Bismarck, as I told you yesterday, you don't have to restrain your emotions in front of me. What I like is the real you, not the identity of the leader.

Looking at Lin Lan blankly, Bismarck was silent for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

It's really glib, but I will try my best.

It was the first time that Lin Lan saw Bismarck, who had always been serious, smiling so sweetly as if he had finally put down his burden.

At this moment, Lin Lan felt that the person standing in front of him was finally no longer the strict and serious iron-blooded flagship, but a real girl.

So is this the real Bismarck who has shed his iron-blooded leader shell?

Okay, Commander, please come with me to find Prince Eugen. I have to plan the next work of Iron Blood today, and time is tight.

Bismarck smiled and put down Lin Lan's hand. When Lin Lan wasn't paying attention, the next second...

Lin Lan was kissed gently on the mouth.

This time, Lin Lan was stunned.

Seeing Bismarck holding an empty plate and waving to him at the door of the room with a smile of successful conspiracy, he finally reacted and left the room with Bismarck with a smile.

In the corridor, when he was about to enter the central palace, Bismarck pointed to a closed wooden door, turned around and said to Lin Lan:

This is your office. Commander, I hope you and Eugen have a good time today.

Before Lin Lan could say goodbye, Bismarck seemed to remember something and whispered:

Please remember, if Eugen invites you to go drinking, don't go.

Hearing this, Lin Lan immediately remembered that Eugen didn't seem to be a good drinker.

Although he didn't drink to the point of being drunk, as long as Eugen drank a little alcohol, he would do things that are usually unimaginable.

This is not sensational. Lin Lan remembered that among the many costume changes he had bought for Eugen, only two of them were particularly impressive.

A black one-piece evening dress and a cherry-style kimono.

Although he had forgotten the names of these two costumes, through the voice of the costumes, Ogen's completely different tone from his usual personality made Lin Lan remember one thing deeply -

Eugen must not be allowed to drink.

After nodding in deep agreement, Lin Lan waved goodbye to Bismarck and came to the door of his office.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Lan squeezed the handle and pushed the door open.

Mein Schatz (honey), good morning~

The sound of the raunchy royal sister sounded. In the neat office, Prince Eugen, the heavy patrol officer with long silver hair and dull hair on his head, sat on the desk in front of the window and blew a kiss to Lin Lan.

Good morning, Eugen, congratulations on getting the MVP of the exercise.

Lin Lan walked into the office and came to Eugen to congratulate him.

Although he was attacked by Eugen in the restaurant yesterday, it was not until this moment that Lin Lan truly faced his favorite front-row casualty ship girl at close range.

The end of the silver bangs in front of her forehead is the iconic red hair of the Iron-Blooded Ship Girl. In addition to the silver hair hanging down her back, she also wore two twin ponytails with red metal hair accessories.

Eugen had a sly smile on his face and was also observing Lin Lan.

It's really weird to watch for so long. Commander can really change back to the time when we first met. It's incredible, hehehe~

Eugen stood up from the table, held the fingertips of his left hand in his mouth, and walked around Lin Lan to observe.

Don't ask me, I don't know why.

Lin Lan said he had no comment and sat on the chair behind the desk. He found that Eugen had already made a cup of mint tea for him, picked it up and drank it.

Haha, Commander, is there any work that I need to ask Eugen to do for you today?

Prince Eugen walked around the desk and walked straight to Lin Lan. With a smile on his face, he leaned down and said softly:

Just like you did when you were in the port area, it's okay to poke the secretary ship's oppa if you have nothing to do. After all, everyone is used to it~


Lin Lan almost squirted out all the tea in her mouth.

Is it possible that he was actually pointing fingers at the ship's lady on board the secretary ship, but actually he was actually manipulating her?

Then yesterday, so many ship girls fought so hard for the qualification of this secretary ship, could it be that they all knew that the secretary ship would be...

Lin Lan felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat. His favorite thing to do was to touch the secretary ship's special touch.

Especially the ship girls who have live2d costume changes, they are often persecuted by him as secretary ships.

Unfortunately, there is more than one skin for Prince Eugen's live2d.

Seeing Lin Lan's face turn red, Eugen said with a smile:

It seems that the commander has realized the mistakes he made before, but it doesn't matter. Who told my commander to be so lovable?

Lin Lan didn't listen to Eugen's words. He was still immersed in repentance for the past. He covered his face with his hands and wailed in pain:

It turns out that this is how I gained favor with the secretary ship. I must have been such a beast in the eyes of the ship girl I just met...

Okay, okay, my Lord Commander, all the ship girls in the first port area are now an old couple with you. We already know who you are.

Eugen laughed with great joy and stretched out his hand to touch Lin Lan's head:

It's just that those children who were expelled and submarined back then were so cute, but you were able to kill them...

That's enough, don't say any more! I'm guilty, I'm guilty!

Eugen's words hit Lin Lan even harder.

After waiting for a while, Lin Lan finally collapsed and accepted this reality.

After taking a deep breath to calm down, Lin Lan looked at Eugen and said seriously:

Eugen, I may leave the Iron-Blooded Fortress tomorrow and take up a new position in a new port area. As a secretary ship, I still need to make it clear to you.

Although Prince Eugen's character seems to be out of line, she is definitely a trustworthy and wise ship girl.

Therefore, Lin Lan decided to clarify his next plan with Eugen first and explain the reasons.

Bismarck has told all of us about this. Everyone already knows it.

Lin Lan was stunned and immediately realized that it was probably after he fell asleep last night that Bismarck made it clear to the other Iron-Blooded Ship girls the cause and effect of this incident.

Then what preparations do you think I should make today?

Lin Lan was ready to listen to Eugen's opinion.

Hehehe, Commander, my opinion is, come and visit the third floor of our Iron-Blooded Fortress today.


Lin Lan was confused, and before he could react, Eugen held his arm and pulled him up.

Come on, Commander, you'll find out when you come to the third floor. There are some good things, hehehe~

Looking at Eugen's bright smile, Lin Lan really couldn't refuse her invitation.

After all, he has never been to the third floor since he came to the Iron-Blooded Fortress.

According to Bismarck, the third floor is a library and entertainment area, as well as private rooms for some ship girls' personal hobbies.

There's no way he would be boarded if he went to the third floor, right?

Anyway, there was indeed no work for him to be responsible for at the moment, so Lin Lan let Eugen cling to his arm and lead him out of the room.

He still believed that with Eugen's wise and foolish character, he would not do anything meaningless.

The two took the suspended elevator to the third floor of the Iron-Blooded Fortress. As soon as they got off the elevator, Lin Lan felt at least a dozen eyes on him and Prince Eugen.

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