid his eyes on New Jersey's sexy outfit, he remembered something very interesting again.

There is a blue player in New Jersey who is well known by his nickname, but it is not so elegant.

The New Jersey one-piece black stockings, when paired with the white combat uniform skirt at the navel, looks like a very, um, shameful pattern from a distance.

In addition, after the New Jersey summon ship outfit, she will have a mechanical decoration on her forehead that looks like bunny ears, and her first outfit change will be a bunny girl style.

This is where the famous nickname comes from.

In addition, the actions of the Q-version villain in New Jersey in the game are also very magical and funny, and have been made into various interesting emoticons by many players.

Of course, in terms of the popularity of the emoji, New Jersey is far inferior to a certain heavyweight pseudo-maid in the royal camp who also has an innate affection for the commander.

"New Jersey, the commander has just woken up a while ago and is still relatively weak. Is Sara here now? He has something urgent to do with Sara."

After seeing the two of them getting intimate, York City came over and said with a gentle smile.

After hearing York City's words, New Jersey smiled brightly:

"The Iron Blood just sent a communication asking about the commander's situation. Sarah is talking to Bismarck."

After saying that, New Jersey looked at Lin Lan who was surprised after hearing what she said, and stretched out his hand to gently knead Lin Lan's face.

"Honey, you came at the right time. Come with me to give Saratoga and Bismarck a big surprise~"

Lin Lan smiled and nodded. It was indeed New Jersey. He could see at a glance what he was most worried about now.

"Then Commander, we will wait for you here. Eldridge and Anchorage will accompany you in."

York City smiled and said to Eldridge and Anchorage on the side.

Anchorage had just been released from his eyes by Baltimore. He had no idea what had just happened and walked up to Lin Lan with a happy face.

Although Eldridge, who witnessed the whole process, had no expression on his face and walked to Lin Lan's side obediently, the blond hair on her head had turned into ////.

Seeing the two people who were tired of Lin Lan, New Jersey looked at Lin Lan with a smile and said:

"Let the two of them follow you from now on, so that observers won't attack you again~"

Lin Lan fully agrees with New Jersey’s decision.

Not to mention that Anchorage and Eldridge were both White Eagle shipgirls who needed his companionship and care the most.

Although Anchorage is as naive as a child, her combat effectiveness is truly at the top of the White Eagle front row ship girls.

Even in the face of the fierce offensive of the Arbitration Agency, Anchorage's powerful defensive skill [Hide and seek] smoke bombs can last for a long time.

Eldridge's exclusive skill [Rainbow Project], coupled with his superpowers, can protect him from achieving an effect similar to absolute defense in a short period of time.

In the previous game plot, Eldridge was sent by the White Eagle Ship girls to protect him, and even the command ship he was riding on could achieve complete defense.

With these two ship girls accompanying him, even if the Arbiter did make a surprise attack, Lin Lan would be sure to hold on until reinforcements arrived.

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